Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Obama Stops Here

Well leave it to B. Hussein Obama to finally find a scapegoat for his deliberate ditherings over the Gulf Oil Fartification Incident. Yes, Birdie has now blamed not hisself, not hisself choices in Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and not David Rockefeller, but Obama's choice in goats is Chris Oynes.

In other words, Obama found a way to blame this on George W. Bush.

Yes Chris Oynes was promoted to the Interior post of suck up to oil in 2007 by President Bush. It gets better though as Oynes has been on the job for 12 years, and in that math that takes him back to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Yes children, B. Hussein Obama has hit political pay dirt in this one in he not only gets to blame George W. Bush without saying his name, but Obama gets to blame his 2012 rival and payback Bill Clinton for his Goldman Sachs conspiracy remarks in nailing Oynes to the wall.


Chris Oynes, who oversaw oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico for 12 years before being promoted in 2007 to associate director for offshore energy and minerals management, informed colleagues in an e-mail that he will step down. He has come under fire from former MMS officials for being too close to the industry he regulated.

That is really a juicy tidbit in the Washington Post smear job by Juliet Eilperin Obama as I have not heard on thing in the news, not one thing from pundits and not one thing in blogs which states how far Chris Oynes was crawled up the oil shaft of big oil.
In translation, this means that Chris Oynes like Gerald Walpin had a little character assassination going on from inside Obama Inc. as they shuffled through the cards to see who to blame for this Obama created disaster.

Now mark this in all the terrorist attacks inside America for over a year under Obama. Has Naps Napolitano been fired? Eric Holder? James Jones?
Nope not one Obamite has lost their job for Fort Hood or for Condom bombers, but Obama found in oil someone to smear, pressure and force out.

No one has been fired, impeached or brought to trial for Obama massacres in Afghanistan, but sure as the oil slick flows here comes judge, jury and executioner Obama to nuke an American in Chris Oynes.

Wow perhaps this is a trend in judge, jury and executioner Obama is dishing out death in Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan.......and here is judge jury and executioner Obama doing the strike on Chris Oyen.

This does get interesting now if one wonders if Obama sent in Predators in a fly by of the Oynes home? Are there lurking Johnny Islam thugs pointing their fire sticks at Mr. Oynes all to intimidate him?
Did B. Hussein Obama put a camel head in Mr. Oynes bed?

All of these telling events in the ruination of a person's career over an Obama event which was staged. There is no way that all those safety valves quit working at the same time.
There is no way that BP did not know this was a high pressure natural gas well.
There is no way that no one did not know that if you put a tanker load of gas around an oil platform that it would not explode.

We know this, because there has been nothing but lies from Obama fartification in this story from dithering to lying.
Lest we forget the big first lie in this was methane ice which melted because concrete got hot and lifted tons of water up a pipe........

I have no idea who Chris Oynes is, but I know he is being ruined for something which was nefarious from inside the Obama regime in staging this oil event.

Obama is the one who should be sending out blackberry emails saying he is retiring as the buck stops with him. These are his people, his dithering, his manufactured crisis and it is all aimed at stopping the exploration of American oil for Obama's Muslim oil mafia.


Farty oil scapegoats