Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Obama Excrement

I judge there nothing lower than inviting someone into your midst, so they trust you, and then after they leave, trashing them as if you are some superior soul to judge others.

When one offers anyone to come into your blog, radio program, office or home, they deserve a protection that you will never betray their confidence nor after using them, throw them aside.
Democrat Al Franken showed his true colors in using private conversations with Republican John Thune on the Senate floor to deride him in public debate.

Today Eric Massa, a Democrat who was enjoying full support from Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, is now being trashed by both for his daring to expose the rapine of Rahm Emmanuel.

Ms. Pelosi sunk to the depths in one breath stating that Eric Massa is a "sick man" due to his battling cancer, and then using that "sickness" to elude to that Mr. Massa must be insane too as he is being treated for cancer.
What kind of excrement sinks to that depth to destroy someone who is battling cancer, but the same Axelrod Obama excrement who is repeatedly hammering John Edwards as his wife battles cancer.

Glenn Beck made certain to carve his pounds of flesh, in using Eric Massa, and then turned around and said, "Sorry American for wasting your time".
That is beyond being without merit. Is that the Mormonism Mr. Beck finds so cuddly and warm, in the sin of betrayal, treachery and character assassination?

I even listened to Sean Hannity making the comments that Massa was all over the board, in not even bothering to try and decipher if the pattern which this blog showed from David Letterman, Charlie Gibson interviews, Obama jokes etc.... in just how this Obama Inc. has a history of using sex to intimidate Americans and use sex as a weapon to gang rape anyone politically they care to destroy like Sarah Palin.

This blog considers all people victimized by any assault from a convict in prison, to Eric Massa, to Sarah Palin, to Juanita Broderick, all protected by the law, and the LAW is there to investigate and provide justice, whether we like the person or not.
When Barack Obama can give terrorists US Citizen rights, then certainly US Citizen Eric Massa deserves protection under the law from the most powerful people in this world who are assaulting him and now sending out their Glenn Beck stooges to rape them one more time to teach them to shut up and like it.

What I have read of Eric Massa, in his statements, is someone who is owning up to what he did, and he resigned. I see Mr. Massa smeared in horseplay at his birthday which all of a sudden becomes Barney Frank running a whorehouse out of his basement.
Frank though being one of the boys is still in office, while Eric Massa voting against Obama is "nuts", with slams against all sexual assaulted people to send the elitist message, "When the patricians rape you, shut up and take it, or we will bring the Beck gang next time."

All of this looks for what it is, a conspiracy on the right and left, protecting the rapine mentality which apparently is Rahm Emmanuel showing up wagging his willy at people as much as Bill Clinton was using sex to wage war on women.

I am not stating Eric Massa is believable or unbelievable, but this blog is stating for his sake and the sake of every person sexually assaulted his charges must be investigated to determine the crimes and when crimes are committed, Rahm Emmanuel and Barack Obama belong in prison.

Nancy Pelosi just said sick people with cancer are insane.

That is the definition of Obama excrement.


Excrement Nancy Pelosi