Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It appears that commentators like David Kupelian and Michelle Malkin, along with pundits across the board are having a kampf in struggling to understand what drives Attorney General Eric Holder.
Mr. Kupelian ponders that like Ramsey Clarke, that Holder just has a resident evil he sides with.
Micki Malkin reveals the money trail of Holder being hired to defend terrorists, but in that each falls short in why Holder and Obama are affording American rights to terrorists and tearing down the American system.
It simply is Eric Holder is a stooge.
Stooge: noun; A person of unquestioning obedience.
That is Eric Holder and that is Barack Hussein Obama, the question then to define these black revolutionary Marxists is to answer who they are obedient to.
Of course, like Ramsey Clark, Hillary Clinton, ACLU lawyers etc.. the basis of an Obama stooge has to be a resentment toward America in the psychopathy of the mind, which manifests from some slight experienced in formative years.
For tan people like Obama and Holder, they fall readily back to be being black for failures or slights, when white children in America for the majority part are told to suck it up, ridiculed and not allowed to hide behind being white. Holder and Obama though run to blackness like Michael Steele attempted when being exposed as an idiot. It is the crutch one holds.
Ramsey Clarke on the opposite in being white, loathes his whiteness as Americanness and therefore runs toward defending a non white Saddam Hussein as innocent even in genocide, because in Clarke's mind only Americans can be guilty.
In returning to the unquestioning obedience, one does start with Micki Malkin in her following the money trail. Both Holder and Obama were in the legal ranks where huge amounts of money flow. Holder was hired to represent a class of terrorists who are employed by a certain group to cause chaos in the western governments.
Obama was paid from in Harvard days by Saudi Muslim oil money and later by Saddam Hussein oil money for his political run, and later by Syrian, Libyan, Palestinian and Persian oil money in campaign donations, which included record amounts of counterfeit currency laundered through credit cards.
This is where one sees the Obama and Holder coddling of terrorists, releasing of terrorists and refusing to call terrorists terrorists or even Muslim, due to the Muslim mafia oil money.
This has to revert one further step in this to make sense to the Obama Holder stooge in one notes numbers of "Jews" cropping up in Holder obtained for Marc Rich, an international criminal, the infamous Clinton pardon and Obama has Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod, who both hide in Jewry.
Who these folks are, are Asian Ashkenaz as I have noted previously. Take for example in your reading this, if your immediate family was shipped off to North Korea. Would you be North Korean?
The answer is no, but if you converted to communism and ran the banking structure in North Korea, would you be looked upon a bit more in being defined in the press as North Korean?
Certainly so.
But in your heart, you would still have an allegiance to your ethnic family whether it was Indian, White, Black, Chinese or Arab. You would still be pulling deals which would benefit your family.
That is what the Ashkenaz are. They are a close knit dominant family group inside Jewry. They converted to a from of Judaism and they control the European banking cartel as well as America through their proxy Rockefeller group.
All funds lead back to them, from George Soros being their tool to Warren Buffett.
They launder and use Muslim oil money just as readily as the Vatican's oil money as readily as the British royalty's fortune. Their banks were working in the Soviet system at the Cold War and their banks armed and funded the Nazi's during World War II.
They pick out motivated children on both political spectrums and infuse them into the body politic whether it is in Russia or America. While the world is kept fighting in the communist thugs in Persia to the Jewish secularist Marxist in the Israeli state to the Chicoms to the Obamacoms, they make money, advance their power and their stooges perform feats in writing Patriot Laws written by Gary Hart and passed by George W. Bush.
Terrorism is used by the core group to affect policy and people in, out and associating with the Rothschild cartel advance that policy through either obedience or the staged 9 11 need to advance that agenda.
This is why Obama showed up in Berlin giving a speech in front of Hitler's favorite monument. It seems bizarre that Axelrod would allow such a thing, until you realize that Adolf Hitler was an Austrian Ashkenaz, advanced by this banking cartel, because Germany was too big of an obstacle standing in the way of building a coming Empire.
Lutheranism had to be removed and a bastardized Russian German mix in the east created and a docile German in the west formed.
Hitler thought like most dictators that he was master, but the cartel was utilizing this charisma to dismantle the German state and create a super Soviet state to plunder all of Asia of it's goods.
That is what is missed in this as people look at this as nationalities in Obama the American, when Obama is loyal to a different order which he stated he wills to destroy the American system by changing it.
Eric Holder is simply the legal wing of this cartel who promotes, protects and defends the illegal element of money laundering Ashkenaz Marc Rich while promoting his arch enemy of Flight 253 terrorists.
All terrorist are not the same to the cartel. The terrorists which inflict damage to increase the cartel power are good and the terrorists who will not take orders are bad and captured.
I am telling you right now if the Taliban and Sheik bin Laden would swear absolute vassal status to the Rothschilds in telling them they could plunder and loot all they would have control over, that in one day the Taliban would be Patriots and Sheik bin Laden would be having a kobe beef dinner with the Obamas at the White House.
Sheik bin Laden though is used by the cartel to inflict a draining war on America. Does the Sheik know this? He is not a stupid person, so he does know in part what he is told.
Mullah Baradar was captured because Obama needed some good press in America to prove he was tough on terror. Otherwise he would still be under the protection of the cartel.
This all melds and separates at a continuous flow in various powers in Russia and China are afforded advancement to keep America from dominating the world completely as she would have in peace if simply left to her natural abilities.
It is though these changelings or the stooges in Obama and Holder, who are the completely obedient servants to this order which explains their anti America actions. They will be utilized and in time gotten rid of if they become a problem or a better stooge comes along.
That is the way the cartel handles the goats of their herd.
A referee constantly calling fouls in an NBA game on one team while allowing the other to play is not working for the league, but the mafia points spread. The same condition is of the Obama stooges. They are not taking the side of evil, but protecting their phobias and hatred of America, while following the will of their benefactors who chose them, because they bleat the same way.
Barack Obama is a stooge, Eric Holder is stooge, Janet Napolitano is a stooge and Joe Biden is an idiot to be used and Hillary Clinton likes thinking she is in charge until Bill steals Asian uranium and the cartel clips her wings to teach her a lesson.
All of these folks arise, obtain the jobs, get the book deals, have money show up in speaking engagements, because they are stooges purchased at a young age and being so trained they implement policy obediently based on their Tavistock fear based psychological profiles.
They work for a system of a coming order which is satan initiated and empowered. They will by actions unknown bring about the anti Christ. Minions, demoniacs, stooges.
Stooges that is the answer.
agtG 237
Stooge Eric Holder