Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Janet Reno 2010

It is pleasing to see the information this blog provides soaking the fruited plains as it alerts Americans exclusively in first stories posted on situations like Gauntlet Gate, the lies reported by ABC with Barney Frank and John Lewis running by Tea Partiers and the exclaiming things were said and done which no evidence is found with cameras and ear with eye witnesses around.

What is developing now though is more than attacks on the GOP, Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, FOX, Sean Hannity, to the smears against the Pope, Veterans and Jews, but there is a direct Bill Clinton summer of 1995 operational repeat developing with the staged events in Michigan and Ohio with these Hutatree followers which this blog has exclusively dissected again first.

Examine for a moment why Michigan was chosen by Obama Napolitano Holder and is an ever increasing corrupt US Attorney group in doing NeoProg bidding.
Michigan is it not home of the Canadian Democratic governor and a Democratic brooding wing to carry out this type of smear, so that local State Police are federalized in following Obama orders.

Now kindle this in the first reports coming out of Hutatree in two groups were apparently the focus in speaking on this issue. One was terrorist backing CAIR of the Islamists who received a call from the major media alerting them AS CAIR WAS HOLDING AN EVENT.

That looks coordinated by the Obama Muslim mafia.

The second one is the focus of other "militias" as spokesmen for this Hutatree in their stating Hutatree was too radical even for them. In noting Hal Turner being utilized by the FBI in keeping tabs on the white supremacists, it is a definite that the FBI has these militias infiltrated and is steering them.
So when one hears comments from the militias one is hearing what Obama wants as the message coming out of them.

In that, this combines to showing a pro Obama state, media meant to smear, militias spying on Hutatree, and in most likelihood one of those arrested or one who escaped was in fact a mole supplying information and as Hal Turner was ordered, they stoked the situation up, so the federal police could be sent in to smear this group for the effort of smearing the bigger catch.

I have already stated this and will repeat it, in logic dictates that the one person who Obama has been after to ruin from day one in this is Sarah Palin. She outwitted them in Alaska, but what appears as the coming target will be a smear using violence against Gov. Palin, exactly how the Murrah Building attack in Oklahoma was utilized by Bill Clinton immediately to attack Rush Limbaugh and talk radio listeners.

This is all appearing on schedule in Terry Moran of ABC was trotting out the Southern Poverty group again as the lord god judge of all of this on another Nightline smear on Monday night.

What needs to be looked at in this, as this is the same Clintonista operatives running these chosen operations in lie, deny and vilify, the same patterns should point to upcoming Obama wag the dog events.
This blog is going to endeavor to bring this out now in an attempt that if enough Americans learn of this, that it is hoped the Obama operations against Americans will be short circuited so no one is smeared and worse yet as Oklahoma City proved, people die in mass for political operation.

The militia was used extensively during the Clinton years, so it is reasonable that the same type of conditions should prevail in the upcoming operations. Poor, rural and trusting states like Idaho and Oklahoma were deliberately chosen, as much as "fringe" communities who had people like the Branch Davidians and Hutatree.
What factors into this is New York City was held up as an exclamation point several times in Americans there being murdered in mass to shock the nation into going along with something needs to be accomplished by the NeoProgs in power.

The seeds of Hutatree should reveal an operational repeat on a grander scale by Obama Inc. As police were targeted and bombs again, one notes the same links in Bill Ayers in military and bombs again in New York before he undid he operation in executing his own people.

This Midwest region was good chatter to intimidate the rednecks and keep this flowing from Pennsylvania, Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Minneapolis leftist media outlet chatter to condition the masses as ABC once again does it on a national scale.

This pattern should repeat under Obama as the Clinton protocols offered. Why this matters people is this is not something which is planned, but THESE ARE EVENTS IN THE PIPELINE, BEING RUN BY ASSETS ANSWERING TO OBAMA and UPON THE TRIPWIRE DATE will be initiated.
Do not forget in this that Obama runs things on odd timetables of deploying troops in surges and leaving Obamacare "rest" until a date of his choosing, when it turns out odd events like terrorists are imported into Afghanistan or Hutatree shows up as a willing patsy.

This Obama operation appears that the likely focus will be Sarah Palin and the Tea Party to be linked to all of this. In deduction, it would not be out of bounds if a Palin book were planted and tickets were found from a Tea Party event in the debris.
If one recalls after 9 11, the passport of a terrorist was found on a New York City street from the planes. That is a bit much, but operations plant steering evidence and as one observes Axelrod and Jarrett, this group for Obama smears and steers with precision.

If the Clinton protocols are being used as a template, then Hutatree is an opening in which BATF will once again appear, but note that the puppy press was trying to hide BATF under the FBI so the FBI would be the focus of the stories, as Americans trust the FBI and other alphabet agencies they are leery of. What will follow by Obama Inc. then should be events in a western state with a smoke rising event in New York City as this group for some reason picks New York constantly to instill fear in America.
Yes New York has media outlets, but when one observes the destruction of two New York Governors and attacks perpetrated there, something else is occurring as they treat New York City like a Brzezinski chessboard.

So the west would be a focal point to divide it from the east as in OKC, with probable planted locally created firearms to undo that State's Rights Laws concerning firearms and ammunition sweeping America.

Logic dictates from the operations Obama Inc. has been running against numerous groups, including the CIA in attacking it, that what will follow will be violence which is known and allowed to happen for a political agenda which will result in innocent people dying. This is what this blog seeks to stop as these are people and not sheep for the slaughter of Obama national socialist policy and to tamper with the 2010 and 2012 elections in smearing Gov. Palin and the Tea Party movement.

There are monitors who read this blog as has been evidenced of this past week who are involved in NSA etc... They have the information and they can note patterns, and Obama Inc. is patterning now in a violent way in using good federal employees as shills for the Obama federal police state.

This blog hopes that this does not initiate, but if it does, the record will be for the public to mull over and educate themselves, as if Sean Hannity and others can spot the fraud perpetrated on them for Obama politics, they are not going to be isolated events, as Obama Inc. just like Nazi Germany is coming for all Americans standing in their way, and they are going to run operations on every single one of them to silence the body America.

God bless.

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