Thursday, April 29, 2010

Home of Job Ug

Recently I came across an attention whore. What I mean by this is, there are people in blogs and in the media whose only purpose to post things, claim intelligence and gather groupies around them.

After I corrected them on their incorrect statements, they fled, as they always do, because their interest is being in glamour and exercising dominance over people.

The reason I bring this up, is I realize many good people would like to speak with me or correspond. There is a reason as I posted previously in explaining why I deliberately keep a distance with people is because the world is a dangerous place and by simply typing facts online this blog has a great deal of monitoring going on from some interesting quarters.
So if God has somehow had some filter through, I presume that He has decided you could deal with the problems if any would crop up in the frustration involved.
It is for people's protection that is my main goal.

There is another part in this, and this is about in studying reality and existential experience, I have on numerous times in my life "counted" on people, who like the disciples when the Temple Guards showed up ran for their lives from Christ. It is bothersome to have to deal with a tragedy in life which all people have and then to find people you thought you could count on not wanting the burden of just listening or standing there so you are not alone at a funeral.

I have no problem in being a nothing to the known world as God has made me someone to Him. In that, my focus is on doing God's will and serving all He puts in my journey. Here am I a servant and contented to it and not looking to be a President of some nation to validate myself.

I have posted before that I prefer my Heroes dead as they are no longer alive to disappoint. It is far better for people to place faith, friendship and following in Jesus, than in someone named Lame Cherry. Jesus is perfect and will never let anyone down. I on the other hand am only perfected in Christ and without the Holy Ghost I am not Home of Job Ug.

The meaning of that phrase is from my Mother, who in my religious training sought to provide a code for me to remember the Attributes of God. Home of Job Ug are the first letters of the stated perfection of the Godhead.

Holy, Omniscient, Merciful, Eternal, Omnipresent, Faithful, Just, Omnipotent, Benevolent, Unchanging and Gracious are the perfect manifestation of God.

My desire is God's desire for everyone in this life God provides to grow into all the wonderful children of the Spirit you are destined to be. By serving all, it delights me to observe many of you in your struggles as you overcome in Christ. Yes, I do watch and observe people, but without interfering in where each of you is progressing. It is a wonderful thing in your families, your accomplishments and your lives..........most of you might not even realize how important you are and how far you have progressed, but your being here is a step in how aware you are in searching for the Truth and finding it, within yourselves in Christ.

Success in life is not having your name in print, but living a life in peace which never requires a notation in the media.

All of you are successes and all of you were born to this age. I assist Him to prepare His Way for you.

I have never forgotten a line from Nero Wolf, which quoted the Psalms, Put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men.

Trust in the Lord and the day will suffice. You are much more important than I.
