Monday, March 22, 2010

Obamafia March Madness

Two Palestinians were killed during an attack on an Israel Army patrol south of the West Bank city of Nablus. A military statement said the attack, located near a Jewish community, was being investigated.

Those are the first two confirmed dead in the West Bank due directly to the Slap the Jew around policy of Barack Hussein Obama. See in the real world of the Middle East, Obama slaps Jews around and Muslims die. Tis the Age of the Obama mafia.

In the real world if godfather Obama, Bugsy Biden, Maul Clinton and the Mitchell Gang of 6, rolled into Chicago and started slapping the Jews around and it got the Muslims rioting and dead, the Chicago coppers and J. Edgar Hoover would be slamming them into the pokey.

In the Age of Obama though, they grin, trample the Constitution, and people die as the interesting thing in the Middle East is if one slaps Jews around, everyone wants a Jew to slap around and the next thing you know is everyone is slapping Jews around and the Jews are shooting back and there are dead bodies all around as Obama watches his March Madness.

It is all sort of like the Queen of England and hot pants Peggy Noonan, all slumming about and desiring a designer negro of their own. They all try one on, find they lose novelty appeal quickly and as long they don't get knocked up by them, they are back to hen picking the white folks again as their Obama grins like a possum thinking he had some, when he has been had.

Jews seem to have it dawning on them that they have been had. One flapping jaw of Hillary Clinton attacking the Jewish Government in shattering it has the Israeli Defense Forces projecting the Obama Intifada will have a shelf life of........

"We are seeing increasing signs of organized violence in the area," an Israeli official said. "We expect this to increase over the next few weeks."

I guess that says a few weeks which can be two to three to four, to more fun in the summer sun of Jews being shot at and terrorists inspired by Obama to stab them.

All of that is quite disgusting and reprehensible in what Barack Obama just conducted against Jews. Yet, there is no Southern Poverty Law Center listing their Obama as a terrorists, no ACLU filings on Obama demanding his prosecution and not even a peep from the ADL which is odd as they at least defined Mrs. Clinton in her outburst as crossing the line.

It is all about living and not doing political things deliberately which get people murdered. The responsibility of this Obama Intifada rests in Obama Inc. It is criminal, it is crimes against humanity and it inflaming genocidal murderous violence in a nuclear armed arena.

In all of that it amazes me as a Conservative blogger in this blog is the only one standing up for Jews and Philistines, while all the liberals let Obama get away with "never again acts" which Kristallnacht and Auschwitz were sworn to never happen again.
Jews behind walls in their own nation, told by Obama where to live and not to pray, with the shattering of the Israeli Government with neo Syrian riots in Kristallnacht.

All modern Obama and repeated again, when never again was the 1945 cry.

Why is this blog the only one crying, never again.


Obama's murdering mafia menace