Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Obama's Nuclear Magpie

No matter how long I encounter liberals, I never end being surprised about them in how their minds process information. Every single one of them is like a crack whore wife having hallucinations while bouncing off the walls with PMS.

Robert Sheer is such a type, and as you can see by his photo he looks like the Unabomber's doped up brother, Obamabomber, as in a Nation rant published and ignored by all, he in desperation was still looking for an excuse that Obama was handed a Nobel Prize, because Norwegians think tan folks are so Obama Olympics they should just get prizes for showing up.

Sheer though searched through his peace files and came up with Obama disarming America as a certain sign Obama was earning his prize. Sheer did not comment on the Obama greed in the other 4.5 million they somehow came home with, in the over billion dollars in perks Obama lives lavishly on while American languishes due to his policy.....not to mention the poor African Obama relatives still crapping in boomslang infested latrines. (For those who have never been to Kenya, the birthplace as stated now by Michelle Obama of Bearick Obama jr., vipers of the boomslang, cobra etc... enjoy living in latrines to eat the vermin and are known to bite real black people on their butts which due to their toxic venom paralyzing nerves, kills Obama's folks as he craps cherry pie by the bushel at the White House.)

Anyway, back to Robert Sheer, this is one of the diatribes he wrote in the commie mag he works for:

That is the right that Harry Truman acted on in perpetrating the most atrocious act of terrorism in world history when he annihilated the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is what spawned the nuclear arms race that so troubles us today, especially regarding North Korea and Iran.

Where to begin in this Obama fantasy.

First, Imperial Japan in being sanctioned to the point of war by communist Franklin Roosevelt, committed terrorism in bombing Pearl Harbor. As the Japanese are terrorists in their history, terrorizing everyone as pirates, they did not view this as terrorism, but as an act of Asian warfare.
President Truman did not annihilate the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were numbers of Japanese left to treat and study as to the effects of nuclear radiation. President Truman offered the Japanese surrender terms before he utilized the nuclear bombs, but they declined.
The net result was the terroristic culture of Japan received a knock out punch which not only saved 1 million American Soldiers lives, but millions of Japanese lives as without nuclear bombs, Japan's shogun culture would have fought to a mass suicide in saki drunkenness.
Yes President Truman saved millions of people's lives by sacrificing several hundred thousand Japanese.
Those are the facts, Robert Sheer is Bruce Chilton vacuous of.

As for the last statement, Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not spawn the nuclear arms race. There was a nuclear arms race in the 1930's which America by God's Grace won in 1945. If Germany had won or Japan, the world would be speaking German and Japanese as slaves to regimes exactly like the Islamic absolutists of today.
Furthermore, the arms race was started by like minded, fellow Sheer travelers, Obamaing along in agents of the Soviets passing along the nuclear secrets America had.
Robert Sheer's peer group and Obama voters are who caused the nuclear arms race and perpetuated it until Ronald Reagan ended it, but Bill Clinton engaged it again, and Barack Hussein Obama is going to spread it ever wider.

Another Sheer quote from the fiction of his mind:

Whereas his predecessor succeeded only in eliminating the nonexistent Iraqi nukes, this president has forged a treaty with the Russians that will reduce the world's supply of the devil's weapons by one-third.

To refute this, President Bush allowed Russia to remove the one nuclear warhead which the Soviet's sold him. President Bush never stated that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal, only that he was on the road to making nuclear weapons, which he indeed was.
Saddam Hussein did have biologicals which he did evacuate to Syria, and the Russians dumped a reported two shiploads of chemical weapons into the Indian Ocean.
We know that huge missile supplies ended up on junk ships to European ports as Saddam tried to hide his WMD's.

The very Russians who Mr. Sheer is praising Obama in signing a treaty with are the source for the nuclear arms race. Sold nuclear warheads to the Persian communists and via China have been assisting North Korea, Syria, and now openly Venezuela to all become nuclear terror antagonists of America as part of the Bolshevik Manifesto.
There is no devil's weapons in this. There are only communists and Marxists like Barack Hussein Obama who are looking to make a Jewish holocaust hell in the Israeli state by disarming America, setting up Jews to be disarmed, as Mr. Obama dithers allowing Iran to build more Dr. Kahn cone shaped warheads.

For a reality statement, when Iran is struck by either Israel or America in Colin Powell kinder and gentler warfare, it will be New York which will be incinerated by Iran ,by sea, as they are practicing such launches as the did in downing TWA Flight 800.

Obama policy which Sheer in desperation is seeking to note as his Nobel paycheck is a nuclear war catalyst.

The last Robert Sheer Obamite sanctioned fiction:

Ironically, the most important section of Obama's strategy statement, instantly attacked by his knee-jerk critics, could help fulfill the ultimate goal of Ronald Reagan. Because of Obama's declaration that "the United States will not develop new nuclear warheads...or provide for new [nuclear] military capabilities," there is now a plausible case to be made for anti-missile defense.

One knows a liberal is desperate when they start conjuring up President Ronald Reagan as a banner to wrap their policy in, because they hate Reagan, but Reagan has proven so absolutely correct on everything as a Conservative, Sheer chooses Reagan to predicate a lie that Obama is on the right track, because it sounds like Reagan when it is nothing Ronald Reagan would have dealt with at all.
Ronald Reagan backed away from the nuclear elimination as he knew the disaster it would bring. Robert Sheer and Barack Hussein Obama embrace it as their Dr. Strange love child.

There is no irony in this, as Ronald Reagan would have never allowed America's nuclear arsenal to degrade as Mr. Obama is now. As this blog has proven in military doctrine, in coming wars with the Eurasians, America does not have the Soldiers, the munitions nor the wealth to destroy a 200 million man army which is what it will face, as China eventually will have to march out it's angry mobs or the Chicoms will be hung.
Thee only way to keep these hordes in check is the threat of dirty nuclear theaters. As noted, Mr. Obama like Mr. Carter is tipping his hand to the advanced clean weapons systems which can indeed slaughter millions. That type of mass slaughter is the political solvent of communists as it rids them of surplus populations for revolution and blames America for the slaughter, with willing help from Robert Sheer's ignorant ranting replacement, as it was sheer terming Harry Truman a terrorist.

Hmmm, Ahmadinejad just called Obama and America nuclear criminals, sounds like Sheer and Ahmadinejad are on the same talking points.

Missile defense looses it's purpose when it is only backed by degraded nuclear warheads. So even Sheer can understand this, it would be like Sheer telling a group of street punks to wail on him as he had on football padding. The problem is the thugs would keep hitting Sheer with bats, kicks to his exposed areas, and guns, until Mr. Sheer discovered his punk defense was not working like he thought, when one gun from him would have deterred the entire attacks.
If one trusts in defense, one dies by defense. That is military absolutes and one must be able to neutralize the enemies systems of warfare while projecting the most inhumane systems to keep the enemy from attacking.

All of this, as John McCain noted in Obama knows not even the meaning of strategy, tactics or operations is lost on Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama operates in the same fictional mindscape which escapes all historical fact or sound reason. They simply make things up to suit a debate point which is founded in hating America as the problem of the world.

Harry Truman was as Gen. MacArthur noted, an army officer who thought himself smarter than he was in his liberal Democratic wares. The Stalinist ran circles around him. Mao was given to China and instead of defeating the international terrorists, Truman waited around for them to arm, as Robert Sheer's communist professors indoctrinated him to bow to the Bowbama.
Harry Truman though was no terrorist as Robert Sheer labels him.

My Grandparents had one quote oft repeated in, "If you don't listen, you will feel". In that they were stating if you do not heed the warning, you will suffer the pain.
The pleasant part about the coming Obama pain, is Eleanor Clift, Robert Sheer or David Letterman are not going to be able to hide behind the United States military in their Conservative Patriotism, in Soldiers dying for liberal asinine policies. No this is a new Obama age, where liberals in their plush millionaire homes are going to be the recipients of Obama nuclear policy when Iran bombs major American cities in real terrorism, as that is where liberals huddle in.

They might get to see their Noble Obama policy flash before their eyes, but commenting on it will be an epitaph as some Eurasian uses the nuclear bombs invented in Russia and China, and dropped on their million dollar homes.

If Sheer survived, he would not admit his mistake nor the disaster Obama is for all people. We know this, because Robert Sheer voted for Barack Hussein Obama and not Ronald Wilson Reagan.
