Tuesday, February 2, 2010

John Edwards 2012 Democratic Presidential Nominee

For those who doubt that John Edwards is sitting upon the golden opportunity of his ambulance chasing charismatic life, I will lay out the John Edwards for President 2012 scenario which will put the fire out of the Obama hot shorts which gave Peggy Noonan and Noel Sheppard crusty undies.

John Edwards can sink no lower in the eyes of Oprah viewers. He can now only rise, and here is how he will do it, beyond pounding nails in Haiti.

The first things have already been put into place. Edwards has picked up his bastard and put Edwards claim to not being a deadbeat daddy to rest.
Edwards is nailing Haiti while Obama is just nailing Americans with horrendous debt and horrendous tax increases.

John Edwards has been kicked out by Elizabeth Edwards and her retribution is complete. If this is the scam I think it is, then in a short while Elizabeth will fall in love with John again in nailing Haiti, and a reconciliation will take place, as the happy couple now with marriage counseling will affirm their troubled marriage, but their romantic undying love and appear on Oprah.
While on Oprah, the high priestess will hear Mrs. Edwards inform the audience that John was a sexy bad boy, but he never cheated on her, and that she knew of the adultery in a marriage which was listless for both, but due to the death of their son and the pressures of Americans demanding so much of their family time in political campaigns, the affairs seemed a safety outlet to keep the family together to keep the family together.

Democrat Oprah viewers eat this stuff up and with an accent that Hillary and Bill Clinton survived such things which are still going on in the Clinton union, the Edwards will announce they are reformed and superior to all political couples in a happy marriage which stood the tests and can now serve America.

Part two of this is John Edwards has put his dirty laundry on display and will note in tears that he has problem he was recovering from, but will wonder who it was who actually set him up in leaking all of this to the press.
Who would have to gain in distressing his cancer battling wife?
Who would have to gain in distressing his innocent children?

Oh my, perhaps it was Oprah's fellow Chicagoan in David Axelrod, who works for Barack Hussein Obama and was fired by Mrs. cancer stricken Edwards for being incompetent in ruining her husband's Vice Presidential run with John Kerry..........and oh how the world would have been at peace and prosperous if only Kerry and Edwards were elected in 2004........

So now we have a pariah who chews on cancer women and their children in Obama accomplice David Axelrod whispering to muckrakers in The Globe and National Enquirer?

Why would Obama allow such a thing, Elizabeth Edwards will say through sobs?

Well it certainly was that nasty Axelrod in payback, but Obama shut out John Edwards from the Denver Democratic nomination in a most vindictive matter to destroy Edwards from ever being a political rival in 2012, should Obama spend America into oblivion and be rejected by America.

So John Edwards, the repentant and recovering husband, was savaged by Barack Obama, and it will be noted Hillary Clinton, as she has aspirations in replacing Obama in 2012 as Lady MacBeth.

The cast is then cast in the victimized Edwards family and the devious David Axelrod, nasty Hillary Clinton and 3rd world Obama.

John Edwards will then note, "I was driven to affairs, but it is noted in the press that Mr. Obama cheated on Michelle Obama repeatedly using gay males, exposing her to all kinds of sexual diseases and death, and I believe that the press has shown that the Clintons are still cheating on each other and Mrs. Clinton has a lesbian staff member she is involved with according to the British press".

What can Obama and Clinton come back with? Absolutely nothing as John Edwards has already been exposed as scum, but now he is recovering scum, while Obama stills suffers from dirty dick disease and Hamrod is being Bill Clinton with mauling the help.

John Edwards can then address the political situation in the simplest of terms, "I had my faults, but I didn't spend America into oblivion or make friends with underwear bomb terrorists like Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Hamrod Clinton did, ruining the American economy and endangering Americans".

"Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were Bush 43 on lying steroids in expanding war and spending, while I never would do that to America. I am here to save America now," stated John Edwards in 2012.

That in the best Dick Morris language is how John Edwards smashes both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to get the 2012 Presidential nomination, while hinting at Obama being disqualified as a British subject and Mrs. Clinton being Obama's clone.

Rahm Emanuel went after Republican elites in Congress who were so shattered that they had to get up and act American to survive. This same Obama Inc. incinerated John Edwards repeatedly, but after the pile of ashes was left, Edwards popped out and said, "You can not destroy what has already been destroyed".

John Edwards holds all the ground now and the position. As Obama remorse sets in and voters start thinking, "Do I really want Hillary Clinton again with all that when I can maybe have a woman in Sarah Palin to vote for on the ticket with the GOP..........I can see dusting off John Edwards as he has confessed and everyone deserves a second chance".

For all of this political genius, John Edwards should have his lawyer write this blog out an immense check for revealing his plans exclusively here or for refining what the nail pounder should be doing next in his 2012 payback of David Axelrod, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Do not put it past John Edwards to offer Hillary Clinton the #2 slot as Vice President as they both team up in this little Obama coup.

John Edwards is the strongest Democratic candidate for 2012. In knowing what Axelrod, Obama and Clinton pulled, would you like to have Elizabeth Edwards scorn bringing to completion the revenge plot outlined above?

Edwards & Edwards can put out that fire Obama has in his monkey demon shorts.

This is getting fun.

agtG 257

PS: Oh yes another Lame Cherry exclusive thanks to God's Inspiration.