Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is fascinating

The Haiti situation is much more fascinating than the Obama's going not only native, but going black, in that a quake crescent has now occurred in Haiti had the quake, South America on the Atlantic coast has a quake, Haiti had a large aftershock and now simultaneously Costa Rica and Boliva both had in the 5.0 category of earthquakes.

There has been absolutely no sympathy quakes on the far side of the world. The Haitian plate though has now revealed an arc which travels along the Indies and into South America, and not a bow which extends to the Appalachians into America's east coast.

Such activity makes one wonder if the arc will continue down into the South Americans Andes on a different plate now coming under stress or if shift will now move back into Mexico.
As these quakes have been deep earth, it brings the question if there is a magma bubble moving rather quickly under the mantle causing this, which would be unknown as the Yellowstone bubble has taken years to barely move.

All of this is interesting in will this quake structure now become active, as America and the Obama's does not have enough 100 billion dollar packages to take care of the entire Latino nation group who hates the gringo, but loves to rant at the Obamo.

In addition, with this forming a quake arc, will this produce more pressure on the east coast of America? This seems to be following the Caribbean mountain chains as they brush up into the Americas. If this is a pressure convex curve, that is even more interesting as water has the liquidity factor of moving in a concave arc, and earth is simply dry water like the atmosphere is gaseous water, so this arc has formed like a lobster claw. Indications of this progression should place pressure on the Latin American plate with increasing weather forces on California with their early monsoons.

The data should be reviewed now in the historical records to see if this progression has formed a definite pattern. Haiti has been quite silent in large quakes since the mid 1800's I believe I read, so as this has become active in the Latino salsa, for preventative measures it is prudent to be prepared, even if a 5.0 quake is nothing catastrophic unless one lives in a Chinese concrete hut without rebar.

It is much more interesting to chase earthquakes than tornadoes, especially if one is not in the earthquake zones.
