Saturday, February 6, 2010

Obamadable Snow Monster

As no one else seems to be moved by God to warn Americans that the horrid weather which has been blasting the United States is because the Lord of all weather in thee Almighty God is communicating to an America his displeasure in their sticking a blasphemous Obama in the White House, is displeased with America's national sins, that the solution to this attention getter from God is for America to repent of their sins and effect a real change God can believe in, it appears here for those who will listen to find.

God requires that Americans tear down the sins of their heart and their land. Only in that Way will God reduce the judgment upon America.

It seems odd to this writer that when President Bush was in office that so many couldn't wait to blame hurricanes on Bush 43 in God's judgment, when it was instead chastisement, but now that judgment has come on America due to the son of wrath, Obama, that all of the chirpers have gone silent.

God has had enough of this global warming and climate change scam. He is displeased that these liars in the children of satan have taken the glory from God in He is in command of the weather and these minions of the devil have put the blame on mankind as some sort of gods, so God has been making interesting exclamation points to get a rather inept people's attention around the globe, starting with the tribe of Dan in Copenahagen, Denmark.
Inept on both fronts as apparently as when the snow and rain fall on the good and the bad, the good have not pointed out the message from God and the bad are incapable of deciphering God's stormy protocols.

Idols are the big problem in this, meaning all the persons, places, things and actions which Americans have taken to their heart to replace God, as in His Thought, Who is Jesus the Christ. There is no room in America for any other God than the Christ. So either remove the witches from the US military in their paganism, the mosques sprouting up all over, synagogues denying the Son of God or whatever other cult like Jehovah's Witness or Scientology, which includes the Catholics tossing out the figurines of Angels and Saints worshipped, and a Priesthood more intent on their Catholic government than on Christ, or God will initiate new actions to inflict His points on the masses.

God does not enjoy doing any of this. His point is Love and Americans need to get the point.

It is easier to just say "keep the 10 Commandments", but as so many warped minds need a refresher........
Sex outside of male female marriage is forbidden. Slaughtering babies in the womb and old people in hospital beds is forbidden. Governments stealing all their Citizens wages is forbidden. Importing people who are not Americans is forbidden to gain power or to abuse as slaves. Lying, stealing, cheating, using profane language and thought is forbidden.

A simple reminder is give all honor to God. Do not use His Name unwisely. Be nice to people and use the standard, "Would I be doing this in Church or if a Pastor knew?" If the answer is "No", then you have your answer and if you don't know, then you shouldn't be doing it.

A suggestion that Mr. Obama and his crew confess their sins and their usurpation would be a good idea along with their stepping down as God did not choose them.
A real Minister to lead a pious American response in confession of sins, praises sung to God, offerings not to make up for sins as only Christ can do that, but to show remorse and give place to God, with a period of fasting would obtain God's notice as 300 million sorrowful souls would make a sound to heaven.

That is what America should do, but she will not. Christians like myself though have mentioned to God that I do not vote for baby killers, do not promote rebellion against God and I didn't bow to Obama, so all these acts of God have been shared more vigorously with the Obama states recently and areas of people who are responsible for all of this Barney Frank debauchery.

All of that will probably get me another sheet on a watch list, get some ranting from liberal groups who have been living off of Christian piety protection while tearing down God's plan, but it apparently needed to be said to a wider audience as God has been quite vocal to me for some time in warning of things getting quite the no longer fun for Americans.

So change your ways you bowers to Obama ways, confess your sins to God, be washed and regenerated you degenerates by the Holy Ghost, and perhaps God will have Mercy in lessening the outcome.
Revelation in the 4 Horsemen reveals the way things work when people dishonor God and wrath comes. It starts with the weather, God moves it to disease and famine, then comes war and then death.

This is a witness against what is the evil America has become. You should probably be fixing this on a run, because God is in the process of reckoning the scales to His balance.

In Jesus the Son of God's Name. Amen

nuff said

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