Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Damedest Questions Ever

Now that Americans have been suckered to donate $1 billion to Haitian earthquake extortion, I have a few questions to ask as by amazing coincidence the puppy press, charities nor Obama bothered to point a few things out.

Haiti is not an island for those who do not know, and think it is. Haiti is on an island called Hispaniola. It shares this big island with the Dominican Republic which it is said does not have a very high opinion of the Haitians.

Now in this giant earthquake which knows no borders, how is it that the Dominican Republic never suffered on brick out of place?
If they did, then how is it that they dealt with it, with absolutely no foreign aid, help or Obama?

What is interesting in this is Chile which suffered more damage and bigger quake actually only had a few hundred people perish, because they are a Republic with morals, responsibility and Milton Friedman economics at work.
I almost rolled out of my chair when a world expert in Chile told America broadcast news, "The Chilean response was the best I ever saw. I was on par with the response to Katrina in the Arkansas staging base".

Ouchie wah wah woo hoo, was it not the Democrats, HuffPo and all media who were saying George W. Bush blew Katrina in New Orleans response, and here was an expert on camera praising that FEMA Bush response.
Chalk one up again for the bawling Shep Smith and wading through water with shotgun Sean Penn in Katrina was a media farce to get at George W. Bush in lies, because an expert in these situations compared Chilean response to American proper response.

Ok back at Hispaniola, we now have 1 billion sucker dollars in Haiti, ok you know that money is not going to Haiti from these charities and will end up paying salaries and bankrolling for the next big disaster to text money to some new disaster, providing it is not Chilean as those self supporting people don't get squat from leftist charities.
What is interesting that 1 billion would pay the salaries of every Haitian for a year as they only earn around $1300 per anum.

All that money flowing in on a sucker bet, and I will bet that Haiti will not change one iota as that would mean no money laundering flow of corruption for what Haiti is for and all those good deed doers still need a nice vacation spot to go steal babies from as they act superior to them real black folks, which Obama seems quite frightened of as he has not gone anywhere near Haiti or apparently the supreme Dominican Republic.

Odd how no on ever asked any of the above questions or bothered to think things through. The United States pours a fortune into Haiti every year and nothing changes. America suckers donate $1 billion dollars out of guilt and nothing changes.

It is nice to know though that the Dominican Republic is immune to earthquake damage by a simple international border. Maybe San Francisco, New Madrid, Gulf Shores, Yellowstone and New York should just draw boundary line around their fault zones to cure all future problems with earthquakes.
Maybe we can draw one around Lindsey Graham so no border busters can get into America. Draw one around Obama and he will not be able to harm America any more. Draw one around Janet Napolitano and her ugly will not be a factor any more.

Let us just draw a line a map to cure all harmful things or perhaps let us start asking questions before we get led around like dogs on a leash.

Dominican Republic no earthquake and Haiti has an earthquake. All the same place, same island, same Bat Channel.
