This of course will be another world exclusive, but I am a bit disgruntled in not seeing this before as it was part of my work and I have written papers on it, yet as no one else has noted it, it is most interesting if the mass lab experiment actually stopped this information from being noted in scientific observation
In that, the Art Bell and Jeff Rense group of roving scientists should have produced this information, and yet all were seduced into it that none ever put the information together.
To start this explanation out, the computer is in essence a binary electrical field which is a primitive synthetic brain. I have noted that the computer with the world wide web, actually was a massive conduit for the meeting of the minds in aura or projected remote viewing intelligence. Computers amplified a connection which humans have.
Now to ask you to revisit something please, so this will build in your minds.
Do you recall at the start of the internet in the Window 95 and 98 with Apple McIntosh phases how there was a mass movement of excitement in people just having to have computers like their first hit of coke?
I remember my first association with a computer in school, before the web came into being. It was quite boring and listening to it on a phone line was something which everyone just shrugged and said, "That is not exciting."
With DOS which was built on this first system, there was absolutely nothing enticing in that either, as grey screens and horrid graphics were not Dick Tracey in his secret radio television watch.
All that changed in 1995 as 95 and Mac started making a mass inroads in there was something which was stimulating humans to be drawn to this venue. This is what I happened upon as I quietly type here on my mentioned old server, which I brought back to life on a whim, based in an Intel Pentium Pro running a Windows 98 operating system.
As I was checking the system, I noted how nice it was to be looking things over again from yesteryear and in that I thought I was suffering from nostalgia, a pleasing past. This though was not the case at all as it hit my pondering a day later, as I was up until 2 am last evening just running systems and revamping programs just because the entire process was so pleasing.
What came to my understanding as I sat interacting with this server was this computer "felt different" than my other Pentium systems from the 2000 to the XP's. I couldn't put my finger on it until the Holy Ghost brought to mind that the "feeling" was a literal scientific analysis and not an emotional connection.
There was something going on in 98 which does not occur in 2000 or XP. (I do not have existential information on Vista or the new Apples as I have no more interest in java flying about the screen telling idiots to do something a normal mind should be responsible enough to remember.)
This brings us back to the question of, "Why were people so enticed into 95 and 98?"
Ask your memory banks another question in, "Do you remember people being addicted to the internet and marriages breaking up over the online connections?"
Now let me point out, you do not see nor hear of this going on any longer do you?
Ah ha!, so something happened from the addictive 95 and 98, when 2000 came along, which in my experience always had a "vacuous feel" to it, like the connect was no longer available.
In the XP, one notes a feeling of absolute disconnect to a complete isolation from others, a television experience which television was protocoled to develop in creating a barrier separation from people in their same homes.
This is now the building block of this in it is evident that elevator music has hidden messages, television has hidden images fired in to the "flicker" was designed to Obama mesmerize an audience, just as commercials are triggers to get people to buy things.
There are very intelligent people and agencies who study such things and produce such mass manipulation of humans. There is not in any way that what happened with computers was not studied and not manipulated. I know this for fact in the 95 and 98 enticement operating programs drew people in, connected them, and when the power elite saw the design was creating too much union of humanity on a spiritual enhancing method, they in turn churned out 2000 to the Apple operating systems which have literally undone the connect deliberately and appear to be nurturing a rather crazy monkey in a cage nurtured by a wire mommy doll which is unable to perform normal interaction.
In 1998, the Israeli's had produced ICQ which spawned Yahoo and MSN chat, that interconnection continued until September 2001, when a complete break down in chat program use started. The key element in this would be the introduction of new operating systems which were designed to trigger less human response and more artificial robotic responses.
Those who had experience in the original phases of the internet knew that the computers were enhancing aura ability in humans. Those programs were conduits for good and evil, and I personally know a rather insane woman in the Gulf Shores region who turned from a rather good natured, sugar daddy, air brain Mississippi baby producer, to a sadistic demonic who satan games invaded my life, stole from me and then told me to commit suicide.
None of this was happening by chance and the folks whose deal in manipulating 70 million Americans to vote for a guy with a halo around his head, saying he is a messiah, and not saying a thing intelligent, with this maniac group not being aware how insane the above all is........knew the computer was a tool for globalist design on the human mind.
Obama events just do not happen alone. There are Hiterlesque demonic amplification and in the modern age of the satanic priest order with the media shills, and conduits of electronic amplification, the internet in operating systems are revealing an advanced state of conditioning of the human mind reaching into the soul.
As computer grids are nothing but electrical energy based on silicon structure and the human mind is an electro chemical apparatus designed by God to be the device for the soul to process light energy into human thought patterns, there is a vice versa in this which a aura machine could literally by "touching" a computer read it's binary information like a fingerprint and that same aura machine would do the same thing to the human mind in reading it or inputting thought information.
I wonder if someone who has the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs files in the agencies would leak the above so that people around the world would find out that the operating systems were deliberately responsible like Toyota accelerators in destroying their lives, that would be a stage of massive lawsuits.
It is obvious why this protocol was never made public, but what is most interesting is why this was not noted by the fringe scientists of the scientists who escaped the pen. The gatekeepers have kept this story from being even recorded for anyone to consider, and yet, no one was considering it, until I bounced into a system and found it felt different.
Well now it is out there for Dr. Bishop to ponder in compliments and for this blog to be awarded another Nobel Prize for actually discovering something and not just showing up for the job.
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