Sunday, May 30, 2010

AWOL Obama

Vacation away
Vacation away
The more you near your newest crisis
The more you vacation each day

Obama only knows
The way the oil flows
He pollutes the entire gulf
By how the wind flows.......

The more you near your destination
The more you keep slip slidin' away
(no apologies to Obamist Paul Simon)

B. Hussein Obama should be impeached for neglecting the Arlington National Cemetary Ceremony.
Last year I believe it was bondage belt Muchelle pissing on the American war Hero dead, but this year Obama was too busy in going on vacation to California to do another fund raiser for Democrat Barbara Boxer.

So Obama sends old vein brain, Aaron Burr Biden, to handle those photo op dead Soldiers.

There is a reason one is entitled President in Commander in Chief. The reason is one is the civilian head of the US Military.
It is why one gets Air Force One.
It is why one gets Marine One.
It is why one gets Camp David.
It is why the Pentagon underwrites all of Obama's vacations.

Obama though quips that Soldiers are only good for photo ops.

Perhaps this impeachable offense in not honoring the American War Heroes is Obama's petty Big Beaver Policy in his mansexualness.

Recall just a few days ago when Obama returned to use the West Point cadets for another propaganda moment, and this time even the Obama bat brains were not so enthused he was there using them for photo ops again.
Obama had to change his speech as no one was applauding. Drudge noted the applause was tepid, that is what one terms is "urine warm" in the ultimate slap at an executive which no one cares to be used by any longer.

For a reality check, there is nowhere in the Constitution which says B. Hussein Obama is entitled to access to hundreds of millions of dollars in perks from the United States military.
In that, this blog would appreciate the US military reigning in the guy in the White House and simply informing him there is a terrorist war on against Muslims and the Pentagon would rather fly Predators on jet fuel than Air Force One on jet fuel.
In these times, Obama can sit in that huge mansion America provides him and if one tallies up the entire costs of it, it would save America around 1 billion dollars a year if Obama and the Obamalings would just stay inside the White House.

If that is too much for halo head, then next time Obama wants to do a fund raiser on taxpayer expense, have a Marine hand him the keys to Marine One and tell him to fly hisself to the airport.

Obama goes golfing instead of honoring the American Veterans. President Karzai has earned a great deal of leeway in this blog as he came to America, praised US Soldiers, visited the wounded and then made certain to see the Rangers off who were deploying to Afghanistan.
Hamid Karzai has been more of a President to American Soldier than absent without leave and without documentation B. Hussein Obama.
For that matter, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been more of a leader for military security in America than AWOL Obama.

Slip slidin' away from your duty
Slip slidin' away is all I see
It's Obama is AWOL
Flyin' off to fund raiser history

As Mr. Obama is always Absent Without Leave, the final suggestion to the Pentagon is, the next time they get him in Air Force One, to simply fly him to Albania, which is a rogue CIA trade base and deposit their commander in chief into one of those emptied ammo bunkers over there.
Tell Obama it is a the new European vacation and he will love it. Give him his blackberry to masturbate with and line up a flock of sheep for him to give speeches to and he will be in Obama bliss.

Look, there is a reason Obama gets 1 billion dollars in benefits a year. This is not a welfare presidency. This is a job where the person in the Oval Office has to earn it, and the first dollar and the last dollar is about honoring the United States Soldiers.
So either bill Obama for his theft of government funds, cut off his credit or depose him as this Marxist is not showing up for work and is abusing the workers.

This Obama is no executive. He is no President. He is an affirmative action welfare fraud who surrounds hisself with tax cheats.

AWOL Obama
(Vacation number.....I have lost count)

Avocado Obama
(Covert Murder Foreign Policy)