Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What has Obama done for you?

In the rubble of the Haiti quake where half a million people might be dead, I wonder at times what kind of pathetic photographer snaps a photo of a half naked woman, delirious to almost death from her trauma and the picture taker makes a fortune off the photo of someone else's misery.
But it is that age of Obama voters in the press, so why not have reporterette Muchelle Obama really ask the question, "What has Obama done for you?"

One can find piles of rubble around the world with dead bodies in them, from Obama blowing things up in his peace policies. This blog will mention these are dark skinned Muslims, even if Obama and the puppy press is terrified over mentioning these people believe in Islam and will die for it.

Look at the political rubble from Obama in all he has done for them. People couldn't last year trample over Martin King day to get at Obama, and Obama was more than willing to let the folks stampede over Dr. King to adore Obama, all of the time.
Collin Powell, a real West Indies native, who one would think Obama would take a bit more interest in Haiti due to that and comrade Fidel Castro, has not even announced Powell will be flying down immediately to give a good photo op.

Collin Powell literally has had Obama done for him in making him a pariah in his own party. Powell is to blame for making this tan Obama out to be black and making it all a racist issue. Some legacy for someone who once in the patrician clique of the Rockefeller GOP led the defeat of Saddam in Kuwait and simply threatened the a Haitian dictator to flee and the dictator fled.

What Obama did to Powell is exactly what that woman in Haiti is pictured as in surrounding him with a pile of rubble.

Obama has literally outed ever patrician mole in the GOP and right who have been feeding off America since Ronald Reagan. These fellow travelers like Peggy Noonan, Ron Paul, Dick Lugar, Ann Coulter etc... who all helped elect Obama, instead exposed all their hatred for Americans by voting for Obama, trashing the right wing or cuddling up to Al Franken.

The worst of this ilk in the gaypublican or the queertricians is the Obama stooge in the McCain camp named Steve Schmidt.

The Telegraph UK had this bio on Steve Schmidt, while listing him as a "conservative". Yeah right on that one..........

57. STEVE SCHMIDT (not on the 2007 list) Steve Schmidt; most influential conservatives

Political strategist

Nicknamed “the Bullet”, the bald, pugnacious Schmidt has since the election been more of a wrecking ball with one edifice in mind: Sarah Palin’s reputation as a serious politician. Few would argue that he has been behind most of the anti-Palin smears steadily fed to the press by “anonymous former McCain staffers”. She, meanwhile, has made no secret of her antipathy for him.

Though the back and forth between the former candidate and her handlers has been descended into pettiness, it has helped undermine the Palin’s credibility and perhaps influenced her decision to step down as Alaska governor.

Schmidt only has himself to blame: he helped persuade McCain to pick Palin and then unleashed her as an attack-dog, who proved to be wayward. His subsequent attacks on her have been like Dr Frankenstein trying to kill the monster. As an experienced campaigner, who ran the war room of George W Bush’s re-election campaign, and as the sort of conservative who supports gay marriage, he might have known better.

What requires noting in this is what the apparent Patrician strategy was to betray John McCain and elect Barack Obama. It ties directly into Obama's quip about Palin being "change" and how he immediately knew all about her, because Schmidt was feeding the information to the Obama camp.
Schmidt apparently persuaded McCain to pick Palin, not because he thought Palin would win, but because he thought one of these Western American Ladies from across the Mississippi were all duh same.

Remember now how things occurred. McCain was corralled all in August by Schmidt strategy. Schmidt picks one of them Americans to run with McCain when Schmidt is a sodomite stroking opposite of hisself.
Palin then excited the electorate, and kicked the stuffing out of Obama in her nomination speech.

What did Schmidt them do? He hid the woman because McCain was defeating Obama.

Schmidt sat on Palin and then this group set her up in the Katie Couric interview.

The facts are Steve Schmidt is a minder just like Valerie Plame was a minder for the Patrician globalists.

Schmidt has been on a rapine agenda for over a year trying to destroy Gov. Palin, and NOTE what the Telegraph hints at, in it was Schmidt's character assassination tied apparently into Obama operatives which forced Gov. Palin to step down in Alaska.
Of course, when Schmidt is working for the same Partricians Obama does, they are all the same operatives.)

All of this evidence which comes out in bits and pieces all adds up to the original analysis which this blog was kicked off of Newsbusters for blowing this wide open is that these Obamicans were infiltrated all through the McCain and GOP ranks and were sabotaging everything McCain did, all so Obama could win.

For those who have not added this up yet, putting spies inside other political parties, who are feeding information and sabotaging a political ticket is espionage and not just unethical, it is illegal.
Barack Hussein Obama can be impeached over this, because only he has been benefiting from all of this, and it is well known that the operatives in Alaska were his people. Now though the Telegraph UK says it was Schmidt behind this.

So for the gang rape of American women in slander, which Noel Sheppard promoted by radical lesbian Camile Paglia "that women like rape as they take part in it), we see Obama did that and continues to do that with accomplice Steve Schmidt.............

Exactly like the woman in the Haitian rubble.

She probably thought Obama was a good deal too, and tried to vote for him, but like everyone is finding in the world who associates with Obama, you might get your picture on the front page and be famous for a second, but you end up losing all you have.

So how does it all feel to sell your soul and lose it in hell?

Collin Powell is probably quite proud like all blacks in trampling Dr. King for Obama, Peggy Noonan has no shame like all the shams for Obama in still tapping away like they are respectable voices in the right, because the Telegraph lists these traitors, and Steve Schmidt apparently is suffering from bi stalking syndrome as his lust for Obama has Sarah Palin on his mind, and no matter how naughty he is, that Western Lady just will not paddle his behind, put a leash on him and make Schmidt her naughty poodle.

Am surprised Obama hasn't invited Schmidt over for a little flossing and Brian Williams cuddle, or maybe he has..........again.

agtG 235

The Queertricians (David Keene included)