Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Red Line Doctrine

The attractive woman on the left has nothing to do with warfare, but like Barack Hussein Obama if you put a smile on him, or Colin Powell "kinder and gentler warfare", it all seems so much nicer when America is a Chicom debt slave state or Saddam Hussein's forces let go allow him to introduce West Nile into America as a WMD attack.

America has suffered many terror and WMD attacks in their history.
It was stated that George Washington was assaulted by the British with the first anthrax attack in history and it almost finished him.

Small pox blankets destroying Americans white and red were also terror events dreamed up for controlling America the easy way.

What this blog wills now to initiate is new American policy based upon old American proven policy as with Obama bankrupting these United States and his fighting expanding terror wars for his 2012 election, none of it is healthy for Muslims or Americans in Christian or Soldier form, as the sheep get culled, but the patricians rule on to enslave more people tomorrow.

In that, I will to educate in a new Lame Cherry Doctrine which would should become the policy of America when America has a President leading again.

We first revisit the year of 1864 when Confederate and European forces instigated a terror attack upon Americans again by the plains Indian tribes.
In that year Minnesota, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas experienced terrorism which had babies head bashed in, their scalps hung by the fire to dry, gang rape of women and reportedly what would be a billion dollars of destruction in areas of the plains.

President Lincoln had tried the liberal policy of open hand to the terrorist Indians as Barack Obama wasted 2009 in attempting. The result was terrorism from select bucks who would not be controlled and were making warfare on Americans in mass.

To answer this Washington deployed in December of 1864 a mass of American troops to begin the Winter Campaign of 1865.
Gen. Mitchell would lead this expedition into what is now the Canadian River drainage of the Colorado region into Kansas.

For his efforts, his Soldiers endured blizzards, windstorms, frostbite on everyone from the General to the privates, the loss of wagons and the ruin of 100 fine horses. The American plains are unforgiving as 20 below temperatures combine with Arctic winds of 50 miles per hour.

The General after chasing Indians for weeks, had nothing to show for it, but a broken command. They had seen scouts, but the tribes had picked up and fled from their central plains campgrounds.
It would not be until after the Civil War years later, that General Custer with General Sheridan would enter a winter campaign of fast and light cavalry movements, tracking one terrorist war party back into the Washita that the punishment would be finally leveled and break the back of the southern tribes from rapine, but for now Gen. Mitchell yearned for returning to the states, fighting Confederates or he would resign his command as he was through with Indian fighting.

In that melancholy, the General seized upon a last plan to execute some sort of punishment and warning to the wild Indians, that the United States did indeed have a reach which would come to them.

It happened on a January evening, when Gen. Mitchell had cleared the telegraph wires of all traffic and assembled from Denver to Kearney, Nebraska, every military outpost and ranch to unleashed an idea he had formulated.
Gen. Mitchell was going to burn the central plains off of all grass and deprive the marauding bands their succour to make war.

As darkness fell, the command was given, and riders with lighted bales of hay loped across in relays in their districts for 300 miles . It was said the most magnificent of sights as the lone fires started with a Canadian breeze to combine into a firestorm inferno which was soon scorching it's way south across the wilderness.
For three days this fire burned south. It reached the Arkansas river and jumped it, and eventually found it's way into the panhandle of Texas.

Gen. Mitchell's message was received loud and clear. The terrorists had been terrorized and except for isolated incidents of rapine, the marauding Indians fled to the Washita region or where it was intended for them to be reservationed on the Montana and Dakotas.

This is one of the greatest triumphs of the American military and one could just imagine what liberals would screech about it today. Apparently the Dennis Means and Russell Banks crowd never researched history or they would have had Al Gore screaming about this too.

The people of the plains though had no problem with it, as the grass grew back, but the Indians had vacated their closet contacts with Americans who were just trying to farm, ranch, trade and build lives.

In this, is the solution to the terror problems Americans face. It is no longer feasible to make friends with terrorists and it is no longer feasible to slaughter American Soldiers for Obama re election wars. Therefore a cost effective way must be found to kill terrorists in sufficient numbers to make them behave in it being too costly to come after Americans.

This blog has eluded to it, and revisits a Catholic oracle in which a seer noted that in an upcoming invasion of the European heartland by Asians, that their only hope is America, who unleashes a last ditch effort of what this blog has analyzed as a sort of biological, chemical and nuclear hybrid humanicide poison which literally kills everything that crosses this threshold.

Terrorists have to travel from their hinterlands in China to get at Americans. Therefore, America should in lethal measure salt these routes with a like fire which will burn these terrorists. This can be the European type literal agent or it can be microwave stations which can radiate the travel routes and all passing through them.
The same measures would likely wipe all communications on discs and hard drives which would be the end of Dr. Zawahiri rants.

This will sound to liberals as not kinder and gentler, but warfare is not kinder and gentler when it is a vaporized New York City being a trillion dollar generational death sore upon America.
This playing with terrorists must cease, and a cost effective way of exterminating terrorists must be implemented with the first priority in keeping America safe and US Soldiers alive.

To do so otherwise is to repeat failures of Obama and re elect him to a nation with missing cities, who probably still are voting in mass for Obama in 2012.

This can be done and it is time David Patreaus stopped acting like George McClellan in his current form of basking in his pretty army and wanting to be a Bey of the West Bank. This issue must be solved completely, so America can deal with the threats of other Eurasians and attempt to undo the damage of Barack Hussein Obama while an America still exists to pick itself up on God's will.

History has proven in Gen. Mitchell that lighting a fire under terrorists makes them flee. There must be found a selective fire in modern methods to deal with this terror war and end it within a year.
The technology and ability is there to terrorize the terrorists and exterminate them. In not doing this, and continuing on in fighting for Obama's 2012 re election, the battlefield will be set with Putin's scorched earth terror war expanding next into Europe, which will drag America into a nuclear exchange with Russia and China.
This targets the areas only utilized by fugitives, criminals, smugglers and terrorists.

The Red Line Doctrine policy must be initiated to save America from the Obama Nuclear Line he has initiated.
