Friday, March 12, 2010

Aboriticide Obama

Back during the Bill and Hillary Clinton years, the bizarre Dr. Mengele Surgeon General of the Clintons, Jocelyn Elders had a few clips floating around of her testimony before Congress.
Ms. Elders was a comic book character without any comedy as the Clintons promoted pedophilia, homosexualization of children and policy of Dr. Elders who was infamous for this quote:

"Senator these people are going to die anyway".

The essence of what Ms. Elders was stating was that as people were going to die anyway, there was no point in trying to save any of them.
That is defined as genocide or extermination policy of eugenics. The inert policy of the Rockefellers and their original beasty which birthed Planned Parenthood and the billion dollar aborticide industry.

In that, the fraud, Bart Stupak of Michigan, who promotes hisself as a "pro life Democrat" in a big original group, which is now whittled down to 11 floating "pro life Democrats" who are at that number, because they are conning their constituents into thinking they are a Ben Nelson American to get re elected.
If Pelosi Obama needed 11 more votes for Obamacrypt and those Democrats were secure to get re elected, they too would vote for aborticide in the frauds they are like Blue Dog Stephie Herseth Sandlin who couldn't p*ss high enough in praise of Obamacrypt months ago, but as she was getting into trouble politically in spud head South Dakota, she all of a sudden came out against it, and is in this Stupak fraud mob saving their bogus asses.

Amazing little Stephie illegally interferes with South Dakota law as an agent of Planned Parenthood in turning over abortion law, but Steph turns out her own baby to pollute the world with high costs instead of aborting the tissue.
Talk about a hypocrite.

That might sound harsh, but that is the exact wording Bart Stupak is quoted in telling the press, that that is what Pelosi, Hoyer and Emanuel have been pushing behind closed doors.
Here is the Stupak quote:

What are Democratic leaders saying? “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing,” Stupak says. “Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue — come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.”

So there we have the Jocelyn Elders quote again on econmics in medicine. Elders was all for having people die as people die anyway, but the new NeoProg mantra is why let people be born to cost money in the system, as it is more profitable to abort them and not have any of the later costs.

This blog wonders why none of these people like Obama, Reid, Herseth Sandlin, Pelosi and Hoyer ever volunteer themselves to be Jocelyn Elders Soylent Green candidates.
Joe Biden blows a brain and runs to the hospital. Tim Johnson blows another brain and to the million dollar health wing he goes. Pelosi needs botox to keep her lizard expression and she costs money to the system, but none of these folks lines up for a post birth abortion to save the system any money.

One never sees ardent advocate of wanting to pay more in taxes, Whoopie Goldberg, ever writing out a million extra tax check no more that Obama 1.4 million dollar Nobel Prize will have one cent show up in paying off the national debt he is creating. No these rich liberals never pay more money, and none of them in advocating the deaths of millions of humans, ever figures as they are going to die anyway, that they just Terri Schiavo help it along to look so beautiful in being tortured to death.

One reason America has a multi billion dollar problem in illegals, illegals in welfare, housing defaults, schooling and medical is because millions of American babies were aborted who are now not taxpayers paying taxes.
Add the reason that abortions cause higher rates of breast cancers which women are dying from to the billions of dollars in scarred wombs in preemie births spiking medical insurance costs and hospital costs, and one sees the Robin Abortihood principle in the robbers make billions off of aborticide and preemies in getting rich, while the poor are left to die without care as this Obama Rockefeller group has medical treatment closed to Americans.

A Mexican is wheeled in with a fake Social Security card, gets a hundred thousand in care, disappears when released and plunders the system in new location. Idiot honest Americans wait to the last moment in emergency care, have the bills run up, and are bankrupted as collectors haul them into court ruining the dolt who actually considers America their home.

When Democrats are lining up babies to murder them for profit, so to not cost the system, these same Democrats have proven they target invalids like Terri Shiavo who are still viable and target the elderly whose insurance runs out.
Do not forget in this rationed death by Obama, that Rahm Emanuel's brother already has written the medical protocols in some people will get care and some will be told to go climb on an iceberg for the good of the village and die like an Eskimo. If you are elderly, you are going to be told to suffer and die, while someone younger who can pay more in taxes will get your heart, hip or cataract operation.

As Quebec put forward in great Canadian health care the necessity currently in killing patients as it was time to kill people as the system could not afford care any longer, this is what this is all about in rationed death.
The people who will be afforded an operation in the masses will be told to wait two years, and of course like that they will be dead by the time the operation is scheduled. That is why the Canadian leader came to America for care and not Canada.
Matt Drudge has constant stories of patients in England left in their own filth for weeks, babies born in hospital halls and one patient phoning the police for a drink of water as inept nurses refused to care for the person.

This is what awaits Americans, and Democrats have decided the first issue is to kill off babies, so there will not be any need for caring for them later.

The glaring problem in this is, that this will wipe out the black population in America, along with classes of the white race. America will be exterminated as that is what this is, and it will be the rich who will get all the care they ever need in a different system they will have others paying for them and the rest of America will die of, and be replaced by Obama Mexican illegals in amnesty.

I'm going to put a link for people to have a look at thee worst of images which would make any human cringe, but this is what Barack Obama deems as his health care policy cornerstone. Aborting babies.

National policy in exterminating their population and making the wombs of child bearers incapable of carrying full term babies, along with scarring these women's minds in psychological trauma from abortion hormonal imbalance and psychopathy, is not policy, but Stalin in the Ukraine, Mao in China and Hitler in Europe.

The cannibals are now feasting on the American melting pot in dining on human flesh.

He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got you and me baby in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands

Bart Stupak and his aborticide party he is most comfortable in

I won’t leave the party. I’m more comfortable here...
-Bart Stupak