Monday, March 29, 2010

The Internet Monitors in the Hall

It always amazes me which security assets in the American and global government go rabid at the typing of their names.

In the Christians who were arrested by Barack Hussein Obama, it was most interesting that in live typing this blog, that the words were being monitored by it seems a human directly, and that the mention of BATF caused a meltdown which has continued into the next day as even photos with the words BATF in them are being scooped up.

As in the case of the Olympic bomber, the anthrax bomber and any other people skewered and lied about from David Koresch, I really do not trust anything that the Obama regime is perpetrating against the Hutatree group.
Instead this fits a Clintonesque pattern of targetting selected individuals with often fringe ideas, smearing them in the media, and then going on to another target in escalating this until someone fights back and then a crackdown comes.

This is the same Obama regime and media who could not see a mass murdering Muslim in Nidal Hasan, but could take the time to phone up the puppy press, who then alerted Isalmic CAIR to the goings on in these raids.
Excuse the question, but was Texas preacher Kenneth Copeland warned about Nidal Hasan by the Obama press?

What Hutatree mirrors in scope is a Tim McVeigh operation in which was people attending religious services and then all of a sudden it was people talking about attacking police.
The thing suspicious in this is though that there were not any bombs found anywhere, unlike Bill Ayers who had numerous bombs around and is a best friend of Barack Hussein Obama.

Oh yes, Ayers and wife, were connected to the murder of a California Police Officer and that investigation was squelched by the government. The point in this is, why is Bill Ayers and other Obama terrorists free in actually accomplishing terrorism, and Hutatree which simply "talked" about things it is stated, is under arrest?

No he was not, but why was CAIR alerted? It is obvious in this is a staged event and the Obama BATF is at this moment monitoring every blog, mail and web comment concerning Hutatree in looking to target those Americans too.

How is it if anyone reading this has a stalker saying they are going murder them as Lawrence Sinclair and his Mother noted to the FBI, and those people are free and the federal police laughed it off?
Why is it when Obamalings attack Americans like union thugs, that no charges are brought?
How is it when Americans are threatened, that these federal officials and state officials state "There must be an act as we can not do anything", but when it comes to Obama Inc. staging an intimidation round of assaults on Americans equal to Ruby Ridge and Waco, that these same officials can get grand juries to indict people who have not done anything, but "talked" about doing something.

This Hutatree group, appears a base group of Christians, who then somehow got this influx of the same types of characters who seem to always show up in federal government moles who are reporting back after they "hear" or bug these people's houses. This then like Rod Blagojevich ends up with federal warrants listening to everytime your toilet is flushed.

Certainly the FBI is expected to protect Americans, but this entire operation was planned for months and it looks political, to be unleashed at the same time that the Tea Partiers were smeared in the press by the Obama group.

Logic dictates that there are at least several other fringe groups who are under surveillance and being targetted for escalating operations with the intended purpose to plant the words, "Catholic pedophile", "Christian malitia", so that the public will then accept when the Tim McVeigh stage occurs, that all of these Christ worshippers who are fighting against Obama are worthy of being burned alive like the children at Waco.
National press releases and coverage of this just did not happen. The Obama group shooting that black Muslim radical, tamped that story down pronto and the Nation of Islam never protested one solitary bit no more than Al Sharpton. That was a herding operation to keep Muslims and blacks in only accepted groups under government control.

As this appears Clinton par dux, it is a conclusion that in the coming months operations are going to come from BATF and Homeland, designed to intimidate the Tea Party movement for the 2010 elections.

The one question as the Obama folks refuse to allow photos to be placed on this blog again is this: Who was the Hal Turner inside Hutatree informing the government on these people now under arrest?

Why is it Muslim militants who are teaching to cut American's heads off, operating in New York state, are not arrested in equal proportions to Christians?

There are reams of questions in this as to the extent of this, the Obama purpose in it, and how it all ties into the coming elections and the interesting part of the passage of Obama amnesty.

The Muslim mafia hires the Mexican mafia to start California wildfires, and that story is covered up, and it literally is scrubbed from all media. The Mexican government does not even protest as it always does for it's criminal citizens.
Yet Hutatree is a focal point in the media, meaning it is a stage event for political Obama reason.

Will Barack Hussein Obama step out like Bill Clinton in the Oklahoma City bombing, which the government had moles supplying explosives and state, "This was Sarah Palin inciting things", as Clinton did with Limbaugh?

The time to ask the questions is now, before Janet Napolitano has a Janet Reno moment and bombs supplied by government moles start going Bill Ayers in New York.

What is really going on here?

agtG 241

Wag the McVeigh

Post Script: Apparently posting an alert which alerts the monitors monitoring the BATF monitors in a few minutes has the NSA stopping thug agencies from scrubbing web pages which support the United States Government and is a huge fan of the FBI and NSA.