Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fixing America

It is not any news that America is broken, and has been broken deliberately by the Obama benefactors in the international financial cartels run out of Europe in the Rothschilds. The basic principle of them is to eliminate competition, and one accomplishes this by taking the Citizen's money from them in taxes and inflation, and makes them into a mob controlled by an elite like Obama rationing rights and death to them.

America got into this problem by being Godless and the God fearing sitting on their votes in not stopping this rapine. When people are sinners, they cost money. When people are Saints they do not bankrupt a nation but create a surplus.

In that, I advocate a new program away from Washington and away from your state capitals. I advocate breaking this down to your county level and if the county is too large to break it down into a township or borough.
In this, every community in American could in Benjamin Franklin terms find a way for all to become prosperous. As the Buffalo Runner Billy Dixon stated of 1870 Kansas, "There was plenty of money then and there was no reason if you worked for being poor".

This is what communities need to do to save America from the soil up. Each community needs to find an agrarian, mining, forestry or mercantile invention to produce a product on a national, international, continental or intrastate scale to bring in a balance of trade so money is flowing in, instead of all money flowing out.
See most community funds either go to federal housing payments, food or fuel. Their dollar once earned goes immediately out of the community and never recirculates on the mercantile level as in days gone by in the farmer had cream, the creamery had butter, and the populace ate the butter, and the revenues recirculated in bread baked locally, wagons made locally to cane syrup made locally. In that revenue, prosperity issued, and expanded if a railroad situation was creating roads etc... as this blog advocated in a national high speed train to resurrect the American economy.

It does not matter if the resource is pine needles in finding way to burn them or turn them into housing, or, it can be someone making bagels in a local production bakery. What matters is a cooperative starts which starts producing and marketing with the assistance of community and political leaders to create a revenue generating system which starts taking back funds flowing to OPEC to London finance.
Only by this will American communities save themselves.

I am a strong advocate for agrarian communities. No, I am not talking about Obama plowing up Detroit which is stupid, but I advocate as I saw a woman milking Jersey cows on the east coast which numbered five, and her yellow sweet butter she sold to high scale New York restaurants.
This one woman was making a living from 5 small dairy cows which takes over 100 Holsteins now in high production.
Niches are there in every community and where an intertwining of rural and urban are feasible, this must be developed and in the urban centers, bakeries, pine needle plants etc... can be established to employ all with good jobs.

Do not think that pine needles are a farce no more than lawn clippings as one of the worst covered up segments of American history involved the Ashkenaz Jews banned from most commerce as they were too good at monopolizing things and would take over entire areas.

Gen. Sherman banned Jews in the South after the Civil War due to this. Idiots call this anti semitic, but the fact is it needs to be understood that monopolies are wrong, but Ashkenaz should be celebrated as all they had left were rags literally, and if you ever heard of the New York garment industry as the RAG TRADE, this was built by enterprising Jews in which they turned rags into riches.
Now you know where those terms came from, and it is proof that when you have lemons you make lemonade. Jews proved in their industry they could take nothing, take trash and take film and turn it into billion dollar industries.
That should be celebrated, learned from and copied, because America with millions of more millionaires in our communities would solve 99% of our problems created by Obamanism by decentralizing national power and centering it into our communities.

The situation does indeed now require religious, political, mercantile and bloggers from anonymity to join together in putting forth ideas and then producing in small scale products which in turn market into large scale. It can be local phone companies to a local delivery business, but it must be operated as a cooperative as the immigrants to rural America created them in the early 1900's.
To explain this, farmers and shopkeepers could not afford fuel as it was too expensive to ship. So the communities got together and formed CO OP's as they were called and mass purchased items, which then were marketed locally and when patrons purchased things they would get a dividend back at the end of the year. It was an immense win win for all people.

It was such a great deal that the cartels have been busy buying up these CO OPs and wiping them out and monopolizing the money flow again out of communities and back into New York.

This CO OP though is a plan for all communities who can look around and find some rags and turn them into riches as God Inspires the select. As stated, it can be anything or everything. Americans used to get up at dawn a farmer, by 10 be a horse trader, by 2 a tradesman and by sundown a fur buyer. Whatever came along, they became in a day to make profit.
A CO OP would allow a base for communities to turn out a locally needed product and then expand to a state or national market.
Into that main industry then satellite industries would develop as they expanded off the main CO OP. Bagels need plastic wrappers, so why not make the plastic locally from products such as trash and there is another employment industry started, and people would be earning good wages.

With God all of America's problems can be fixed locally when created internationally. The time though is to do it before Obama isolates America so bad that it is only you and your reflection in the mirror trying to bake your bagels.

One idea, one community building on that idea and in the end, it is an entire community prospering.
