Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Puzzled Obamites

This blog is amazed at the absolute ignorance held by the Obama regime in it's Godless and godless forms that it, nor the Jews, nor anyone in the west can figure out the Islamocommunist Persians when it comes to nuclear weapons, and why the Iranians moved an entire stockpile of their 20% refined ore to an exposed position which bombs could scatter to dust in the wind.

As this blog in analysis noted, the current Persians are communists of the French Baathist movement created for the Muslims in the Middle East. They are part fascist Nazi Aryan. They are part German philosopher Kant in any means justifies any ends.
They are also not Muslims in the mullah bash your head in Islam.

Khamenei is a grandiose religious leader. His Revolutionary Guards are a focused group as focused as any regimes true believers could be. Ahmadinejad is the essence of an Islamic mystic.

I will return to Mr. Ahmadinejad at the United Nations in speaking of a glow around him, a certain destiny, a complete transfiguration. He was describing a mystic experience and that is what he is.
Ahmadinejad believes, looks for, moves Iran for a return of the mahdi who in Islamic legend will basically perform a bastardized role of Christ.

Obama's intelligence people are completely naked in this, as they have no idea what and who they are dealing with, no more than the Mossad or the Europeans. Mystic Islam is real, it is something as spiritual in oracles as the most legendary of utterances.

I will remind readers that before 9 11, Sheik bin Laden's followers in camp were at least twice dreaming of planes flying into buildings.
The Sheik was perplexed when this came up twice and tried to change the subject, but the fact is Muslim seers were dreaming of future events and getting them right.

This is not something isolated as the South Seas Mystics predicted the coming of the Europeans to the Spice Islands.

So while the New York Times aids the Persians in telling them what methods the Americans and Jews have breached the Persian nuclear structure in a pure case of treason during time of war, that Godless rag has no understanding no more than Obama what is taking place in Persia.

It is a matter of faith which is taking place. Every single action the Persians have taken all points to a belief in insider information from the spiritual matrix. They do things that seem crazy until it takes on the point of view that it is being directed from a perspective they completely believe in.

Iran already has nuclear weapons. The Persians believe in not only surviving a nuclear exchange, but winning it in the form the mahdi will appear. They attempted to sell weapons grade Russian uranium to the FARC narco terrorists in South America.
They are currently assisting Syria and Venezuela in their nuclear fronts against the Israeli state and America.

From a tactical standpoint, this is nuclear pollution if someone struck the Persian stockpile, which they have more of and numerous bombs of already manufactured. Pollution in they invite a strike, they counterstrike Israel, Saudi Arabia and American bases.
To put it bluntly, it is not that difficult to program into a warhead that if a Patriot takes out the rocket and it veers off course, to immediately detonate to create an EMP.
Such a counter attack would be responded to in Colin Powell kinder and gentler nuclear warfare of "Iranian military sites" which leave the Persian communists alive and a big dust cloud settling on United States Soldiers all over the theater.
Sort of putting a crimp in the Obama surge in bleeding gum Soldiers with their hair falling out, with Pelosi screeching to bring them all home.

So factoring in the matter of faith in who knows what Ahmadinejad's mystics are seeing or dreaming, or even himself, uranium ore appears on the surface in a series of what the west sees is erratic behavior, but makes perfect sense to a religious Muslim in Persia.

Persians are operating in what they believe to be inside information. Such things should not be discounted as the Japanese kamikaze performed spectacular damage in belief in his religion.

These Godless NeoProg of the west are forgetting religion in the Nazi drove that system and the Persians are no different in being zealots driven on a page the Chicago and New York intellectuals are too teleprompter bright to consider.

The Muslim oracles have spoken before, they spoke before 9 11 and from analysis they are speaking again in Persia and the Sheik bin Laden by their actions. They have insider information and as the real God in Jesus is void from Tel Aviv and Washington, DC, the west is incapable of comprehending what Ahmadinejad is carrying out beyond guessing.

The puzzled Obamites jigging what they saw trying to make the pieces join together from a Godless fit.
Weighed, measured and found wanting, the handwriting on the wall once wrote.

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Puzzled Obamites