Saturday, March 20, 2010

RIP Israel

I desired to show again just how small the Israeli state is, because the world often forgets it is only the size of an American county, and in some places it is not as wide as a township.
The reason to note this is that when Barack Hussein Obama, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel are done with the Israeli state it is going to be chiseled down to the size of a rock where RIP can be etched in it as Judah will be a tombstone to the Jews.

Imagine what Obama is doing in if Canada were lobbing missiles at America daily. If Mexico was sending suicide bombers. If Venezuela were firing ICBM's and building nuclear warheads, all the while a master Obama in say, France were ordering Americans they could not build in Texas nor pray in their holy sites.

That imagination is reality even for America if one looks at the map Obama is carving out.

Obama in amnesty will create the new world order Ford Foundation and Pew Group mandate of Neuvo Mexico taking in all the Mexican and Spanish territory by making Mexicans into American voters who 40 million strong will out vote Americans in those states to become Mexican states as Mexico has lusted after them since annexation.
California to Florida will be Latino land all legal with a Mexican vote.

Russia which Obama gave eastern Europe desires Alaska back and with Obama that certainly will happen and Greater Russia will ensue.
Cuba can centralize control over Haiti for a greater Cuba.
Al Gore can have Greenland named after him and with Obama thinking China is the greatest government to model all after, they might as well annex Hawaii to keep Obama's birth certificate forever sealed, so those poor Hawaiian criminals won't have to pass laws keeping Birthers out.

Barack Obama redrew the Iron Curtain line in eastern Europe. He is redrawing the state of Israel's lines to a tombstone size rock which Aaron Klein can maybe balance on while filing dispatches to America from Palestinia.

As far as Americans, Obama doesn't need Americans. He has Mexicans and all of those pesky white folks can just be herded into a few minority states with low populations while the east coast patricians rule exactly as the Rothschilds intend the secularists to rule over Patriot Jews who believe in God.

Obama is redrawing the map of the world. Japan having it's auto industry destroyed can be an extension of Mao's Chicoms as Taiwan will be auctioned off. Who needs Iraq when it can become Brzezinski land incorporated into the Persian Empire. Indian Hindu's can just re annex Pakistan and get rid of the moon allah for the monkey demon of India which Obama has rubbing on in his pants.
Who needs these competition states and peoples when one can just break up the bigger nations like Yugoslavia and plunder them as little ethnic groups which can not fight back.

Import a few million Muslims and Norway disappears. Import a hundred million Latino's and America disappears. The elitist enclaves remain with Bowbama's to rule the ghettos for them and the rest is "they all were cropped and died happily ever after".

Under Obama the Israeli state has been made a Jewish reservation and America is being transformed into a Mexican Divisoria Obama, the Obama Divided Land.

........and the band played on and no one, but this blog has noted it.
