Friday, April 30, 2010

Obama's Persian Kitty

Barack Hussein Obama is the only person who thinks he has the lion just where he wants them......from inside the lion.

The absolute lunacy of his Persian kitty policy is certifiable. Obama now had decided that "sanctions" means that American, French, British and Japanese businesses are barred from making profits with Iran, but German, Russian and Chinese companies can do business with Islamocommunists. This is the extent of Obama well thought out policy.

As Jews are waiting around to be incinerated, along with New York City in an Ahmadinejad tantrum, Obama covert policy has been enticing Persian nuclear bomb makers to "come in from the couscous" to America.
Never mind in this that the last time Obama was trusting Muslims he got a hand job from Mrs. Salahi and Obama's good terrorist wandered into a CIA compound in Afghanistan and blew up the entire CIA base there.

Yet this is Obama being coy in bringing in all these Persian bomb makers, with Obama and Napolitano ever conceiving that these scientists can just as easily be double agents meant to feed false leads like "Iran is still a year off in bomb making" when Ahmadinejad just adopted 20 more warheads into his family.
Do you think these Persian bomb makers just defected without being paid? How about the promise of working in American nuclear jobs?

Does anyone not see the joke in this that Ahmadinejad just as easily could be sending these bomb makers to America, Obama is paying them millions in "resettlement" fees, and I would not put it past Obama to security clearance these Persians into White Sands, where they will have access in their new jobs to see the schematics of Americas most advanced miniature nukes.
Why worry about developing nukes if you are Ahmadinejad when Obama is going to teach your terrorists how to build better bombs to blow up America.

This gets even more bizarre in Obama policy on the cutting off of gasoline to Iran to bring down the regime. This should have been implemented immediately. Instead Obama has been dancing around on this issue for over a year, which gave the Iranians time to gain other sources, so Obama has America and western Europe cutting off gas supply, but Iran was given time to bring in new supplies.
What in the hell good are sanctions if Iran is given time to gain supplies and Germany, Russia and China are given carte blanche by Obama?

That is the farce of Obama in this. He is doing a great deal of talking in being tough, but he has done nothing but enable the terror regime of Iran which Brzezinski assisted in installing during the Carter years, which is thee biggest fiasco of foreign policy the United States has ever suffered.

Want to know how bad this has degraded to?

This week an Iranian fighter jet, which means a war jet with bombs, was allowed by the US Navy to fly over one of our flat top groups.
The Admirals response from the Obamagon was, "There are allot of folks operating in the Gulf. They operate. We operate".

Well sheezam, why in the hell don't we just let Iran land on American carriers and Obama can lease our Aegis frigates to Ahmadinejad as it was one happy family of Muslim mafia radicals.

For the record, the Admiral who made that statement, the battle group commander, and Robert Gates should all be canned for the degradation of the US Navy in this act of war by Iran.
The correct American response should have been to blow that cursed Iranian war plane out of the air with a full light up of the Iranian defenses just begging them to come out and play, and if Iran did, blow their speed boat navy out of the water.

That is a United States response compared to an Obama "come attack America response".

Furthermore on this subject when Ahmadinejad, the same student terrorist who took Americans hostage in the Carter tenure, should have some Obama Columbia U gay kids show up and take Ahmadinejad "hostage" at Rikers in New York for this fine elected terrorist of Iran who has been murdering Americans by proxy.
If Noriega and Milosevich can be held on trial, when Ahmadinejad comes glowing to the United Nations, give his US visa an extra kick in the Obama gay radicals can beasty on Ahmadinejad for some Obama foreign policy which actually accomplishes something besides making Iran a more lethal Muslim nuclear terror state.

That is the fact of the Obama overt and covert policy in all it accomplishes is making the Brzezinski Islamic mafia more enabled to blow up London, Tel Aviv and New York City.

Honestly, Barack Hussein Obama in what Iran has accomplished, has aided the Persian communists more than Vladamir Putin who is building a nuke plant, selling SAM batteries and is feeding Ahmadinejad intelligence given from America by Obama.

If no one comprehends how anti American Obama policy is in helping Iran, perhaps having them read the facts in print might at least cause a brain sprain so they have think how to make excuses before New York goes up in nuclear flames and how to blame it on Bush after Obama has Iran vaporize New York.

agtG 220

Hey boys get that spoon to my nose
And we'll run in the midnight air
To go night, night
All night dancin'
Hey just a little, little, little night dancin'.