I was listening to Eldon Taylor on Coast to Coast AM recently and he made a revelation which fascinated me with his new research concerning Alzheimer patients, in recording them and reversing their speech they actually are communicating.
What I would like to explore is something I placed before a medical physician of the brain in that the soul / Spirit is the actual person and the brain is just a conduit for information transfer. She agreed that there was more to this than just brain electro chemical functions.
What I have progressed in this is that the pineal gland is the actual conduit which is the photon electro communications device which bridges the gap between the soul and the body.
The pineal is the phone which makes the call between the soul and brain so the message can be heard by the brain.
I have postulated that if a synthetic device could be created, a sort of refined electro magnetic recording device of soul thoughts that people like Terri Schiavo could have communicated.
Just because a hard drive or brain on a computer is damaged, does not mean that the person on the keyboard is dead.
This is why Eldon Taylor's research is so interesting in he has found the inner eye literally of communication. What I mean is the eye as you know sees things upside down, but the brain translates images as we see them.
In Alzheimers reverse speech is like in infants. We see as regression to childhood brain activity in speaking in reverse. All that is needed is to make universal translator which would record and auto reverse in playing back three times slowly to be the conduit for communication to nurses or family members
I personally believe from British research that much dementia is caused by "dirty water" or a prion like microbe people ingest during their life which affects the brain. The British medical community have shown that high intensity light reverses the effects of dementia.
For light to do this, this concludes that it must be some prion, fungus, algae which needs darkness to live, and that taken away the microbe dies and the brain swelling stops.
As an example it is now proven that moles are fungal. If one simply puts on apple cider vinegar on them, the mole will singe and the protective dark melanin which the fungus lives under dies. The mole falls off and it never returns.
The current research is a bridge to a world where it will be possible I believe to have people like Trig Palin, son of Todd and Sarah Palin, to be full members of society just by creating a synthetic bridge to the soul and assisting the brain to process information.
There is with new technology no reason that even brain makers a sort of pace maker like for the heart to assist the mind, could in this light communication wave frequency, transform these citizens to full functioning members of society.
It is common now to read about people in coma now being aware of their surroundings and awakening. The actor Burt Reynolds spoke of an event in his life on Tavis Smiley where such a happening was experienced by him.
My Aunt suffered such a fate and when she awoke, she knew the discussion on their going to Terri Schiavo her. She is alive and quite well for 3 years on in being termed "dead".
I believe this opens the door to many groundbreaking possibilities. It should be possible to jump start people's brains as hearts are jump started, but instead of massive electrical surge, as wave of energy, could push those in coma to awaken from that form of sleep.
Dementia brings a child process again. When we can bridge the gap, humanity is going to be able to live and progress beyond what only a program like Star Trek imagined.
Imagine being able to use the process I noted to quickly meld the soul and mind to a computer "teacher" where instant knowledge could be imprinted into the mind. I actually term this INTERPHASE and it mankind is now on the cusp of this new world.
It would revolutionize schooling in children and adults could simply "plug in" to a mainframe and learn all the necessary information and ability, and then simply in repeat ability learn the mathematical to woodworking functions all to promote an Edison genius which would progress all for the betterment of mankind.
Consider even this possibility in known psychopaths, might be able to have interphased into them "humanity" or that caring human quality which is missing that causes them to rape and murder, as in the Ted Bundy types. What if in this process a treatment could be provided which would give an over ride as is normal in normal people, that pedophiles would feel the pain they inflict and remorse, which would stop them from attacking children.
These criminals would be imprisoned in their own minds with the same societal codes which all people are jailed by in not destroying others.
The psychological aspects of this for good and the advancement of humanity are profound, but likewise this same technology could be used to brainwash voters as Obama and his demons did, because that is the same functioning principle, and as one can see it does work on deluded minds and souls not being led by God's Holy Ghost.
With those few thoughts I close and bid you a God's Day.