Sunday, April 25, 2010

X-37B what she means

"It's a bit showy ain't it Pa?"

"What this? By putting on this ostentatious display, we are probably saving some poor miscreant their lives."

John Wayne: Big Jake

As this blog exclusively noted, Barack Hussein Obama would not be dealing away the Brzezinksi Polish farm if he did not have the power in next generation technology to deal with the Russians and the Chinese. Mr. Obama though is as bad of poker player as Jimmy Carter being rattled by Ronald Reagan in a debate and blurting out, "Yeah but I canceled the B-1 because we got the Stealth bomber", to which it saved the Soviets millions in spying and even more in man hours confirming what Carter being a moron said.

This is why Obama is "disarming" and gutting the US military, due to platforms like the X-37B or Air Force weaponized space shuttle. To explain as there is a F-35 advanced fighter coming, it is at least logical to conclude that there is a supersonic 36 floating about unconfirmed and as this is the B model, there is an A model which was either not successful or is a attack model which is not being shown to the public.

That is the danger in Obama poker in by the actions he takes, anyone can know the conversations which took place in the Oval Office concerning Robert Gates, Sec. of Treasury, the military heads, and the above black operations officers.
What is interesting is these folks actually told Obama these things, as in most cases with Democrats, the security community never even hints to liberals the toys they have as Democrats are such idiots as Mr. Obama has proven.

We know that Obama told the group that he wrote a whiz bang nuclear disarmament treaty in college to impress a rich white chic in New York and now he wanted to impress the blonde again in disarming America, but he needed Mr. Spock powers to do this.
The military unveiled the fail safes which they have and that is why the X-37B was rolled out. It is a packing crate which reveals nothing, because it is the cargo inside and repair modules which are the key to 37B.
The 37B proves the military has plug and play on it's space weapons platforms. By this in explanation, it means a simple lock, twist and removal is what major components, computers and weapons can be unplugged, replugged and ready to play by this service craft.
That is of course unless B stands for Bomber. (OK have to spread a little intrigue to the Russian riddle in this enigma blog.)

This is vastly different than the Reagan Star War years deployment after the Columbia was destroyed by a fuel tank explosion. Then the Air Force out of Vandenberg was lighting up the California skies constantly with Titan rockets lifting Star Wars platforms into orbit. Reagan gave them the green light and for over 20 years America has been advancing major weapons systems into outer space.
This is why the Chicoms and Russians started whining about this immediately when Obama took office. They want space disarmed, but all Obama has done is disarm the major deterrent seen in America, and lofted for a larger bug zapper system in orbit.
None of this is secret with Obama poker as he only acts with a high hand, and is so incapable of bluffing that everyone knows what he has in the hand.

For the record, Vladamir Putin can create missiles which can fly somersaults, but they still have to go into space, deploy and re enter over America on trajectory. In Alaska, HARP exists as an atmospheric slap electronics platform would could break up warheads or cause them to slide like a stone skipping across the water. A warhead thus bounced would literally hit in the south Atlantic. It is possible to do this in mass, and given the right harmonics of an atmospheric pressure wave, it is in layman's terms, a missile, MERV, launched in Russia, could by a HARP pressure wave drift it as it comes over the North Pole, not to America, but back to the east and literally the entire Russian launch arsenal would rain back down on Russia.

That type of interesting Walter Bishop science are not supposed to be showing up in print, but as Mr. Obama has moved this to informing the world of US capabilities are advanced beyond Tomahawk and B-2's, the Russians and Chinese know it, so the American public should realize it too.
It is why the Pentagon is not allowed to raise hell with China over it's new cruise missile aircraft carrier killer, because the brass tips it's hand in having better toys they do not want any communist knowing and the carriers are expendable in the chess game.

At least for them, this blog though has other ideas as it is fond of Soldiers great and small.

The problem of course in this is, Russia and China, will of course not use nuclear weapons on America, but will instead have Iran arm several proxy terror groups to light up New York City.
That is why one must comprehend tactics from Obama's Marxist friends in Eurasia in they know already the American systems can defeat them, but they are busy making more targets from Iran, North Korea to Venezuela to overload the American Star Wars system.

See when the children play like this, they through tactics, strategy and operations write a book on all that is going on, and if one understands the codes being spoken, it is an easy story to read, even if it is typically one dimensional.

The Russian quotes on the 37B are interesting.

If it returns to earth successfully, and the USAF has indicated it sees no reason why it should not, it will be the first autonomous launch and re-entry in US history.

The Russians know very well that this is not the first automated launch vehicle in US arsenals. Their sticky tape and information from the Clinton years, along with those sonic booms coming in over Texas have confirmed the robotics and the pilot flight control craft America possesses beyond Aurora.

Russia already carried out a similar mission over two decades ago in 1988 with their Buran space shuttle, that was during the height of the Cold War though, and times have changed, leading some to question the motives of the US Air Force, suggesting the moves take the US a step closer to the ‘weaponisation’ of space.

The Russians carried out their worthless propaganda shuttle to prove they were not adept at having people fly space planes. The Buran proved too hard for the Russians as it was easier for them to just crash Soyuz craft anywhere they landed and declare it an achievement.

This blog does not support any of this as dirty nukes keep nasty folks from mounting full scale world wars which America then plunges into by liberal idiot leadership, and in his case, an Obama starts unleashing with the Reagan platforms as the hordes must be stopped, the hordes though do not appreciate losing power, so launch weapons in any case, to which America loses a few cities and everyone loses as in 48 hours the world is breathing radioactive Eurasian Obama dust from their own missiles going off in sundry parts of that side of the planet.

John Wayne in his movie actually saved the poor miscreants, but there were some nasty Ahmadinejad types who still had to dealt with as they came at the Americans and there was always the original outlaws who never did bluff from the overt display.

Obama's policies will cause nuclear detonations. That is the ends to his means, and they are incorrect policy.

The reason the X-37B is shown is intimidation, but it like Shock and Awe is intimidating no one. One keeps and builds more advanced nuclear warheads to intimidate and shock and awe the enemy. Otherwise nuclear bombs go off Obama style.

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