Thursday, May 13, 2010

Murder by any Name

How wonderful that the Obama backing New York Times has finally caught up with this blog in treading the line that Barack Hussein Obama has crossed the line in the targeting of American born cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki. The problem is though even the Times is once again making excuses for Obama in not calling what he is doing is murder.

Get this printed quote from an Obamaling:

In the fullest administration statement to date, Harold Koh, the State Department’s legal adviser, said in a March 24 speech the drone strikes against al Qaeda and its allies were lawful as part of the military action authorized by Congress after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, as well as under the general principle of self-defense. By those rules, he said, such targeted killing was not assassination, which is banned by executive order.

By all means, we now have the State Department handing down rules, not Justice in Eric Holder, but State in defining that hunting specific humans is not assassination, but is "targeted killing", because it was part of military action.
I guess John Wilkes Boothe being a Confederate didn't assassinate Abraham Lincoln then either nor did Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate John Kennedy as he too was part of a paramilitary group.

I desire to explain something perfectly clear here. I did not start handing American Constitutional Rights to terrorists. Mr. Obama and his regime inked that deal. Mr. Obama demanded terrorists be arrested, but he has unleashed Predator strikes non stop for a year now, and in a police action, if the Police were doing this in America, it would be an act of homicide as those are the rules Mr. Obama set in executive order.

This blog fully supported George W. Bush in his assassination policy of ALL terrorists. Mr. Bush did not pick and choose which terrorists were given American Rights and which were assassinated. Mr. Bush executed the entire bunch any way that was called for.

See this is a matter of terms which are legal. The Times does not like most folks even comprehend that to "kill" is legal, but they confuse the term with "murder" which is illegal. Soldiers kill, hunters kill, vegetarians kill, Citizens kill to protect their home and property.

Murderers steal life they have no legal right to take.

When B. Hussein Obama handed out his first American Constitutional Right to one terrorist. Legally every terrorist at war with America was afforded those rights. Mr. Obama can not pick and choose which terrorist are afforded rights and which are not.
When Mr. Obama begins that path, he is involved in murder, because it is then his violating the rights of one terrorist against the rights he handed out to other terrorists like Nidal Hasan.

This is what the vast problem in this which has degraded to in Mr. Obama inking murder policy, because Mr. al-Awlaki is an American by birth and not British expiration as Mr. Obama claims for hisself. This Muslim cleric has defined American rights which have been amplified legally by Janet Napolitano, Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder. There is now precedent in this that it is illegal to target any American or foreigner by Predators, because Faisal Shahzad and Nidal Hasan were provided full American rights as terrorists in being Pakistani and in being American.

George W. Bush was conducting this correctly and certainly could have assassinated Mr. al-Alwaki on the proof of his connections to terror. Barack Hussein Obama though in handing out liberal rights to terrorists can not execute anyone. In fact, when Eric Holder and Barack Obama stated in public that KSM was going to be a sham trial in New York where the US Courts were just going to end KSM's life, they told the world the US Courts were corrupt and where no Justice was involved, but it was all legalized murder.
Only this blog covered this and only this blog noted the degradation which Mr. Obama had plunged American Justice to.

This is now becoming worse as the Obama regime is attempting to not just murder an American cleric, but they are looking for Congress to pass a law so Obama will have carte blanche to murder Americans he puts onto an Obama list.


Representative John F. Tierney, who on April 28 held the first Congressional hearing focused on the lawfulness of targeted killing, said he was determined to air the contentious questions publicly and possibly seek legislation to govern such operations.

I will remind readers that Mr. Obama currently has over 11 million Americans on some sort of no fly lists to his targeting Christians, Tea Partiers, Patriots and Veterans.
What happens when Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, the US Supreme Court and Republicans appear on Obama's lists and Predators start murdering Americans legally inside these United States, because Democrats vote Obama the power to murder Citizens?

Vicki Divol, a former CIA Attorney who now teaches at the Naval Academy has it absolutely correct in Congress will protect this clerics phone calls with a warrant, but Mr. Obama can put him on a list and blow him up without Congress protecting his life.
There is a thing Mr. Obama has been shredding in the Constitution which protects all Citizens lives, and Mr. Obama has written his own executive orders violating it by murdering who he picks and choose and providing American Rights to foreign terrorists.

The problem in this is Barack Hussein Obama and it is compounded in his violations in inking murder of people is a violation of that Constitution for which he should not be just impeached, but immediately removed from office under arrest for hundreds of counts of homicide.

This is now reaching international criminal conduct as Mr. Obama has been attempting to murder this cleric, and now Mr. Obama has incorporated the British SAS to assassinate this Muslim in Yemen.
There are rules for civilians, rules for warriors and rules for terrorists in a Bush43 form of Government. Mr. Obama has given all groups the same rules of civilian rights, so therefore he can not legally violate their rights whether they are in Yemen or in Detroit. Obama can not just go in and shoot or blow up Muslims or anyone just because he puts them onto a list due to Obama's mandates of operations.

There would be absolutely no problem if this was a military war on terror, but Mr. Obama has erased and ended that. This is now an American Rights held by all Obama action where he can not pick and choose who lives, who has sham trials to be murdered after or to be murdered by Predators.

Mr. Obama has violated United States Laws and is violating United States Laws. He should be indicted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. That is according to his own executive orders running into thee United States Constitution.
This is once again Obama naivety in Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky policy, heralded by Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, Val-erie Jarrett, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta and Eric Holder, as they have promoted "legalized murder"as this regime's policy.

Mr. Obama can not undo his policy as it is precedent. The coming President of these United States can indeed undo Mr. Obama policy in 2013 upon taking office, the US Courts in arresting Mr. Obama or in filing findings can stop Mr. Obama, but Congress can not pass a law stopping Mr. Obama, because there is already a Constitution providing those protections, and that idiot David Bryer with his liberal ilk on the High Court were finding terrorists has American Rights.

When any person with American Rights, not in the act of a violent crime, even on foreign soil as this cleric or the terrorists in the Middle East are, and they are shot or blown up for being on an Obama list, it is not an act of war, it is not an act of killing, but it is an act of murder.
That is what the Law states.

B. Hussein Obama in putting American Anwar al-Awlaki or any terrorist on a death list is guilty of a federal felony in conspiracy to commit murder.

Where does it all stop in the liberals for Obama are now sqeemish about this "rights thing"? Obama has executive orders to shoot down Rush Limbaugh's plane over the Caribbean? Does this include Polonium 210 for Sean Hannity's coffee?
Just where does this all end in liberal damnedable murderous policy?

You idiot Obama voters just admit you were deluded, your policies are corrupt and that your Obama is a criminal, and then start fixing this by making this a war on terror again, and telling Obama the only thing he can kill for the rest of his term are weeds in Muchelle's toxic garden.


Murder by any Name