Monday, February 8, 2010

Bad Persian Porn

Watching the intercourse between the masculine Persian Islamocommunist and the feminine Barack Hussein Obama of the Marxists is like watching bad Persian porn.
Mind you, I would not know what good Persian porn is, but considering the Iranian Patriots are being screwed to death and American Patriots are being blown to death, it all looks like an Obama Ahmadinejad snuff film making the rounds in the underground film voyeur genre.

The Persian communists who Obama, Brzezinski, Kerry and Clinton have been open hand stroking for over two years now, well Brzezinski has been having oral sex with Iran for 31 years, since he toppled the US ally and actual protector of the Iranian people in the Shah, have received in reply ridicule, murderous attacks upon American Soldiers, lies, missiles fired off into the wild ghetto green Obama yonder and nuclear proliferation.

In return for this, Obama told Jews to be nuclear fodder for Iranian nukes, told Saudi Arabia to start a proxy war with Iran in Yemen, has had Yemeni al Qaeda attacking America inside America and betrayed France in alerting Iran that President Sarkozy was about to alert the world to the Persians nuclear bomb which Iran stole the French thunder and infuriated Sarkozy.
If one adds Obama Twitter Revolution which did nothing but help Iran in rounding up Iranian Patriots to be hung like dogs in celebration by Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, Obama has betrayed American allies, caused piles more of dead bodies and is still sitting around like the little prostitute beat by her pimp, crying, "Please rape me some more before you kill me".

The definition of bad Persian porn. Of course in the David Letterman cocktail crowd pedophiles they would probably like that stuff, just like they used to enjoy watching live Egyptian porn or molesting children in Bangkok while watching a stripper blow a ping pong ball out of her nether regions at customers.
The Obama vacationland of the Obamalings having "fun".

February 11th is the anniversary of the bad Brzezinski Khomeni porn which started back in the Carter years. Both Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have been using a select phrase of:

will punch the arrogance (Western powers) on the 22nd of Bahman (February 11) in a way that will leave them stunned

The key words in the verbiage is punch and stunned.

Ahmadinejad is a zealous loon akin to Obama voters. If Obama voters do not like the title, then they should not have been grinning like baboons in fainting around Obama or showing Obama with a halo around hisself as that is what Ahmadinejad was jabbering about in seeing a light when he was at the United Nations before he spoke.
Hugo Chavez his comrade at the hip smelled sulfur, but the main point is the Persian communists are prone to over statements like "Obama is so brilliant that his intelligence is off the scales".

Oh wait, that is liberals in America, but you get the idea of crazy talk in making vast claims and coming up as only poop in a babies diaper that the parents marvel over, while the rest of the world is waiting for the big event.

Previously Iran has associated big events with missile launches. While Iran has nuclear bombs, it is doubtful that will be the punch line.
Khamenei chose the Iranian Air Force who helped install the communist Baathist Khomeni to make this parrot quote from Ahmandinejad, so it is interesting if it is linked to some more improvised technology the Islamocommunists are assembling from old American technology.

A key nuance in the Iranian speak points to capitalism and democracy rule. As Iran has already stopped trading in dollars and dumped their currency in Euros into Chinese banks to buy their protection, it is not likely Iran can do anything monetarily or persuade China which indeed can cause major problems to cut it's own throat in dumping US debt just to celebrate a communist anniversary in Iran.

So the field narrows to more of a Ahmadinejad speech of years ago in claiming he has the secret of God and walks out on a stage saying nothing of the secret, but all are to marvel at Iran still being around after Brzezinski was the Khomeini sperm donor in birthing the little monster.

As Obama seems to enjoy Iranian Patriots being hanged in mass, as he quietly watches on in his teleprompter has not been protesting the deaths of people who simply want freedom, this Iranian clock will tick on as the Persian communist regime will not be toppled as Obama will not cut of refined fuels nor implement any reasonable challenge to Iran except his form of gun boat diplomacy where Iran watches Obama spend billions sailing US warships off the Persian coast and flip them the international salute.

So in this, the analysis is Iran will step out on stage on February 11th, after playing this propaganda game in the US press whoring for attention in a pre sex act, tell the world it is still around which is stunning and then come up with some weird science like moldy couscous it sent to outer space came back as moldy couscous, followed by some new military toy, and the Persian communists enriching more weapon's grade uranium in public, to cover their supply in private.

Odd how most Iranian women are attractive, but the communists look like lounge lizard Ahmadinejad or the creepy dirty old man watching through the neighbor's blinds in Khamenei. Sort of like Obama porn in Donald Young and Lawrence Sinclair were cut, but Obama is the street ho.
Unlike John Edwards prego porn where Edwards is the cute girl and Reille Hunter plays the skanky Obama part.

In any event, I would prefer something sexy like Ahmadinejad spread eagle on a Dr. Kahn nose cone nuclear warhead or something really newsworthy as Obama starring in bad Persian porn with puppy press subtitles is a bit old in the American hostages being held by Islamocommunist since the Carter years.

I wonder if Mrs. Obama will have a cameo at the Pentagon talking about her policies on February 11th as that is about the only government agency she has not been putting the horse bite into for attention.

Oh sorry this was about Persian whores and not Chicago attention sucking ho's.

You know what the difference between an Obama ride and Persian ride?

Persians just make noises like a car while eating Chinese rice farting to backfire, and Obama rides around attacking Toyota so he can import Chinese cars in GM.

A friend used to call that filler in school to bluff the teachers in 2 page reports, I just call it now Persian propaganda and Obama policy taking up space.

* I wonder if Peggy Noonan and Noel Sheppard have the Persian porn channel now that the Obama clicker is worn out on their remote..........


Khamenei speaks

Ahmadinejad speaks

Obama has no link as he is silent on US foreign security.