Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ain't that somethin'

Back in the day, I was told that Joe Kennedy had visions of being
President. He had bootlegged his way to a fortune and taken his spoils
to invest them in legitimate businesses. He was quite the Irish
Massachusetts respectable man, except in older money which the New York
Delano Franklins who looked down upon new money.

The Delano clan I am told ran the opium markets in Asia into China. That
is not that big of a deal as all the original Yankees had their hands
into Turkish opium on their trading ships as in the 1800's it was all
commerce and no one cared what a Chinaman was doing in his lust for opiates.

Joe Kennedy though ran into the ultimate shifty politician in Franklin
Delano Roosevelt who knew Joe was a threat to his power and put him
inside the Roosevelt tent to piss out.
FDR stuck Kennedy in some Maritime post which the old man did a great
job at, but like so many Americans from Charles Lindbergh to Joe
Kennedy, once FDR found you a rival he just cut you off and let you die.

Old Joe's dream of being President died, but he passed it onto his clan
of Kennedylings with a drive to match his.
Joe jr. was to be the choice, but I have concluded "someone" sabotaged
his heroic mission plane in World War II to take away the rival he would be.

The mantel then fell to Jack who was really a poor choice. He should
have faced court martial for losing his boat PT 109 which almost killed
him, but instead the old man stole the 1960 election from Nixon, and the
rest was a Dallas brain burst ending dream.

RFK got capped by his own security detail and Sirhan Sirhan took the
fall, like Lee Harvey Oswald did in getting too deep with the wrong creeps.

Teddy, well he found his own bridge to nowhere where it appears someone
helped Teddy off a bridge and Teddy was too busy trying to save his own
political skin to save an expendable girl.
The net result Ted had to tell invalid Joe Kennedy that his entire
legacy was Teddy being legislative Marxist to America.

It got worse as old Joe died and someone decided that John Kennedy's son
should not be challenging the power elite and blew the tail off his
plane, murdering the return of Camelot.

The mantle was then passed to Barack Hussein Obama. Folks never quite
contemplate that Obama is sitting in the chair that John Kennedy jr.
would be now sitting if things had just gone differently.

In all of that though is the irony in Uncle Ted crowned Obama, and in
return Obama wouldn't even go see brain cancer Ted before Tedly took a
dose of poison as his sailing days were over.
Now Ted's seat in the Senate is held by the GOP in which Massachusetts
Democrats rejected Teddy's choice as growing legions of Americans are.

It all falls to greater deaths for Camelot as now even Patrick Kennedy
of carpetbagger Rhode Island Representation is not running for re election.

What the New York elite, assassins, Teddy's debauchery, rapist nephews
and lopping brains in two in young girls could not do, Barack Hussein
Obama in a period of 13 months has destroyed, consumed, obliterated and
wiped out the Kennedy legacy.

There is now nothing left but a bunch of suckling trust fund brats
looking a great deal like the tater farmers from Ireland after the
famine in being all dressed up and Mr. Potato Head Obama has left them
no place to go.

Nothing like the genocide of a political family as Carolyn even tried to
be queen and she couldn't even take what was handed to her as the Obama
grease just had her political career in replacing Hillary Clinton slip
through her hands.

Barack Obama is a literal destroyer. He has wiped out Democratic
careers, US banking, US auto industries, the US Treasury and he did what
no one could do in wiping out the Kennedy clan.

Stick the fork in, the Kennedy clan is done.
