Friday, January 22, 2010

The Audacity of Hoax

Thank you Lord God Father, Lord Jesus and Lord God Holy Ghost, as this has become a cornucopia of revelations in Barack Hussein Obama's Audacity of HOAX has opened a flood gates that even the patricians or the peggy's are getting it.

I have to start this out with a Freudian slip which made it by the Wall Street Journal Editors which reveals God has the sweetest sense of humor in Peggy Noonan posted this in her article:

Peggy Noonan quote:

the two major parties not as the Dems versus the Reps, or the blue versus the bed, but as the Nuts versus the Creeps.

end quote.

I grabbed this from the Wall Street Journal site as visual proof before someone alerted them to this faux pas, because it is so Noel Sheppard delicious, in Peggy Noonan, who I have exposed was part of the wet pantie crowd of sexual deviates for Barack Obama, with their vibrators, latex blow up Obama dolls and other crude crusty undie voting, has now just slipped up and stating literally this was THE BLUE DEMOCRATS VERSUS THE SEXUAL BED OF OBAMA FOR ENTICEMENT.
Maybe Pegs was tipping back the schnapps again, but talk about God making a public fool out of this traitor Peggy Noonan in exposing her sexual deviancy by her own sticky keyboard.

Noonan goes on further in noting that she is not nuts for voting for Obama, but that Obama is the nut who got trusting people to vote for him.
Sort of sounds like the Noel Sheppard wet dream assaults on Americans in Newsbusters calling Americans "deranged" for disagreeing with Obama after the election, because all these frauds from Sheppard, Sheffield, Beck, Coulter, O'Reilly and Smith voted for Obama. Now the little girls all have to like Pegs Noonan call Obama nuts to deflect they were all so deluded, ignorant and silly to vote for Obama.

Hey you Republican Humps in Name Only, that is why you were all called MANIACS, because you are nuts and that is why this blog had diagnosed Obama insane before all of you orgasmic sticky typers even noted it.
But of course, let us not forget here in history the savaging of Sarah Palin by Peggy Noonan, the savaging of this blog by Noel Sheppard, the savaging of Birthers by Glenn examples of the viscous rapine this group of Obama voters unleashed on Americans in betraying them in the most treacherous of ways.

It all gets better as Mort Zuckerman who in 2008 was beady glistening eyed for Obama in noting that chameleon Obama had conned the entire Jewish leadership in one meeting, and Obama voter Zuckerman too was suckered, has now come out giving Obama the lash in abandoning the note one who Zuckerman voted for.

Pat Buchanan, another Obamaling rail sitter, actually had a pretty good piece in noting the voting trends (he had no numbers for Massachusetts but surmised) that the Reagan Republican are back. The same Nixon Silent Majority is what has been in white America frustrated by Bush patricianisms, has now come back home to the GOP in Scott Brown.
These Americans have had racial, economic and Christophobe war declared on them for a generation and they are the agents who demand change. They want the value of their money back, want their jobs back and want their America back as a traditional American Secularist state with Christian tolerance.
The last part is mine as Buchanan only noted the white folks were coming home to American candidates.

Recall now in this Rasummsen picked the election results exactly for Scott Brown, exactly as other pollsters had.
Now recall that electioneer fraud in Zogby who went public stating that Curling Iron Coakley was going to pull it out. (Maybe he meant the sodden curling iron.) Zogby this time didn't have the Obama ACORN voter machine tampering to back his polls in losing 10 million Republican voters as happened in 2008 with usurper Obama.
Zogby committed a crime as an agent of Barack Obama in election tampering in Massachusetts and should be indicted and tried. He is a fraud pure and plain now.

Obama Approval Index: -18
Strongly Approve 25%
Strongly Disapprove 43%

Total Approval: 45%

Rasmussen correct data now shows the major tending shift against Barack Obama. As of today, almost 80% of Americans view Obama as anti business.

Why shouldn't they as Obama sees Massachusetts and goes not to attack Flight 253 terrorists, but his new mark is to destroy American finance, a most so nuts that even nation rapist Warren Buffett is squealing over Obama setting the operation up as this blog exclusively exposed to replaced the United States with a European super banking structure LOANING MONEY TO AMERICANS.
Americans own money in fact.

This is all now the start of the incredible deflation of the fraud of Barack Hussein Obama who created crisis to forward his agenda, looted the Treasury, coddled terrorists, enslaved and humiliated America's best allies, and tossed blacks off the bus, is about to make Mexicans nations slaves, and told Americans to shut up while Janet Napolitano put them on terror watch terrorists flew into America.

Barack Hussein Obama in his audacity of hoax has destroyed the Democratic party. That is a good thing as the Barney Frank Ameriphobes who desire to tear America down will start acting American or be dumped by voters. (Scott Brown won Frank's sodomite district and is why he is hiding now.) This will allow more Jack Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and Zell Miller American Democrats to actually be real Blue Dogs instead of the Stephie Herseth Sandlin frauds voting for Obama or taking his bribes.
So the Democratic party will be fixed in having the fear of Americans put into it.

What requires fixing though is the United States Presidency, and Barack Hussein Obama must be impeached. The correct way to progress with this is simple. Steny Hoyer and something like Diane Feinstein, must now reach out to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
A Congressional delegation must quietly lay out an agenda which includes the black caucus to literally point out the crimes of Eric Holder, Patrick Fitzgerald, Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano, and with the Cabinet literally inform Mr. Obama that he is going to develop stress problems of a medical sort and go into exile to Albania, or the Democrats in Congress will bring the House down on these crooks.

This blog has found Hillary Clinton in her Brzezinskite foreign policy horrid, but for this current moment, the Clintons at least would be better suited to dump Paul Volker, Tim Geithner and that Bastard Herzog, and implement a jobs creation policy. (Do not forget that Bill Clinton sent the American jobs overseas and caused this mess. He broke it so he can fix it with the fear of God put into this clique.)
The reason for this is America can not wait until 2013 to get a Republican into the White House. A new course must be steered as America demands in a sovereign, productive America.

Barack Hussein Obama will not do this. Pelosi and Reid will not do this. There must be a Democratic coup in Congress and they must remove the hoax of Bearick Obama.

Constitutional measures must be quietly put to Mr. Obama, and he must not be allowed to wiggle about like Mr. Clinton in creating a deeper depression or another 9 11. He must be made to do the honorable thing which Richard Nixon chose.
There must not be any Chicago or Hawaiian residency. Mr. Obama must be exiled to Europe so as to not cause more upheaval in his use of black voters.

So for the best immediate fix, make Hillary Clinton acting President and appoint Harold Ford as the acting Vice President.

End the Audacity of Hoax in Barack Hussein Obama's usurpation of the United States Presidency.
