Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MORE Obama

With the coming Obama conspiracy of both Obama federal police harassing Americans and Obama having sanctioned espionage operations to smear the Tea Party and other American Citizens in the Obama political wing, the following helpful hints in protecting Americans from the Obama regime should be practiced by all gatherings and groups.

1. Coordinate all events with the local Police and Sheriff's office. Be friendly, inquire who to contact and who will be in charge of crowd control, noting, that there are Obama anarchists impersonating your group in holding up fraudulent signs and acting out in anarchist ways.

2. Alert the media with personal contact of the disruptive intent and tactics the Obama anarchists are attempting to smear your group with, noting their website and other examples.
Explain ABC news was complicit in a fraudulent story which Andrew Breitbart has offered a reward for if anyone had any recording of the John Lewis and Barney Frank incidents reported which did not happen.
Make it clear to the media that if any slanders to your group are initiated as various media have initiated that they will be exposed.

3. Implement helpers to the media to observe their actions, who they are covering and noting the tone and the questions. You have as much right to photograph the media doing it's job at a public event as they have in recording the public.

4. Utilize flip or video cell phones where attendees can record suspicious events and people for cataloging who is associating with trouble makers or staging events, that will end up on YouTube to smear Americans.

5. Have designated security to require all attendees on request to produce valid identification. If the Obama supporter refuses, alert the police and note that all of your group willingly will produce their identification, but this person will not and is not a member of your group.

6. Ask trouble makers if they are federal agents, associated with the police in any form or supporters of Barack Hussein Obama. In certain cases agents must confirm they are, and recording people lying who later turn out to be Obama anarchists assists in unmasking the smear being initiated by Mr. Obama.

7. For the Birther questions which will come, have everyone bring a copy of their birth certificate and show the press and then challenge the press to make Mr. Obama produce his valid documents he has spent a fortune covering up.

8. For the homophobia charge, counter with, "I love Lawrence Sinclair, but I did not have sex with him like Mr. Obama did."
8 a: Bring up Donald Young's murder being unsolved in his being a "friend" of Mr. Obama and why he has not moved heaven and earth for the Young family in finding Donald Young's murderer.

9. Coordinate and grid your events, with 1 representative lead in your group per 1000 people. Use quadrants of northeast, southwest, southeast and northwest, for the leads to operate in, and if they phone for help, the closest leads can gather to a situation in dealing with it.

10. Designate talking points. The suggestion is the above in MORE Obama, which will capture the media's attention and make the public curious. MORE standing for, Midterm Obama Recall Election.
That is what this election is about and making it codeword will convey a perfect message of Obama national socialism compared to United States Liberty.
I love the FBI, For Investigating Birth, and other key signs for Veterans, always assist in comforting law enforcement that your group supports and appreciates their efforts.

When Obama brings a gun to his initiated knife fight, bring the organized Truth, because he and his anarchist smear operations can not stand against that pacifist rally call.
