Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Shining City on a Hill

Listen my children and you shall hear...........

It has been some time since Americans got a good look at Americans, but these Tea Dunkers are rugged individualistic Americans who all want to be General, all show up at the Alamo without being told and require a brazen Andrew Jackson to prove to them he is capable of leading these people called Americans.

I am reminded of Capt. Charles Ting of the American Yankee Merchantman in the 1800's. He signed on a crew of typical seaman from port, and they promptly mutinied and tried to murder him.
Ting grabbed a wooden pin and knocked the ringleader over the head almost killing him and held the others off with a few swings of his authority. His first mate quipped later, "That was the smartest way of handling a situation like that I ever saw".

Capt. Ting simply replied, "They were good sailors and only needed to be shown he was capable of leading them".

That is what real Americans are. Scottish and Irish Preachers used to come into the Ohio Wilderness of 1750 and literally would fist fight local rufians to get them to obey simple order.
The Kentucky and Tennessee Rifleman, the Pirates, the Cajuns who fought for New Orleans under Gen. Jackson were the same lot who simply needed a firebrand with as much passion and volatility as they had. That army is what slaughtered the British Army which had for 25 years slaughtered every army of Empire Europe produced.

Americans have always been of this breeding in they are loud mouthed, hot headed, braggadocios teenagers at heart and will test any authority just to seeif that authority can handle them. Pull what Jimmy Carter did in blaming them and they will never back you again. Pull what Bill Clinton did in that constant lying and they will smirk at his sticking it to the system. Do what Oabma is doing in dismissing them and they will kindle a fury nothing will put out.

Americans in the Tea Dunkers are adults in Ladies and Gentlemen, who are proven, self assured and they do not bluff. They are generous, faithful, loving and native children who will not quit. Get them in a fight and they love the dirty tricks.
These are the people who astounded Nazi Germany in Patton could get them to fight and they simply would not quit. They brought tanks over mountains to get at Germans which the Europeans said could not be done and was insane.

These are the Tea Dunkers. Their relatives dressed up as Indians and dumped British high tax tea in Boston Harbor. They by God's Grace got beat at every major battle in the Revolution, but won at the last battle when it counted.
Their bloodlines run to immigrant peoples lost to history in Scythians, Celts and Goths. They have thrashed every empire they have come up against. They have survived genocide, survived slavery and survived being driven from their homes.

Each one is born leader and the only leader they will respond to is one like Ronald Reagan who intelligently was going in the direction these Americans were already marching.
If by God's Grace, that force known as Sarah Palin who is already going in the direction Americans were marching, comes under her divine clarion call of Joan D'Arc du Lis, these times we remember from her greener days will delight all in those she masters now.

Barack Hussein Obama was a manufactured event, if the Tea Partiers trend in this as it appears by Providence, they have a historical Ronald Reagan in Sarah Palin, who will be the light in their Shining City on a Hill.

This is the most historical of times for those who comprehend what they are beholding.
