Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Good Neighbor

I was visiting with my neighbor today and we were chatting about
everything from Obama to the gossip of our worthless other wealthy
neighbors preying on each other, I made the comment that I was pleased
he had purchased his place and he exclaimed, "Well I am glad I did when
I did as I could not afford prices now!"

That is something which is being lost on people with all the
distractions in the poverty to rich gap in America is still being driven
by the elite who have propped up prices to guard their real estate
investments while reaping even more economic gains in their fields,
while the American poor are unable to gain a foothold in the traditional
American Dream.
The honest fact is Obama has dumped so much money into the world system
that the rich are flooded with it and buying up everything, in exact
measure of what eastern Europe is being plundered by from the central
Europeans. The rich are indeed getting richer while the poor are getting
poorer in the mean income of the poor has dropped over 3 percent since
Obama has taken office and with the numbers of hidden taxes he has been
hitting people with in their phone bills, the real drop in people's
wages due to Obama is past 10%.

I really desire people to understand and comprehend that point as
everyone is speaking of over 20% unemployment, is that people's wages
when one factors in Obama high gas prices (remember Bush's oil barons
had gas dropped and Obama wanted at least 75 dollars a barrel on crude
to get SUV's off the road and to reward the OPEC Muslim oil cartels.)
and Obama stealth taxes, the real drop in US wages in one year under
Obama is catastrophic.
Couple that with his Obamacare and his Mexican labor, the poor in
America are at a point they can not afford to flush a toilet.

This is most reprehensible policy by Obama Inc. in turning America into
elite billionaires like Bill Gates speaking of cropping Americans with
vaccines as a fact, yet there was not outcry in this Nazi Holocaust
comment from an Obama supporter stating Obama policy.

What honestly requires focusing on is something which Obama and his
economists have no clue on, but the rumors of the elite have this
already at a point they have laid this all out.
As bad as Obama has made things in America, China is in the worst of
paper tiger economies as this blog has exclusively been noting. The
financiers in America, now point to the Chinese economic bubble attached
to real estate will burst at the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2011.
Why this matters is China has no women to soothe their millions of males
due to liberals aborting Chinese girls 20 years ago. China has no
resources. Their "mean" income is under ten thousand dollars for a
living wage, and it is crippling untold numbers of workers in factory
work trying to keep their economy running.

When the Obama collapse came in 2008, the Chicoms dumped 500 billion in
reserves to stimulate their economy, none of which went into anything
viable, but instead went into house flipping schemes. This is the only
thing which has been keeping China afloat. The reality is the Chinese
buying by consumers has reached as standstill in the indulgence markets.
That all means a coming implosion which China can not dump enough money
into to fill the burst balloon.

To explain this, President Bush in his rebates was promised this would
spur the economy and it did nothing of the sort. That is why he stopped
doing it as the experts were flat wrong.
Obama has dithered over a year in "tax reductions" which as stated when
one factors in the pennies he gave back to Americans, the dollars Obama
robbed from consumers has imploded their incomes far faster than any
economic incentives.

So Obama fraud stimulus in paying money to cronies to his Obamacare
which is plundering private reserves at corporate levels for "health
care" which if one bothers to check is like visiting a brothel, in
health care produces no goods just like a whore does not produce
anything. The end result is Obama has sucked up all industry funding, so
there is nothing left in America.

This is what the Chinese communists face on a scale 4 times larger than
America. When real estate collapses, which it should have in America,
the populace starts investing in more affordable prices. America is in a
staged market and China is confronting such a market, but without
anything to expand into. The same stagnant US movement of real estate is
the same stagnation China faces.
Obama has tried to deliberately dump housing markets onto the market in
his 2011 death and capital gains taxes, so if Americans conclude 2010 is
not that great, 2011 will be an absolute shrunken prune in economic

If one comprehends that Europe is in a staged meltdown of Greece, China
is facing a like 2008 Obama bubble collapse and America is going to
constrict in 2011 like never seen, that points to something called
Global Depression.

The money flow is going to dry up worldwide as Obama has taken and not
placed anything back. China is doped out literally in it can not keep
injecting currency into a corpse. That kind of depression will cause
aggression within nations and without. Grabs will be made and in all
cases it will be easier to attack some other people to divert attention,
so a revolution does not foment in one's own land.
As this blog predicted, one marches your angry young men out to die in
wastelands instead of these angry young Marxists lopping off your pretty
Peking head.

Everything about this is scripted and it is playing out too completely
perfect to a union of exact Eurasian war proportions with the plundering
of the west, for a piracy of the many for the few, and the many will not
be around to revolt as they will be cropped in wars and pestilence.

We have a world of demoniac minions moving the world toward destruction
by the destroyer demons. It is one thing to read of terms like Great
Tribulation in the Bible and it is indeed troubling to see this colossal
planet quake about to shake the world to her foundations.

The Good Neighbor has been replaced by the Obama reaper. May God watch
over His children in Jesus Name Amen, because this type of mass event
being inflicted on the populations again will end civilized behavior as
it is intended.

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