Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Essence of Obama

In diagnosis, I conclude that Barack and Michelle Obama do not belong around children as they are unqualified and destructive to them.
This is an amazing sociopathic duo who gravitate toward children when under stress, act like sibling children towards each other in public and have pattern now of attacking not just their own children, but all American children.

Muchelle Obama has to validate her own ugliness and fatness, gone on an assault of American fat children in singling them out for ridicule in "something can be done about them", like they are some type of terror pariah to be fixed by starving it to death by torture.
The worst of this was Muchelle Obama called her own two daughters, who are not fat, fat in public which is one of the most traumatic wounds a child can receive in being ridiculed in public by a parent.
Muchelle even topped herself with labeling the situation of fat children as a national security risk, putting fat kids on par with bin laden, nuclear warfare and biological attacks.

This is criminal in these assaults on children by the Obamas.

What is even more the piling on of children, the Obama's hogging for attention again appeared on the cover of Essence for an interview, which now has Obama "fixing our schools" when he has proven he was not capable of fixing the economy, fixing jobs, fixing health care, fixing the military concerning sodomites, fixing terrorists by finding bin Laden or fixing wars, and now he is going fix schools, which is a statement parents should be alarmed by in what voodoo he is going to unleash on children as he has a pattern of stealing money, calling out pitchfork mobs to threaten people and unleashing Predator missile attacks to "fix things", he focuses on.

Bearick and Muchelle are also going to "save black boys", with the question of race in why do black boys need saving, and why is it only black boys and not Asians, whites, Indians or Mexican boys?
Essence and Obama in being quite racist and segregated are indicating that only black boys are problems and only black children are worth saving. If Time ran an article in "saving white boys" to the exclusion of all others, it would be screamed about for racism, yet in the Age of Obama, there are the Obamas and the tan culture singling out black boys which alone has for those who remember thee most horrific of racist terms as calling anyone a "boy" who was black was equal to calling them a "n*gger".
Now this "boy" appendages are coming directly from Obama and his elite tan skinned publishing crowd and the question is, why is this racism being allowed just because it is coming from the passin' elite?

In all things Obama though, the Obama daughters even come into the perspective as we have "black boys", Essence and the Obama's also have the black girls who need educatin'.

This blog noted when Bill Clinton was talkin' about that smart boy, Barack Obama, how every racist in America and every black person in America knew the code he was initiating. There is massive prejudice involved in this with racists terming black people as primates and lacking mental ability.
For the Obama's and Essence to single out their daughters in a phrase following about black boys and that them black girls need educating too, it unleashes every stereotype there is which has been leveled at blacks, except overt sexual ones, but then Muchelle draped over Obama like a feline in heat, unleashes that one too on blacks.

Sean Hannity as this blog noted cut a black man in Georgia off for calling Obama a racist, which builds upon the problem in this racism of Obama in the couple appears on a supposed black magazine cover hitting key racial slurs against blacks.
Now if the white New Yorker gets hammered for fist bumpin' Obamas and other exagerations, why is it that tan Essence gets away with black boys and them black girls in need of educatin' while that she vixen Muchelle drips off of jungle fever mandingo Obama?

The quote by Bearick though was astonishing in he too singled out his daughter Queenie with the following:

Malia will tell you, my attitude was, if she came home with a B, that's not good enough because there's no reason she can't get an A......

Was it not Barack Hussein Obama just a few weeks ago who was giving himself an incomplete A in a lower grade? So Obama demands more from a little girl than he can achieve.
Not only that, but he calls the kid out in public in telling the world she is sloven in not working hard enough for an A, and that makes her not good enough.

So does this make Barack Hussein Obama not good enough for the American Presidency?

All of this attitude of the Obama's in children need fixing and children are not good enough in the way they are is not about nurturing children to grow to being fulfilled, but it is more assembling them like machines.

Perhaps it comes from Obama being a sloven child as it is recorded that his mother would haul him out of bed in the wee hours of darkness to do homework, which made absolutely no sense as children in the 1960's in elementary school had no homework.
Class work was done in class, which makes one ponder was Obama so sloven in school that his teachers made him take work home to finish it, and for some reason he was home alone and watching Hawaii 5 0 while mummy was out on dates, that the pre dawn rising of Barry was due to everyone in Obama Inc. being worthless, and now the Obama's are unleashing this national power against American children who are being assaulted by them.
As this criminal assault on children and what appears as a violation of obscenity laws by the Obama's in terming blacks as "boys" and girls need "educatin'", we might as well have this Black History Month photo to add to the mystery of Obamanism.

What on earth does Muchelle Obama have on her legs? She is greased up slicker than a prize hog. Her legs are more shiny than a waxed and polished floor.
Bearick has his orgasmic glow of anticipating adoration and he can't even compete with the gloss on Muchelle's legs.
You could read by Muchelle Obama's legs in the dark they glisten so much!

Perhaps like NBC honoring blacks with fried chicken and collard greens, Muchelle and Bearick ladled on the hog lard to make Muchelle have that finger lickin' good appearance.

Oh and to close this out in Obama's quote on his not good enough daughter:

Malia will tell you, my attitude was, if she came home with a B, that's not good enough because there's no reason she can't get an A......

An intelligent person would have phrased it this way:

Malia will inform you that my assessment is, if she earned a B from her studies, that she would apply herself and attempt to achieve an A.......

That of course is if Bill Ayers was giving the interview as he actually uses intelligent grammar to communicate, compared to the Obama's busy fixin' on America's children.

The essence of Obama. Who else is pointing out their racism, but this blog and black people who recognize from experience what the tan Obama's are conveying in the basest form?

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