Monday, February 15, 2010

Say it ain't so Joe

I desire to preface this with the announcement that I had a correspondence with one of the most powerful people in America. In a list of 12 names, his would not be at the bottom.
The topic was about something of this blog in protecting Americans. His reply was one sentence on the topic I was speaking about, and then I had a few pages of his accomplishments.

I know this person and like him. I also know when I am being blown off by a politician and it really irks me when American security is involved. In noting that, I know he is better than a Nancy Pelosi or a Robert Gates, so while this politician is someone I am not fond of even if liking him, he is my horse and being the only horse in the desert, I will ride him even if he is a jackass.

Now I could cause him a great deal of problems in things I know, but as stated, you do not brain a horse who bites you, you instead ride him out of the desert and deal with the bone head later.

Where this is going in this is Joe the Plumber or Sam Wurzelbacher told a group in Pennsylvania that John McCain used him and now Joe is all upset about it.
He is so upset that he is not supporting Sarah Palin any longer, because she is campaigning for John McCain.

This all needs to be addressed in people put too much personal emotion into politicians in thinking these people really care about you. No people Barack Obama does not say a prayer for you at night nor dream of eating cherry pie with you because you voted for them.
John McCain would not know you if you said hello to him 10 years ago, no more than you remember some stranger saying hello to you a decade ago, nor are you praying for someone in another state who said something nice about you or planning to go eat cherry pie at their home.

Politicians are devices for the implementation of the conduit of American majority thought. They are your computer program meant to pull a lever voting for you. They will use just about anything from Tim Johnson in his wife's breast cancer to Micheal Steele his blackness to gain an edge.

Ronald Reagan was a very caring gentleman, but he never really had a connect with people he met personally outside Nancy. That did not make him bad. It just was his character in he could transform that disconnect into a national connect in trying to do good for all Americans.

Joe the Plumber and most Americans should know this, but it is hard when people are paying attention to you as John McCain was and then McCain ignores you, because he is sore about losing an election and if you have seen McCain's wife going all queer on him in ads, he has one nasty life for an old guy tortured to hell in Vietnam, with a daughter about as right wing as Noel Sheppard taking a left hand turn in San Franscisco.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to know that the only reason Public Radio which is communist is interested in him is because they can whore him like Entertainment Tonight did with Levi Johnston.
Being an Obama media whore is not any position any man should care to be in.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to comprehend that Sarah Palin is someone who is loyal. John McCain did not screw her over and actually did his political best to deflect from her the jabs Baldy Schmidt was trying to ruin her with.

Am I fan of John McCain? Not in the least. I told him to retire before 2008 and fade away. The only reason I supported him was because my advice was followed in putting a Conservative woman on the GOP ticket.

Do I support Sarah Palin in supporting John McCain? It is none of my business as I do not dictate to Sarah Palin her personal choices. I understand her loyalty and deal with it.
Would I hope that McCain is defeated and a Conservative Republican is in Congress, most certainly, but I also have a twinge in concern for Gov. Palin in associating with that defeat.
I also know that if Sarah Palin was asked by McCain's opponent if he won to campaign for him, providing he was Conservative, that Gov. Palin would probably campaign for him too.

That is what politics are. I always state people are not electing perfection in God to government. People vote for imperfect people who are going to vote the way the majority demands.

Joe the Plumber is not doing himself any good in his vindictive venting. The left detests him and will mock him when he is done. The right upon hearing his slapping at Gov. Palin and saying "Obama is honest because he said what he was going to do", will abandon him like Arlen Specter.

Sure Joe the Plumber can exist in a Devvy Kidd anarchist world where bloggers are tearing into every side as evil, but what that gets you is criminal Barack Obama into dictatorial powers at the White House.
My entire life I have been used and let myself be used with disastrous results which at times almost cost me my life. I do not put my trust in princes nor in the sons of men. I instead honor God working myself daily to somehow glorify Him.
I get the point Jesus is returning with force to be my King and all of this is going to be swept away. I will to the best of my ability promote the best direction for America through the best venue for God to work through and this person is Sarah Palin, providing she stays on God's side.

Sarah Palin can ignore me, can campaign for John McCain, can do what Sarah Palin does as long as she does not get off the reservation too far. It is not my purpose to correct her, as there are enough asses venting on her for their own personal problems.

What Joe the Plumber is conducting now is personal retribution for a slight he feels. McCain took something from him, and now Joe is going to retaliate and take something back.
Joe needs someone to protect him from himself as he is being preyed on again by the left. They will use him and spit him out just like Cindy Sheehan was by Pelosi.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to stop cutting his nose off to spite his face. The world has enough indifferent people and enough enemies for each of us without going out and creating them.

Sarah Palin does not tell Sam Wurzelbacher who he can speak to in the press or who he can support. Sam Wurzelbacher needs to afford her that same courtesy, because I would bet that Joe the Plumber had some guy he knew from his past who did him a good turn, that no matter if the world hated that guy, Joe would pay him back by standing by him if he was asked.

That is what people in Ohio do. Same as people in Alaska.

nuff said


Say it ain't so Joe