Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama now having Journalists run Over

When I first read of this on the Daily Crawler, I passed it by as I honestly thought the story was some joke as it involved an employee of Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller who was minding his own business and was run over by an SUV driven by some Secret Service State Department employee.

The American assaulted writes under the name of Jim Treacher, and is a Mr. Medlock in real life.
The story goes as this, Mr. Medlock was walking down the sidewalk, entered the crosswalk, inside the crosswalk and as he was crossing the street this SUV comes barreling along, turns the corner and crushes Mr. Medlock.

Bystanders seeing the assault, dragged Mr. Medlock to safety.

A Mike McGunn, then came out of the vehicle, and didn't identify himself as a federal agent, apparently assist in Mr. Medlocks comfort or even apologize for running this poor guy over.

What happened next is funny if you are not Mr. Medlock. For while he was in a hospital bed, the DC police swept in and issued him a warning for "jay walking" at a location four blocks from where he was run over.
Mr. Medlock was sedated, as the DC police ticketed him $20, and the "agent" just stood by taking notes on a pad.

Medlock had his glasses crushed, knee smashed, numerous other injuries, and will undergo corrective surgery later this week.

The Daily Caller was wondering why no apolgies were offered, but how odd is that considering how many crimes this agent's boss in Obama has gotten away with.

Barack Obama has not produced his birth certificate, his passports, college loan files, nor his medical records violating US Constitutional Law.

Tim Geithner has been playing the Stock Market for funding Obama schemes so much the British sent out an algorithm warning.

Eric Holder is giving new meanings to protecting terrorists and making criminals of Americans like the CIA.

So in all of this tax cheaters like Tom Daschle to Joe Biden in plagiarism, how can the Daily Caller but expect that Obama employees are going to conclude they are above the law.

Mr. Medlock should be thankful that Obama didn’t ship him off to Gitmo, but Daily Caller should check Janet Napolitano’s terror watch list as Mr. Teacher is probably listed now as a terrorist who attacks government SUVS by stalking them in busy traffic and running into them with his head.

God bless and get well soon Mr. Medlock, and thankfully you did not die or Obama’s folks probably would have dragged you off to Fort Marcy Park.

It apparently is new Obama sport to run over journalists who expose Obama and the Obamalings.

The questions are now is what was this Obama employee doing, where was he going and why has this cover up occurred in what is being hidden?

Why did the DC police lie and the agent lie in placing Mr. Medlock 4 blocks from the assault?

Why did the State Department term Mr. Medlock as a jogger for who would be running in the middle of the winter at 7 pm at night in a city street?

Come on Americans, Mr. Obama has got to be made to answer for his crimes, so his subordinates are not acting like god above the law.

Working for Obama does not mean you can run over Americans and have them arrested for getting in the way!

PS: How about this one for satire.........

Janet Napolitano sends Mr. Medlock a get well card, postage due, and she tells him to rub some snot on it to make it better......


Obama employees now running down journalists