Monday, March 29, 2010

The Danger Obama Wheelbarrow Terrorist

This entire Hutatree situation is becoming an embarrassment, for how many numerous times from Salahi, Condom Bomber, Nidal Hasan etc.... the Obama regime has been lying to the public about what they said happened, and later Janet Napolitano is caught in a lie before Congress.

I suppose the caveat needs to be stated for the Obamalings of Obama Inc. in this blog according to President George W. Bush policy agrees that every terrorist should be killed in warfare and if captured as Saddam Hussein, tried and when found guilty executed.
This blog supports the CIA, FBI, NSA, US Marshal's etc..., but the corruption being infused by Eric Holder at Justice, along with the continued rapine of the BATF upon Americans, is without merit and must be held accountable by the United State's Courts.

Pictured above though one can see what the Obama federales are finding as dangerous terrorism equipment by the Hutatree.
We find the dangerous wheelbarrow, the dangerous kitchen chair, the dangerous trolly and the very dangerous dog kennel.

All of this is private property which has been removed by the Obama government and left exposed to the degrading effects of nature. No government in America should have the right to tear homes apart and put things under destructive weather. If you bring it out, you bring it back in, in Colin Powell kinder and gentler terror war on terrorists.

In reports from the people who knew the Hutatree members, one has heard they were nice neighbors and the wife of one member had this to say:

"It consisted of a dad and two of his sons and I think just a couple other close friends of theirs," said Kelly Sickles, who husband, Kristopher, was among those charged. "It was supposed to be a Christian group. Christ-like, right, so why would you think that's something wrong with that, right?"

Sickles said she came home Saturday night to find her house in Sandusky, Ohio, in disarray. Agents seized the guns her husband collected as a hobby and searched for bomb-making materials, she said, but added: "He doesn't even know how to make a bomb. We had no bomb material here."

She said she couldn't believe her 27-year-old husband could be involved in anything violent.

"It was just survival skills," she said. "That's what they were learning. And it's just patriotism. It's in our Constitution."

In noting the above quote, one can also note as Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano try this case in public smearing Americans, that there is a small matter of every American is innocent until proven guilty.

What is the matter in this though, is the Hutatree website has absolutely nothing on it concerning attacking the United States Government in a Helter Skelter scenario from the Manson Family.
No bomb making materials or bombs were found in any of these raids, and that is what the crux of this case is, is that this group was allegedly going to attack the government sometime in April.
The weapons of mass destruction charge, actually deals with someone talking about building a bomb. That is an embarrassing stretch for the Obama Justice group as WMD stands of biological, chemical and nuclear bombs, not for a bomb made of words which apparently does not exist.

This quote from Eric Holder was the most bizarre of the day:

The arrests have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States."

Where is this dangerous organization which is being spoken of? All that is coming out is "words" less threatening than what can be found on Ed Schultz's program and Barack Obama has him sitting in the White House answering questions and Al Franken was elected to the US Senate by Minnesota and both of them spoke of murdering Vice President Dick Cheney.

This Obama thuggery seized "guns" and that is all which has been stated on this subject, and this Obama group will not even comment on "bombs". In translational logic, this means that there was not any explosive found nor detonator.
In the "guns" category, this Hutatree group had all legal firearms which they are fully Constitutionally and rightfully able to possess in a real America.

What this appears more and more in every bit of information which has leaked out is there was an inside mole from another Militia group working for the FBI. The "report" filed on Hutatree looked extremely political for Obama Inc. to utilize in a smear campaign to intimidate Tea Party Americans on the heals of the Democrats setting federal police on voters who phoned their offices.
The information being planted in the press is far too detailed, and, it is logical to deduct that in this age no one is going to be sending emails nor making phone calls speaking of illegal activities after the media has educated terrorists not to do this.
Hutatree had no information nor videos depicting any of their accused terrorism or as Eric Holder puts it, "Their war against America".

If this is the face of war in America, then it is milk toast compared to Charlie Manson and it certainly is nothing compared to Muslims teaching people how to slit throats in their camps as was analyzed here in Mooselums teaching this.

Obama's federal police have chosen a group of rural, trusting, "christian" and appearing not the most adept at processing information. One mother took her son's firearms away as she thought he needed psychological help.
One notes that al Qaeda under Mrs. Zawahiri was targeting using the emotionally distraught, and it appears that Barack Obama chose a group of hermits to smear for greater political purposes.

If this group is dangerous to America, then every mountain nook and every valley cranny east of the Mississippi is filled with the same "dangerous folks" who watch WWE, NASCAR and make up bragging stories that Sheriff Andy Griffith tells them to go home and sleep it off, while federal police named Napolitano swoop in and arrest them.

As this is a semblance of America yet, and Dan Rather never believed what the American government said compared to the Soviets, on the scale of does one believe Obama Inc. or these character witnesses from the Midwest........ex wives saying an ex went too far, a wife saying her husband didn't know a thing about bombs and a mother relating she disarmed her own son months ago, makes these Hutatree prisoners of the Obama government more believable than Barack Obama.
This blog fully recalls thee political imprisonment of Lawrence Sinclair in it's facts which can not be denied. Lawrence Sinclair was swept up by the federal police, lost in the system and threatened to be imprisoned for a misdemeanor for life as his handicapped benefits were taken from him.

In all of this the Hutatree group deserved the benefit of the doubt, and is earning not guilty the more Obama Inc. smears them and the more witnesses speak about them.

As stated what this appears more and more like is what Hitler did to the Jews in trumping up things and making them criminals. It is far too easy to have a federal mole attach themselves to a group, be ordered to "spice things up" in conversations where they bring up Helter Skelter scenarios that people start fancifully speaking of and get recorded, so these moles can earn their paycheck.
As Hal Turner proved, the federal police expect things for what they pay for and soon enough lines are crossed for political reasons in Washington.

The rights of Hutatree in John Adams defense of British Soldiers are being trampled on. When it comes to the Condom Bomber or Nidal Hasan, the American public still does not know a thing about what is going on in those cases, but in this case brought about by Barack Obama, Napolitano, Holder and the prosecutors can not get in front of the camera enough to make bizarre statements.

In equal justice, if Hutatree is guilty of sedition in making war on the United States government, then in sedition Barack Obama in making war on the American government to "change" it, then the question is what is the difference?
Both bring down the US government. Both have federal police involved and both are making war on segments of the American public.

As Hutatree is arrested, why is not Barack Hussein Obama and his group arrested as both are committing the same crimes under Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano judgments.

Rhetorical question.

agtG 216

Kitchen chair terrorism