Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To Keep and Bear

Nothing like a liberal dichotomy housed in two oxymorons.

In translation, that would be defined as Obama voters.

What is amazing is American Patriots today assembled in a national park in Virginia and marched toward the nation's capital, but stopped, because the federal District bans Constitutional rights in the Second Amendment.

To this Associated Press writers, Matthew Barakat and Nafeesa Syeed, who in past years would have kissed the ground America was and in appreciation they and their families would have changed their names to Anglo sounding in Matthew Barkley and Neil Sneed, pointed out that there somehow was an irony in the American Patriots were marching on national park land, armed, only because Barack Hussein Obama signed it recently into law.

For the record, Mr. Obama and Congress passing laws about Americans being armed in their own nation, on their own lands and having full rights to be armed on national and private lands is but another moronic Obama outlook that the federal government somehow can hand out rights about anything when they are the ones handed finite responsibilities not forever retained by the Citizens.

It is pure unConstitutional for Congress and Barack Hussein Obama to pass any law regarding firearms carry, as they have no right to interpret or infringe upon the Second Amendment.
In every way, Obama signing into law a bill about Americans being armed, is like Obama making notes on the 10 Commandment speaking for God.

Thee American Constitution is God of the land in a American Secular People. There is no higher authority and that is just the delusional audacity in this in two liberal reporters are so moronic that they think Obama signed a law for Americans to be armed in their own parks, when Americans have always has that right and it was those tyrants in government who thought they could order Americans to disarm.

The greatest slap at the Constitution was these Americans were stopped from entering their own national capital, by the same liberal Obamites who passed all the unConstitutional tyrannical dictates in the District of Columbia. That is the story in this in Americans were kept out of their own capital just like Obama kept blacks out of their own Church on Easter as he was there.

The Second Amendment covers all arms whether liberals or patrician apologists deem it otherwise. That includes full auto machine guns, cannons, missiles, nuclear warheads and any other mass destruction weapon there is.
If Americans do not believe that right is covered by all arms, then that is what the Amendment clause is about. They can add or take away anything provided the super majority states as such, but this regulation by Congress of a well regulated (meaning trained) militia is un Constitutional from the first New York Boss Tweed dictates to the 1968 Gun Control Act.

There are Constitutional rule of Law in America, and it does not make any difference what corporal authority hands out, they are wrong in touching anything which is the armed Citizen in any form.

It does not matter my personal prejudice in any weapons of mass destruction or pen knives. The Constitution prevails and it has been shredded and not adhered to by excuses for Americans who have passed unConstitutional Laws without any authority.

Of course, Obama's park law was signed by a usurper, undocumented, disqualified foreign national, so that would really put the liberals into a quandary as Obama being illegal, made a legal right legal, without any legal authority.

Tis the Age of Obama.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Moronic AP story championing infringement as a right