Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Lies of Barack Hussein Obama

It is beyond pathological in the stories which Barack Hussein Obama comes up with in his Kenyan past, because the details are too defined in fringe people who mean nothing in life, and when one runs into the real case events, the fringe people involved are oddities, that one wonders what is really being hidden as trading in one box of generic oatmeal for another box of generic oatmeal makes no sense, unless one knows there is something being smuggled in the one box and not the other.

Bearick Obama tells a story that his father, Barack Hussein Obama sr. was part of the Kennedy family airlift in bringing Africans to America to study, which was funded by a number of black stars from Sidney Potier to Jackie Robinson.
The problem is in reality that Barack sr's name is nowhere to be found on the manifests and the Kennedy's were not involved until later.

The real story is apparently something about Sr. being tapped by a Tom Mboya in Kenya who was a Luo polotical leader and freind of Sr. to be shipped to America as part of the African American Students Foundation which provided him the grants to attend school and send money back to Africa to raise his growing harem.
The problem in this though is AASF is not noted as the funder for Sr., but a Elizabeth Mooney Kirk is supposedly the person funding Sr's. schooling, sexing and harem.

Kirk is associated with missionary Frank Laubauch who traveled the world teaching people how to read in their own language.
Laubach "winning one for Christ" is quoted as, Each One Teach One "I should rather make good Mohammedans than bad Christians".

Personally, I would state that Christ has a different Gospel than that, but I never do trust these good deed doers as their funding is always murky and Laubauch is termed a "mystic" which is defined as:

A religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality.

Mr. Laubauch is well honored, but once again, these bizarre terms, good deed doers, and mixing in Christianity all sounds like Jeremiah Wright in black revolution and his screaming God d*mm American from the pulpit.

We know Sr's father was a terrorist of the Mau Mau. We know that Sr. was a Marxist who liked harems. We know that whoever was funding Sr's studies had to have known and agreed to this type of activity in promoting it in Ms. Kirk.

What does not make a great deal of sense is Barack Hussein Obama jr. proclaimed that Tom Mboya was his "godfather".
In researching Tom Mboya, we find he too was a Khadaffi type character in wanting a Pan African nation. He was a union organizer, which in historical terms was smacking of communist organizing and in Obama jr's current manifestation he is using unions to overthrow the United States in SEIU about to take in 40 million illegal Mexicans as 2010 voters.

Mboya organized some People's Congress Party in Kenya and a later contender for the presidency there it was thought and was assassinated by the tribal political elite in 1969.

This would make Barack jr. only 8 years old, never having been to Africa, and never having yet had contact or visit with Sr., which begs the question in how Tom Mboya was his "godfather".

This is the type of constant idiotic stories which make no sense, as no one knew, no one cared and no one would link Mboya to Obama jr. and yet there is Bearick jr. dusting off some Kenyan and proclaiming affinity and kinship with him.

Historically this entire 1950's period was one of great concern in the President Eisenhower administration. Vice President Richard Nixon returning from Africa in 1957 and reported that "Africa was the new area of conflict
between the forces of freedom and international Communism."
Free Europe and America were alarmed over the tide as newly formed Ghana had a new Soviet embassy opened and President Eisenhower strategically knew that the Africans would be just like Asian intellectuals in plotting leftist governments as had fallen on Asia.

This is where the tale of two Obama's starts as the Oginga Odinga dynasty was communist bred, and is Riala Odinga who was schooled in the notorious East Germany and later his followers were locking Churches in Kenya and burning the Christians alive was balanced by Tom Mboya who was gorging money from western Europe and America.
Oddities in this match of cousin communist and godfather gouger of Obama jr. is that Mboya ran out of money and came glad handing to Sen. John Kennedy who ended up by his family funds donating $100,000 for the African American airlift of students, with Obama sr. not being part of the Kennedy aid.

What Kenya did was play both ends against the Cold War middle. While no one has made a link between the KGB and Soviets in Kenya, it is a fact that Obama's communist cousin Odinga was behind the Iron Curtain being trained in thee most notorious regime in Europe by the East Germans.
One can see the honey pot scam in this perfectly, because what would Andropov and his gulag gang find most hilarious, but in starting a Kenyan airlift from American do gooders, ceasing funding and then having American capitalists and missionaries literally importing Marxists and paying for the entire KGB operation.

This time and again happens in Sheik bin Laden always choses to use western resources as on 9 11 to destroy the west. The KGB funded many operations, including using American 5th column operatives against the United States.
During the Reagan years it was outed that the KGB was behind all the peace movements in the west. So it is no stretch to ponder that in the changing stories of Barack Hussein Obama jr. about his past, that there are things not pathological hidden, but events which were a trend in Africa for the communization of the entire African continent, exactly the way the PLA is taking over Africa today.
Nelson Mandela is a product of this communist take over and celebrated, as his wife burned tires around opponents necks. Oprah it seems has an equally high view of British subject Barack Hussein Obama jr.

The murkiness of the darkest secrets of Africa are a subject which does indeed require more investigation, as doors galore and cash galore were afforded Obama sr. and somehow the Dunhams were privy to the very same black communist revolutionaries being praised by the Kremlin as mentor Uncle Frank Marshall Davis was writing poetry praising the Soviet Union and damning America.

There seems somewhere in this a little sperm with a KGB label which points to Barack Hussein Obama jr. was made in Moscow.
Junior Obama though will probably never come clean with real story unless it will gain him votes in 2012 as he produces a test tube from the Kremlin and says, "Meet my Daddy. Beeker tube 4".

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