Sunday, March 21, 2010

1750, 1861, 1970, 2001 terrorism against Americans

Here am I about to inform you of something which you have never heard of before, even though it is historical fact. It will expose Ken Burns of the PBS documentary series the Civil War for an absolute leftist fraud and ignorant and it will tie in to al Qaeda, as it will surprise readers to note that the globalists have been utilizing staged genocidal terrorism against Americans for hundreds of years and it was all coming out of Europe.

Ken Burns should have his awards, as much as frauds Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama, taken from them, as they are liars fabricating events being awarded by the Hollywood Marxist mafia.

To open this, I take you back to the era of President James Buchanan. One would think from Ken Burns fictional propaganda that the Civil War "just happened" due to slavery and states rights, but the facts prove otherwise.

The Civil War was instigated by the Europeans to enslave America to the debt Obama has placed on the American people.
President Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy just did not happen over night. It was planned and instigated by the same globalist forces which have been a plague of humanity since Nimrod.

President Buchanan witnessed at the end of his administration a wholesale preparation for secession and war. This included the old terrorist element which was started by the British and the other European empires from the 1600's onward in sending the immigrant Asian population of Indians against Americans for genocidal rapine.
The rebellion of the Confederacy was sown into the Indian populations by crooked Indian agents and by 1861 the Confederacy was poised to use this terror wing by sending them against the border states which was a sound political and military judgment as opening a western front against Americans with thee most terrifying of torture, rape and murder would tie up Union forces for a Confederate victory.
The British implemented this terrorism as the French had against American in the war for Independence and in the War of 1812. It was this too fresh memory on the western states which incited what was to follow in the continuous terrorism by Indian factions upon America which erupted in the 1970's again with a Bill Ayers type AIM (American Indian Movement) which slaughtered FBI agents at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
As this blog noted, the entire reservation system is still be utilized by globalists for crime in whiskey has been replaced by meth and the news savages diluting the Indian populations are Mexican imports breeding into the reservation Indians.

It was in this opening of the Civil War in Missouri where after the Battle of Wilson Creek on August 1861, the Confederate General MacIntosh retired to Arkansas, and left General Sterling Price in charge of the Missouri theater.
The following spring on March 6, 7 and 8th of 1862, a massive battle occurred at Pea Ridge in which after stubborn fighting the Confederates were crushed. The Confederacy in this battle had employed large numbers of Indians to fight the Union, and eleven were captured.

The Union seeing the political terror in this to recruit Soldiers for McClellan's army, planned to ship these Indians to Illinois with other rebels as a public show to rekindle the memories of Indian torture, cannibalism, rape, enslavement and murder which Americans were too familiar with.
The command for this march of prisoners fell to a Lt. Eugene Ware and he did a fine job with his infantry and cavalry guarding the prisoners. The problem was though that the Indians had gained no sympathy from the Confederates and being clever warriors started positioning themselves to escape in the march.
The Union guard knew they could not allow any of these Indians to get back to the tribes for all the trouble it would infect, so as prisoner tried to escape, all of the Indians were shot.

The Democrats in the Confederacy seeing the great propaganda this would give to their cause, inflamed it, and of course Boston patricians would latch onto this "noble savage" nonsense later, and the end result was a general terror campaign upon the Great Plains which lasted long after the Civil War, into the 1890's and to the 1970's.
For the reality, the Chivington Battle in Colorado, the assassination of the Custer Command and Wounded Knee all fell, not on Chivington, Custer or the 7th Cavalry, but fell on the east coast establishment, the Confederate terror plotters and the European elite who employed this most brutal of genocides against the American population to which the willing Indian was blamed as it was in their nature to make war, plunder, rape, torture and murder to advance in life.

The American Indian was a savage in every sense of the definition, but just like the barbarians of al Qaeda, they were fine until someone like Zbigniew Brzezinski started making Islam into militant Islam.
The French had basically no problem nor did the British in exploration of North America or trade with the wild Indians. It was though through their instigation, and later east coast patricians taking India money for trade, arming them, making money off the wars and then taking the land to sell it to white Americans for more profit, and are in the process of stealing it back now, that started all of this terrorism which Obama and Brzezinski have so readily fallen into.

To give an example here, the Sioux who are given as the sign as the "cut throat" by other tribes they practiced genocide against in the Pawnee, Arikara, Crow, Hidatsa and Mandan (the Mandan being a white tribe of Viking ancestry as others were in the east coast being Phoenican traders.), are divided up into the Dakota, Nakota and Lakota.
These Indians are not Plains Indians, but came from Canada and settled first into Minnesota and Iowa in the Spirit Lake bands.
The Dakota of the Sisseton bands were peaceful enough and the Minnesota white population got along with them well. That was until this instigated uprising where families were butchered who were their friends, the girls gang raped, attached to the walls of the homes and the homes of white people plundered. That was the 1864 Minnesota Uprising along the Minnesota River.

This rapine would follow for years as patricians would arm and feed these terrorists, who would then butcher the border settlers, and the military would be sent out to police an not winnable situation and then be blamed in propaganda for the Washita, Colorado, Wounded Knee battles, which were about in reality, young warriors using government stations as protection zones, leaving them to rape, murder and steal from Americans, and then fleeing back to them for safety, as no Indian agent ever had "any bad Indians" on their reservation.

The entire Custer assassination was one of the entire Indian population riled up by these traders, fed direct information from the government globalist agents on the Custer, Terry and Crook operations, so they knew where to find them and what to expect.
The Custer command as this blog was exclusive to note was set up to assassination with Maj. Reno and Capt. Benteen in on it.
For proof of this, there was a Loyalty League with signs set up in the 1860's to weed out rebels in civil and military service. The same profiteers connected to the Grant Administration in corruption all filter back to key agents in the Indian traders and inside the military.

There were secessionists being outed from the United States military decades after the Civil War closed. This was not always one Union under God, but many corrupt stooges all through America in exact replication of what is being exposed in Obama's America of this period.

This is the literal history though of America which was in the Ohio genocide, the Great Plains genocide and this al Qaeda instigated genocide on Americans which will start with nuclear vaporization of American cities by these same agents of change who have been using willing third party terrorists against free peoples for hundreds of years.

None of that shows up in PBS propaganda or other leftist enclaves filling minds with only a version of history no one is aware of. The real history is there though in not often read journals where those who were on the front lines of this knew exactly what was taking place, but because the elites did not want their crimes exposed, those articles no more than this blog ever reach the million dollar widespread distribution and infused into the education system.

This is the way it was and the way it is now in history repeating itself. It is there for the minds who care to actually read memoirs and autobiographies written before 1920 when Americans still were able to speak without Noel Sheppard censorship.

Crazy Horse though in thee exclusive colorized photo of this blog was a terrorist like the majority of American Indians. He though in propaganda has a monument to him being erected in a profit scam in South Dakota. It is the way things are in yesterday's murderer of Americans is now celebrated by dolts.
Do not think though that God does not watch such things, as the amusing part in this is, the mountain Crazy Horse is being bulldozed into is now found to be too soft and the project will not complete. That is fitting as these globalist schemes always turn miry after causing great scaring on the landscape before moving on to butcher some innocents somewhere else.

Crazy Horse and Sheik bin Laden are the same terrorists. They were men of passion choosing violence to overcome what they saw was war upon them, but both were used and blamed by the same profiteers who were butchering Americans then and now.
Same men, same modes, same results, and the Obama folks move on never blamed as Americans die and the "Indians" get blamed never recognizing the patsy they are.
