Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Coup

While the world was looking at Barack Obama in his State of the Union, a very interesting happening happened as this blog had predicted long ago.
Hillary Clinton not only did not show up at the State of the Union, but instead was acting Foreign Policy President in a major meeting in England.

Hillary Clinton did indeed show up in absentia though on PBS with Tavis Smiley who revealed in an hour long Hillary For President Commercial, that Hamrod has had Tavis trailing along behind her filming her every move SINCE THE DAY SHE TOOK OFFICE.

In translation, Hillary Clinton does not release Dreams of my Obama books, but instead utilizes a black Tavis Smiley liberal as her spokesman in a very Clinton coup against Barack Hussein Obama.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are carrying out the very Bobby Kennedy coup against Lyndon Johnson, which this very blog noted would happen as Obama's blacklash builds against him. Hillary Clinton can play the loyal, accomplished, foreign President, while the GOP and now Congressional Democrats will be fragmenting the national socialist regime of Barack Hussein Obama to his humpty dumpty ruin.

Smiley featured a most telling moment for Hamrod in a college kid simply asked her what Bill Clinton thought. Hamrod went off like the Arkansas shrew she has a PMS reputation for, in yelling at the kid that she was Sec. of State and to ask her. She snottily repeated the snipe twice while grooming herself like a queen.
That is who Hamrod is and she is the coup plotter who has quietly been garnering absolute power as Obama retreats in one of the most psychopathic strategies ever concocted in America.

Oprah Winfrey once had a on guest who noted that women in murder will sit with their husbands every morning, reading the paper over breakfast, making small talk, while slowly poisoning them in their oatmeal. (actual event noted).
This is Hillary Clinton the political pariah. She is sitting daily with Obama while she awaits for the poison pool to knock off Obama.

How brilliantly amoral is it people, when the Rothschild central European cartel, punished Hillary in taking away her presidency, because Bill Clinton "stole" stan uranium from them and sold it to China, whereby Obama was chosen to humiliate the Clintons.
Hamrod has now turned the rub back in Obama's face in using Tavis Smiley as the first strike to bring down the halo wearing one.

Frequently appearing also was the lithe, hottie, who was linked to Hillary in a lesbian affair by the British press. Americans have not seen this dark haired minx since, because the press has hidden this relationship. Tavis Smiley constantly caught this "assistant" on camera next to Hillary.
Why this blog even notes it, is the total destruction of John Edwards is now occurring so he will not be any threat at all to Hillary Clinton when Obama is toppled. Edwards is scorned for his relationships, but note once again the press does not even photograph Hillary's hottie.

So while Obama has infuriated the Ed Schultz wacko left, while Obama has infuriated the Democratic Congress which he just destroyed and while Obama is scrambling to bribe Americans into thinking that he is not a national socialist, but just like them a black man they all want to Peggy Noonan with, all in the State of the Union, there is Hillary Clinton playing Richard III in scurrying about to overthrow Obama in her own State of the Union on the very night Obama flounders.

In profiling Hillary Clinton's body language, she is the consummate diplomatic liar. She lies continuously about many subjects, but the one which is most constant is she knows Barack Hussein Obama is stupid as a post.
That has not changed from the Denver DNC nomination of Obama and is still in force after her time around Obama. She lies and plays the political games of nice for the tan man, and bash Bush policy to feed the base, but her main thought in life is picture herself with black folks while Obama was running away from them for two years.

Hillary Clinton is building her political base of her government at the State Department. She honestly is invested and interested in her State Department, and I mean her Department of State.
Hamrod visits the chefs and spent hours putting up with hordes of State Department children, in being Mrs. Santa Claus so to speak, as she was cheerful at every turn, a marked difference to her ranting at that college kid who rubbed her wrong.

Hillary Clinton will not serve 8 years as Sec. of State by her own admission. She lied in what she said she would do in leaving State. She lied she wanted to read and work on women's issues.
Tavis Smiley then asked if Hillary would run for President.

This is the most Hillary of moments as Hillary's head was bobbing yes like a bobble head, and then she said, in shaking her head "NO", that she was not interested in running for President..........and as she stopped speaking, Hillary's head in exclamation went with two affirmative nods that she was interested in running for President.
Even Hillary can not lie to herself nor hold back the coup she is plotting.

So while the world was watching Barack Obama flounder, this blog was watching what mattered, the defacto President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, carrying out her Richard III coup.
The equal to Shakespeare, a most interesting tale.

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