Sunday, February 21, 2010
NeoProg Terrorists
This needs to be prefaced to define Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano, that Naps is a voluminously stupid woman, and once in understanding that, the rest of this analysis is more understandable.
Janet Napolitano in apparently there was free everything being handed out at the National Governors spending orgy as everyone from Obama seemed to end up there in Naps and Muchelle leading the horse hoof charge, was quoted with this statement:
Officials need to drill down and analyze the factors that make a young person, raised in the U.S., migrate to extremist beliefs and actions.
In noting that the Mexican mafia who set the California wildfires for al Qaeda which Naps is covering up, that Nidal Hasan was middle aged, that Amy Bishop was middle aged, Luqman Abdullah who Obama had the FBI shoot in Detroit was 53, and the black Mooselum Abdul Hakim Muhammad was 23, so where Naps Napolitano is seeing a migration by young American teenagers to being terrorists, just does not fit the official information.
Perhaps it is some liberal law group once again telling Naps that children waiting for marriage, saluting the flag, listening to Rush Limbaugh and believing in Jesus are extremists as fat middle aged people or twenty something kooks are not young people.
I suppose with Naps having terrorized Americans all through 2009 in telling them they were all going to die if they didn't wipe snot on their sleeves might be a revelation of the lack of intelligence of this woman who tried to do a high tech lynching of a black man in Clarence Thomas.
Naps listing Christians, Veterans and Patriots as terrorists also reveals a lack of grey matter between the ears.
Her also noting that the security system worked on the Flight 253 bombing also reveals a moronic understanding of reality, like her lying to Congress about everything.
In an effort though to assist Naps as to why terrorists are formed, it is because from an early age their self esteem is jilted and they start trending toward folks who tell them it is ok to blame America.
Then as life sets in, they are told God and Christian America is a problem and their are other things to get doped on, groped on, sodomized on, Muslimized on or joining the Democratic party.
Then this group of scared souls, sees Al Franken talking about assassinating Republicans, David Letterman talking about raping children, George Soros is branding Americans as war criminals and Nancy Pelosi is using Cindy Sheehan who was out of her mind to attack George W. Bush, that these sociopath Democratic voters start thinking that violence is thee only option for these evil Americans.
Then there comes along a Bill Clinton raping women, lying, giving American secrets away to communists and that is all a big joke too.
Then there comes along a Barack Hussein Obama, who is British, has his puppy press telling his maniacs already mind warped by Democrats that he has a halo, is a god, is a messiah, has a beautiful wife and other fabrications like Obama is going to give them all their worldly lusts if they just obey his mandates..........and in about a year numbers of these aging Obamites start panicking in they have had their lives stolen and nothing is left.
Abdul Hakim Muhammad at 23 thinks he is black and tan Obama got away with his crimes, is being assisted by Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder, so why shouldn't AHM think he is going to get away with murder.
Obama has rules protecting terrorists in Afghanistan, is releasing terrorists around the world, is importing terrorists and in the condom bomber he was given US protection.
So Naps Napolitano, you don't have to drill down on this baby nor analyze the factors, because sister you are in the policy, the meetings and the propaganda which started all of this. You were there smearing Clarence Thomas and you got the golden goose prize in politics. You are the very picture of terror reward which all of these other vacuous Democratic minds are indulging in.
You, Naps, even make it easier in you term Americans evil and term your wacko terrorists as good.
Look in the mirror naps, look at your Obama cabinet meetings with Hillary in her "vast right wing conspiracy", look at your Letterman cocktail crowd cronies, look at the crooks and character assassins in your liberal midsts, sucking on Soros and Muslim oil mafia money, and you people are the source in destroying the American Dream, destroying the American virgin, destroying America's faith and destroying now America's future in Obama debt.
You create enemies lists. You create watch lists. You are the the antagonist of America Nap Napolitano and your entire liberal ilk, and you have the brain dysfunctional public statement to state you don't know that you are thee source of all of this.
You Naps, lead people on the edge and push them over into the abyss, and then use the crisis as it is too good to waste in more draconian laws.
Ms. Napolitano you are the succubus of Transylvania draining hope from the American body with the fangs of your iniquitous manifesto of rapine of dreams.
So stop your Governor's conference games in trying to cover your Muchelle size fat ass in stating you are focusing on domestic terrorists now that you imported all of these illegals and have Obama kooks let loose listening to Van Jones rants who are about to erupt on America in Obama terrorism.
Obama Inc. is responsible for this and Obama Inc. will be trying to use this crisis for more Obama draconian policy.
Try putting your boss and yourself on the terror lists, as you are the ova and sperm in the deliberate conception of this...........and you know it sweets.
Naps Napolitano hiding as an idiot
Editors note* I decided to leave the above as proof of the Napolitano harassment of innocent people in how the Obama intelligence network codex spiders rip blogs apart for their records as they spy on people.
They should be fighting terrorists, but instead Naps clips the pages of this blog.
Maybe she thinks I'm Clarence Thomas.