Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Giving Jesse James a Bad Name

Shot through the heart You're to blame You give Jesse James A bad name.........

Little misquote from liberal Bon Jovi of Al Gore Obama lovin' fame.

I wasn't going to weigh in on this, but it is about time I guess as this is about as important as what Barack Hussein Obama is parading around in policy as he is so failed by his Jews, he had to go import French President Nic Sarkozy to look tough.
Trade in two liberals Jews in Emmanuel and Axelrod for one Slavic French Jew in Sarkozy at five feet five and that is what scares Persian communists.

I don't get Obama poker.

Nor do I comprehend this Sandra Bullock love affair the press has with her. I have never found this woman could act no more than that odd Keneau Reeves or whatever he is named.
So Sandy wins the Oscar not for acting, but because it is time like Jeff Bridges to give the old duffer an Oscar for swimming around with Lloyd in tanks in 1950's television shows of Flipper without the dolphins.

Then, the news breaks that Bullock who is married to the typical Obama voter thug, in Jesse James, that Mr. James was out boinking some tattoo model who looked like she should have died from ink poisoning twenty years ago.

So Sandy Bullock is the victim, in marrying a sleaze, who it seems was married previously, and who likes skanks.
Looks to this blog like Sandy made a liberal stupid choice and she is no victim, but got what she married.

In this though, I did see Sandy on the Oscars and everyone said she looked so wonderful. No she looked like Muchelle Obama looks and the press lies about it.
Sandra Bullock's hair always looks like it needs washing or she uses hog lard as conditioner and never washed it out. She is now aging and her arms were not attractive in the least as she apparently does not tone or work out like Muchelle Obama.

But into this we have that Billy Bush and Maria Menounos chirping away daily now like the praise on that pervert Michael Jackson.
I don't know about Sandy Bullock, but if I am the princess of glam shows how lament still about Michael Jackson who was the biggest screwed up person in the world, then what does that say about Sandra Bullock?

I like Maria Menounos in her looks, as he has great legs, but her mental ability is just plain AZT drugged gay and Bill Bush is a mouth which is open too often and a mind not open enough.

So there we have Anna Nichol, then that scum Levi Johnston, then Michael Jackson and then what these Goslin things are doing, who never have done anything like that Kardashian tramp crew, but are forever showing up in the news for being half naked, and following it all up is Sandra Bullock married to a guy who does Nazi salutes.

Yes that is the liberal press's coup now in damning the cad Jesse James in he likes Hitler or something. I don't see the problem in this as all the puppy press loves National Socialist Barack Hussein Obama who is nazifying America and herding Jews to slaughter in their own nation as Obama humiliates the Jewish Prime Minister.

Why is Jesse James bad in liking Hitler when Obama in 2008 was cheered in choosing Hitler's favorite monument to give his Berlin rock tour speech?

Reality does not matter, just like Sandra Bullock chose a list male she could have fulfill whatever was missing in her existence. That is what women do is con men into thinking they are marrying something else and then the women change the men into what they are lying about being and next thing you know Barack Obama is in bed with Lawrence Sinclair or Jesse James is inking the tattoo whore with his personal pen.

So I really do not care what hole Sandra Bullock dug herself into, nor how much money she gives to tsunami relief, as she is a Democrat with as many Democrat ideas as Republicans.
Putting the Democrat first means she is Democrat in her statements.

One could say in mirror, I am a priest with as man pedophile ideas as Biblical ones.

Sandra Bullock quotes:

“I met this extraordinary family the Touhys (who the film was based on), who I wish I would have remembered to thank since they already did the extraordinary deed and Michael Oher did the most extraordinary thing in opening his heart and allowing himself to be enveloped by this family.” She continued: “They changed my life and I am so happy to call them friends. And they’re Republicans, and I’m okay with that and they’re okay with me being a Democrat!”

Oh that is most interesting in Sandra Bullock, the bigot, notes that Republicans are human and do not eat their young.

Quote 2:

"I mean, I loved the story but I didn't know how to play her – and it was a while before I got there," she says. "The director said, after about eight months, 'Why don't you go and see Leigh Anne and see what I'm talking about? It'll explain her.' I met her and was really blown away by the energy she had. I stopped thinking about it like an actor just seeing a part, and the story is what finally got me."

And what didn't Ms. Bullock know how to play in this real life woman? Why it was an American woman whose life were the 3 non Hollywood F Words in FAITH, FAMILY and FOOTBALL.

The liberal press is calling Sandra Bullock their princess victim, but if you change out Republican and Christian in her words and put in Blacks and Jews, she sounds exactly like Adolf Hitler or her Hitler posing husband Jesse James.

For all purposes, Sandra Bullock is Eva Braun. It is no wonder the Hollywood left love her as their Valkyrie of film, because she puts the pretty face on their David Letterman ugliness.

I never liked this woman before in her not being able to act with lard hair. In finding what she has been chirping about for years, I really do not like what is under that greasy hair.

Perhaps Michelle Malkin in praising Sandy Bullock for charity work, might like to note what Billy Bush will not in Bullock says national socialist things and married Jesse James, the Hitler impersonator as that is what she is attracted to.

Me (Sandra Bullock)? I know nothing about Christianity, nothing about football, and I'm not a Republican.

So it's not the movie's fault that Sarah Palin likes it? "Oh Jesus! Please!" she (Bullock) guffaws, rolling her eyes, more at the mention of Palin than at the question (I think). "If it hadn't been successful people never would have said it was rightwing, but it is successful so I think they've just gotta hack away at it somehow."

agtG 225

Sandra Hitler Obama

I did not have sex with that man, Jesse James, er..... Adolf Obama