Friday, January 1, 2010

a touch of sense

I must admit that I am a rare person in I make the clothes and the clothes do not make me. In wearing any color, my natural skin tone, hair color, radiance and poise will make the clothing look Paris fine.
I will admit that I am the reason females like Muchelle Obama think they can wear ghetto green, whore dresses, blood camouflage and big butt bloomers and still look fashionable. It is in that, I must weigh in and tell both women and men, that you look horrid and in most cases, you need crisp clothing to look presentable, as you are so in need, that you are the black hole of Calcutta in fashion.

This is hard for most people to deal with as everyone wants to think they look nice, but someone has to draw the thread across the garment as I just can not take any more of these creatures who make me want to reach for mints to settle my stomach.

The couple I am going to hold up for scorn as they decided to act out insane as Obama voters in public in Colorado are Charlie and Brooke Sheen, or better known by his real Mexican name Charlie Estevez, as Martin Sheen is an Estevez light skinned Spaniard who ruled Mexico, and as proven by Charlie's rather fat brother, Emilio Estevez proves.

All have now seen these two Obama voters in Charlie and Brooke, in their 9 11 and police file stories of Charlie breaking her glasses in front of her and Brooke stating Charlie had a knife to her throat.
Whatever happened, I really do not care, as either Charlie is nuts in breaking both her glasses or she is nuts in lying about a knife to her throat.

The net result is they are both nuts in talking divorce as leverage, and going back to each other when both are psychotic liars.

Weak people threaten divorce, because they are not adult enough to handle marriage, and what does one expect from 3 time married Sheen and this Brooke blonde who apparently has no parents or common sense to not marry someone who screws hookers as he can not deal with a real woman in a relationship, and has friends like Elvis Costello and Sean Penn who play with dolls abusively in one kicks George W. Bush dolls and the other uses his cigarette to burn the feminine parts on Ann Coulter.
These people should not be allowed to breed or marry as all Oabma voters, along with the Obama's prove.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful conditions any woman can radiate. Obama voter Demi Moore ruined that for all men and women in her naked prego pictures which set off this horrid flaunting of swelled wombs sticking in every one's face.
I had to endure a weather girl with an odd name, wearing skin tight tops for months, as her big gut jutted into my weather maps, which is quite displeasing and obnoxious.

Pregnancy is best noticed, like rainbows, and not like hailstones upon one's head.

Charlie Sheen is a wimp by the photos in his allowing his wife to dress this horridly in public. Accenting fat thighs, fat guts and boobs poored into vomit green tubes is enough to make anyone vomit.
All of this could have looked lovely with a flared short and a smock, giving an Euclidean pleasing look to the eye, but instead Charlie has his manboobs out in need of his wife's bra and she is in need of his shorts.

As one can see Brooke Sheen, can look attractive, but she needs to be told that a dress which makes her look like she is carrying a vulva on her the size of Queen Kong, is not attractive, and this harsh cut, manmade material, always looks stiff and not appealing.
Apparently her crowd of fashion whores is hooked on uncovering half their breasts as some type of allure, but the problem always is it makes breasts look like they are being surgically reduced by cloth cut and it makes every breast look like fat girl boobs, all squished together.

Even a honeymoon photo is ruined as Charlie Sheen auditions as a lounge lizard and Brooke with her boy briefs on has her breasts scrunched into a top which does nothing but make breasts look Flat top Bob Square pants.
When a female has triangular legs in petite feet and calves and large thighs, she does not wear square cut briefs. She instead wears a French cut to lengthen her thighs in an illusion.
Charlie Sheen nor his wife have no excuse for love is blind as their marriage proves it was matrimonially retarded.

In that though, we see that the extended Sheen family in using the Sheen children from a previous marriate, can indeed look presentable, even if the children dressed by ex wife, Denise Richards are more sprite than the faded out curtains Brooke Sheen is in.
Two little girls sucking their thumbs, means two little girls not being secure in who they are in failed parenting.
If Hugh Hefner exists that long, the Charlie Sheen daughters will certainly be taken in by daddy Hefner to find validate themselves in porn.
The circle of pervert Obama voter Charlie Sheen coming full circle with ex wife Obama voter, Denise Richards.

Looking presentable should not be that difficult for a multi millionaire. One does realize that being liberal, one does have Mr. Maurice always dressing you like Muchelle has that rather large object in Chicago making her look frumpy or a whore daily, but it should be something that when one looks in a full length mirror, that one can see they look ratty and others will be trying not to vomit as they pass by.

It is the duty of husbands and wives to police their spouses appearance. Some people have no fashion sense and they of course need help, but it is simple in wives telling husbands, they are in need of new clothing and their old clothing is going to the Salvation Army to help the poor, and for husbands to simply purchase some new clothing and tell their wives how nice they look in them.

Someone I love dearly was being put into a fashion whore situation by their spouse. There were constant clothing which had body parts out, bits of fur like roadkill, and leather things, with a perm of big hair.
Subtly I intervened in just stressing one Christmas how nice this person looked in a pink sweater in jeans as pink was their color.

Like magic, pink started to adorn them, and the last time I saw them they still had rather risque clothing on, but it was pink, soft, and they looked wonderful.

One does not tell people they look ugly, fat or horrid, but simply states, "You know you really would look better in this as it brings out your best features", and most homosapeans will trot along and change their clothes like a 3 year old with an Allan Harper shirt.

People who dress little girls in leopard underwear or as ghetto ho's in Rome, in this age of David Letterman pedophiles, need a good Christian lecture on not sexualizing children, but these are the same people who are out making statements with clothing whether personal like the Sheens or political bondage belt like the Obamas.

All of it due to the fact they are devoid in their souls worth anything intelligent to put into words.

The ugly people of fashion reveal the ugly cloth of the weave inside their souls, and how much they have relied their entire lives on the outside connections of pretty in power, politics and money.

nuff said.

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