Monday, February 22, 2010

Obama's Mengele Rationed Death

I really dislike writing about Obama rationed death, but for some reason these Democrats are all like putting down Terri Schiavo, saying how beautiful she looked being dehydrated to death.
I mean who gets a johnson or a june over people dying? Yet, you look at Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Emmanuel, and it is like the wolves stretching out the old milch cow and salivating over how many times they can make her bellar as they are tearing the paunch out eating her alive.

Obama is back at it again though being a dictator in now putting caps on what private insurers can charge. That of course has nothing to do with people, but everything to do with bankrupting insurance companies who have nothing to do with costs they are being charged from hospitals, doctors and pharmaceuticals in the trillions every year.
So what Obama intends is to give insurance to AARP cronies the way he gave GM to the unions. As private insurance can not afford the trillions in cost of gay diseases, all these aborticide preemies from scarred wombs and Mexican illegals, all of whom the medical community all jack prices up on and pas it off on insurance companies.

So Obama trying to hold down medical costs by hammering insurance companies is like Janet Napolitano putting Christians on terror watch lists, when it is Muslims doing the shooting.

It would be much better if the 50 states all elected 3 member PUC boards which answered to the public, whose mandate would be to set rates in medical costs just like electric, phone and whatever are regulated and it all works jiffy swell for Americans.
I noted a week ago that you can hire a Mexican to gut chickens for 9 bucks and hour and he will do a pile of birds making the same cut a doctor charges 50,000 dollars for.
A vet using the same equipment, medicines and scalpel will charge a few hundred dollars.

So the disconnect is bogus in the Rockefeller Kennedy costs which have been foisted upon Americans in the past 50 years.

I frankly was delivered by what was called a horse doctor. He was the best doctor I ever had. Those old doctors would treat you, but they would also know and would tell you, "You know in most cases people get better on their own, and if they don't they die".
That is the dirty secret to medicine in it is a cost generating business meant to shear the American public, terrify the American public and make the American public think they have to bankrupt themselves to hang onto an existence here.

I post again that internist on their last 2 years would be available to treat the public for what the public could afford. The internists and nurses would be paid one hundred, and fifty, thousand dollars respectively tax free for this service, like the military.
When people needed advanced care, then poor people would be offered a five thousand dollar voucher every year they could save up and use not as cash, but as a tax deduction for hospitals, who then would not have to pay taxes on that amount.
Poor people would be covered, it would not cost anyone anything, poor people would get equal care to rich people, be in control of their care, and the government would not be in the business of taxing for revenue sick people.

Of course Obama is not interested in treating people, he is interested in getting the medical cash cow for his cronies like AARP, making American's dependent on Democrats in fear votes, and in the end, that it all it means in the Mengele Obama experiment.

As I started this, all of that just fills me with revulsion, but Democrats keep gnawing on this like a free caviar buffet in not being able to get enough death to devour for their appetites.

There really is something wrong with a group of people who have an obsession the way Obama does. They are sick in the head, sick in the heart and their souls are as black as grave at midnight in a genocide prison.

The American race deserves better than to be exterminated by Obama Inc.
