Thursday, April 15, 2010

To boldly go where China has gone Before

Barack Hussein Obama is pathetic.

He is a liberal female shopper announcing he is going to have a party and when you get there all you get is popcorn and kool aid.

Just weeks ago the teleprompter announced an end to America in space. There would be no Buck Rogers nor Capt. Kirk. Harrison Ford could give up his Hans Solo role on Star Wars, because America effective in the Obama regime stopped space funding.
Just moments ago, Obama at NASA, playing not Presidential music but John Phillips Sousa music announced in John Kennedy's shadow, that America in 30 years would timidly fly to Mars, circle it, and then cowardly peer at it, before returning to earth.

Goodness people, could you imagine John Kennedy making a speech like that?
David Axelrod, you have no John Kennedy, you have a Georgie Girl window shopper!

In 30 years, China and Russia will both have been to the moon and Mars. It is a given in 30 years India and Japan will have bases and mining interests on the Mars and the Moon, but Obama's outlook apparently is to have Buzz Aldren III book passage on Spacenik tourist shuttle from Peking and boldly go where China has gone before, as Obmerika's affirmative action in outer space.

I kid you not people. Obama is affirmative action in outer space in his ilk will be claiming honors like the Soviet's used to in "inventing things first" after America invented them 40 years previously.
Apparently Obama being the first tan guy in the White House is some big thing to him when blacks have been President in Africa for 200 years and American men have been President in the White House for over 200 years.

I have laid out in using my gravitational drive engine or the NASA lovelies of plasma that America could be mining the Moon and have operational terra bases on Mars in under a decade. Obama's idea of record now, unless he is mocked into changing his mind again by 80 year old white astronauts who boldly have gone where no man has gone before, is to visit places the Chicoms have already conquered.

Do you think that when Russia or China plant their flag on Mars that it will be Jamestown in rights for all?
Do you think the Chicoms will share or will it be like Tibet?

Once these Obama Marxist get anywhere in this solar system it will be flag take all just like Russia has done in the Antarctic and Antarctica.
If you have not checked, Putin was claiming Canada too not that long in the Arctic.

So this is Barack Hussein Obama affirmative action outer space adventures. No Americans allowed as Obama turned over space to communists just the way he turned General Motors over to union thugs.

To boldly go where Obama dithers, change NASA's name to Obama's Surrender Of America, OSOA....sounds like a rectal part and that is exactly what this is.

Space, the communist Frontier. These are the voyages of the Domination, it's five year mission, to conquer new worlds, to lay claim to all, to boldly flip the bird to Americans where Maoists have plundered before.
