Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three Black Men

Donald Young was murdered on December 24th, 2007. It was stated at the time of this fellow church member of Barack Hussein Obama, that the Donald Young family:

ABC News Quote:

As you might expect, Young's family really wants this case solved. As ABC7 left the Young home Thursday evening, one of Donald Young's sisters said "we want answers. We want peace."

Yet there has been absolutely no peace, no closure and no moving heaven and earth to solve this heinous crime. The murder of Donald Young is a Chicago Cold Case.

In visiting this in psychological forensics, this is most interesting as Mr. Young was gay, black, a member of a powerful connect religious group, a teacher and as ABC and other news outlets handled this as a propaganda cuddle peace of a Christmas slaying, all of these powerful Chicago constituencies should have moved the Daley regime for an immediate solving of the case and yet years have passed with it growing cold for the Young family.

Not knowing is the worst of events any family can suffer through as closure never comes. There is an empty void they visit longing for information, understanding of the why violence occurred and a restlessness as the living family and friends seem to be moved for justice which calls out to them from beyond the grave.

In noting this, we have Donald Young a black man, who happens now to have Attorney General Eric Holder, the stated "champion of black folks" in the speeches he gives on racism and America has Barack Hussein Obama, the most powerfully situated black hope in the world according to the black community, who one would psychologically contend in Obama being at the very least a church associate of Donald Young, would be haunted by this murder and with his black Attorney General move the federal government to finding out the facts in this case.
Astonishingly Barack Hussein Obama appeared on America's Most Wanted with John Walsh in March of 2010, and failed to enlist viewers or Mr. Walsh in the tracking down of information in the murder of Donald Young.

Speaking from a normal human perspective, I have observed families of suicide who have that rip in their souls always weighing on them years later. I have observed families of gay people who were murdered and those unsolved cases never stop tearing on them. One would conclude that a Barack Hussein Obama who spoke deeply about not understanding his father abandoning a family that Mr. Obama would be weighed in trying to help the Young family with the full weight of the federal investigatory divisions to capture the murderer.

This blog alone noted from the beginning, considering Mr. Obama's public status in 2008, his association with Donald Young, both having that cultural connect and grouping, that the FBI should have under normal security for presidential candidates pressed hard on this for Mr. Obama's safety, and yet once again not one request was made by Barack Hussein Obama, Val-erie Jarrett or David Axelrod concerning this case which involved real murder.
Yet a flow of "white supremacist" stories of their danger to Mr. Obama keep being planted into the press.

We know for certain the facts of Donald Young's murder. He was shot numerous times. This means a crime of passion and in the choice of a gun it was dealing with power and intimidation.
It was not though a passion which was a frenzy beating to death nor the use of a knife in an up close and visceral murder.
Mr. Young was murdered in his 3rd floor apartment. That crime in noise should have in Chicago been heard by someone as all communities are aware of everything which happens. Even small calibre firearms make louder than firecracker noises, and yet no one reported multiple gunshots. That does open the door to a silencer which opens the doors to numerous other possibilities in connections.

We know that Mr. Young had a roommate and a former roommate. The former roommate was in a legal dispute with Mr. Young over finances, which Mr. Young did not appear to have a great deal of.

The Chicago Police in this must be trusted to the point that all known associates were questioned, and all apparently had alibis. Therefore this was a most interesting situation as when notes that Mr. Young was a middle aged gay male, with a roommate, was a teacher, a choir director who apparently it being the 24th would be planning to attend church services, and with having just completed a double masters degree in elementary education and was working toward becoming a Principal, that Mr. Young would not fit the "gay profile" of a flaming male involved in risky sexual behavior in meeting strangers.

Gay men are often rolled for money and robbed. There does not appear to be any robbery or sexual assault or activity involved in the Donald Young murder.
No reports of forced entry, would then conclude that the murderer was a known associate who gained access to the apartment, caused no attention to be called to themselves with gunfire and then left.

Yet all known associates were questioned and no arrests were made.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright somehow came across the information that Donald Young was murdered and announced it during a church service before the body was apparently removed from the apartment.
The real interest in this was that Rev. Wright was compelled to note this publicly during a holiday service with information so upsetting to members that some walked out.
Once again the psychology is interesting in was this gossip of giving first news as shocking church members during a service does not seem to be the normal mode of a leader of a congregation.

Donald Young made a large print on his area of the world. The reactions all point to what should have been follow up stories, community pressure for the case being solved and yet the case remained unsolved.

Barack Hussein Obama does have an emotional disconnect in seeing his fathers sins when it affects him, but in being a multi millionaire leaving his African family in one room sheds with outdoor latrines. Normalcy would move one to assist the destitute in one's family, but this is not the case, so it does fit with subject Obama in not reaching out and moving the FBI to look into this case, or it not even crossing his mind when he appears on America's Most Wanted in a political stunt of Obama being everywhere in his not asking John Walsh to have his audience help solve this case for the Donald Young Family.

The Donald Young murder does not have anything random about it. He knew or trusted his murderer. The person who accomplished it was not professional, but had enlisted passion "to get it done".
Not having direct access to the crime scene and other forensic information, greater detail can not be gone into, other than the shooter kept shooting rapidly and Donald Young went down hard.
This notes a fear factor and reports did state Mr. Young was shot from behind, so this does indicate again trust, and the murderer waiting or enlisting Mr. Young to retrieve something to turn his back, for the opportunity of the crime.

This appears as Chicago PD suspects the real events which occurred and in Chicago politics fashion simply put this into the unsolved category as questioning where this was suspected of going would start to inconvenience numbers of connected Chicago individuals.

This is a case which would fit Mark Furman for the O J Simpson fiasco as he has worked other high profile cases pointing out missed details.

As a final point, the very people in Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder and Patrick Fitzgerald whose interest it would be to solve the Donald Young murder, have not been so moved nor inclined when as a black Chicago issue, it would be in their interests.
This is the same Olympic Obama who flew to Europe for Chicago. Certainly a black associate from Chicago would have deemed a forensics unit from the FBI to solve this cold case.

The people who state it is their interest to speak for black Americans have not made it their interest to assist one black American family dealing with murder.

Why is that in Tavis Smiley, Jesse Jackson jr. and Jeremiah Wright are not demanding this now that Barack Hussein Obama has the resources to solve this crime, as Mr. Obama certainly has not moved to solve it.

Better ask Obama.


Donald Young murder