Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama Muslim Tan

There is an immense "cover your a**" operation going on in the United States government concerning some massive terrorist attacks which are known to be coming to American in the next 3 to 6 months.
This started as this blog noted in Obama scrambling after the Christmas Day attack, after a two week delay in shifting blame to the system and not to hisself.
Leon Panetta, CIA Director, had testimony he provided, leaked to the press, which basically had Panetta throwing up his arms and stating the terrorists were let into America, the attacks will happen and no one can stop them.

What has surfaced on the heals of all of that Obama news is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has revealed that 10 blonde, blue eyed American converts to Islam, went to Yemen, married Yemeni wives, and no one in America knows where these radical converts are.
Literally al Qaeda now has American looking, speaking, acting and real Americans with real American passports for their terror attacks. (I would point out that in Napolitano's porous travel lists, that these passports could have been utilized ten times over in shuffling new students to Yemen and bringing back new terrorists to America.)

In studying the latest al Qaeda attacks in Iraq using females, the suicide bombers where wearing belts and not exploding breasts as the British have been making sensational claims which in analysis exposed only here, does not fit a viable attack method.

This blog alone noted the use of exploding vaginas with a tampon detonator was a much more likely scenario, along with al Qaeda figuring it out that plastic explosive can indeed men synthetic fibers woven into clothing which would detonate in fabric bombs, which would be completely untraceable.

In that, it is time to address the blue eyed Americans and British Muslim passports, because al Qaeda can manufacture America looking terrorists at any time. If one studies Muchelle Obama, she had a definite white phase going on in 2009 and her husband Bearick went on vacation in hot, sunny Hawaii, and actually returned whiter than the tan he left DC with.

Melanin in the skin does indeed fade in winter months, which is what al Qaeda is experiencing. If you have watched "blacks" in the media, one can see Oprah black, become white simply from cosmetics. So it is absolutely nothing for skin tone to be lightened.

Peroxide or hair coloring, simply used on hair and eyebrows, has made many sultry brunettes into girls just want to have fun blondes.
Add to this blue contact lenses, and in several hours, any sultry Islamic chic can be made into something that would pass for European white.......and some of the Bohemians and Bavarians are very swarthy.

With practice in dialogue, anyone in a few moments can by ear mimic almost any dialect from any continent. I can fool anyone as to my origins and I had great fun mimicking Ross Perot and as of yesterday I do a mean Barack Obama.
In that, any Muslim from the Middle East can be trained to be Anglo American within days and will pull it off more readily than the Albanians who have a hard cast to their nature like Russians. Muslims are of a class like Mexicans in taking up space, being noted, but their stance sets off no visual alarms of a problem.

I will not go into the tells of Islamic Asia, but al Qaeda has the American convert structure in place to teach platoons of terrorists in how to be Americans.
al Qaeda did quite well using the Nobel Prize method of sympathy for blacks in getting the Nigerian condom bomber on Flight 253.

Give these American makeover terrorists a few of those juju leaves Yemeni's addicts are chewing on to take the edge off of them, and these terrorists will slip through like Eric Holder made them all US Citizens.

The blue eyed blondes are coming, but they will not be from Hollywood or Playboy this time. They will be from al Qaeda and using munitions and spores to change the game.
I have grave concerns about upcoming events, which could use props and security would never realize what they let in to targeted venues.

Everyone in Obama government though is covering themselves. That is never a good sign as it says the native Americans are being left to fend for themselves as the Obamites with Secret Service to die for them will remain to take more Muslim oil mafia money, and not mention these are terrorists or Muslims.


Obama's blue eyed blonde terrorists