Friday, April 2, 2010

Jobber Obama

I happened to catch Fox News updates on the radio and they were noting that net jobs were now created under Obama for the first time.

Even laying in bed waking up, the Spirit in me was calling out in revulsion, 'You idiot! Those "jobs" are not jobs, but from Obama Census mass hirings!"

See that is what has been employing Americans, in Obama has been hiring his crony mob to inflate the horrid jobs numbers in America.
His main standing was 600,000 jobs in January 2009, not in the private sector, but in the government national nipple sector. Those are jobs which accomplish absolutely nothing and all they do is drain American resources and increase Obama debt.

And what are these other March 2010 jobs which are being trumpeted as job increases?

Why they are TEMPORARY SERVICE JOBS and HEALTH CARE JOBS. So 600,000 government jobs, 750,000 Census government jobs, and the net result are Obama part time jobs without benefits because the economy is so screwed up, or the Obamacare jobs created from his massive Marxist spending.

All in all a trillion for seasonal employment, 18 billion for new government hiring (30,000 dollars times 600,000 new employees equals 18 billion) which will be trillions in wages and retirement, billions more for census jobs, and all Obama has for jobs in the private sector a bed pan jobs and temporary office help.

Or if you figure out the billions it costs to keep Muchelle Obama occupied, her bok choi costs about 10 million dollars a head and she is the highest paid dog walker and hoe handler in history.

Fox with Shep Smith slithering into the radio updates has nothing fair or balanced in them, unless the 200 pound monkey in his pants Obama is on one side of the fraud scale and Fox leaves the facts out on the other side.

Obama policy is nothing but Addict Policy. He has a festering tumor in some patient called America, but instead of fixing it, he shoots up the dolt with morphine and then says, "You feel pretty good now don't you".
Sure the zombie does right up to death.

I have warned that America is on the precipice of losing their commerce, because industry, trade, banking, production just do not happen. It took almost 100 years to create "trade" in America and that framework is being destroyed by Barack Obama.
As I have warned, sure people will need food and toilet paper, but there comes a time like the Soviet Union, where everything is state operated that people just stop producing and exist. Then what sets in is no surpluses as there is no value in them.
In Quebec in the Old Regime they sent people out trap beavers, and they came in with tons of them. That narrow production of America ruined the beaver market, so they ended up burning the hides as they were worthless.

This is the danger of Obama policy in unions will get cream, Obama cronies will get sugar and the rest of the population will get the latrine smorgasborg which will have them become Soviet non workers.

America just did not happen. She was blessed by God's Grace. There has been no nation like her in production. There is grave danger in her becoming third world and not being able to afford anything, including food and toilet paper.

It is past time that FOX news and the puppy press held Mr. Obama accountable as this has gone on far too long in his strangulation, and a blue corpse is not a sign of things getting better in America.


Obama cenus fraud hiring

More Obama fraud government jobs