Friday, May 28, 2010

Tar balls Obama

obama confronts his tar ball phobia

Well criminal B. Hussein Obama went to Louisiana and crossed a police line breaking the law again in doing so, but more importantly Obama looked even more gay in confronting his tar ball phobia in confronting a tar ball.

The mansexual Obama would not touch that ishy blackness, which is probably an early childhood phobia by tan Obama in only surrounding hisself with tan Jarrett's and tan Holders, and a wife who spent all of 2009 trying to look white.

From the looks of the pristine tan beach Obama strolled onto with his brand new ghetto action safari boots and some Obama dude who has his pants tucked into his socks, like some plus fours throwback to 1900's England, I have doubts if this tar ball was really washed up on shore, or if Obama flew the thing in for a photo op from another beach as Muchelle told him not to get muck on his new shoes and not to get his hands dirty.

Now wouldn't a normal guy not need to have a Parish President Gal explain to Obama what a tar ball is? Wouldn't you just know a tar ball like you know Raquel Welch is still a chic?
Obama though needs a blonde to bend down as he keeps his distance from the tar ball in a photo op to act like he is engaged.

Wouldn't a real man like to have a nice greasy, smoothe, slippery hot black thang in your hands, rubbing it around all over? I mean why marry Muchelle if you don't like hot greasy thangs slippery in your hands.

Obama really needs to come out of his shell. He barely blows into Orleans for three hours. You can't even get a good lap dance and some fried rice down with that. The way I see Obama's time schedule, his time was spent eating lunch, have a dump and nap. That leaves about 20 minutes for visiting with Admiral Dictator.

That is the thing in this if you have ever been around a real President in Obama could have flown in his Marine helo's and been on a real oil slick in under 45 minutes, but Obama didn't.

For example when that Minnesota bridge collapsed, President Bush flew in Air Force One, but also brought in a fleet of helo's to transport him onto site. The fleet was for terror security reasons and it was quite exhilarating to once again see an air cav flight, even if it was not war.

So Obama chose a fraud photo op, as he didn't want to be bothered with the Gulf Coast. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and Texas could suck tar balls, and for that matter so could Bobby Jindahl the GOP Governor of Louisiana as Obama barely acknowledged him.
I sincerely hope Jindahl gets the message to stop trying to be like Barack as he was counselling in 2009.

Psychologically maybe Obama is a wounded animal in his fleeing back to Chicago, as that is what animals do when protected. He only sees Hawaii as an abandonment stopover and New York as a first date, so when Obama gets bad press, he flees to his Chicago den of thieves to do whatever Obama's do with domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers.

He sold his mansion bought by Saddam's bag man banker named Auchi, so I kind of wonder where he goes to wash the tar balls off when in the Windy City?
Does he stay at the hotel where he had sex with Lawrence Sinclair? Does he bunk up at Donald Young's old apartment where he was having sex?

I do though have it on good authority that Obama will attend a play which David Axelrod has already been to, entitled, The Good Negro.

No I don't have to make up satire like this as the question is, "Did Axelrod attend it to know what one is compared to the tan guy he is working for, and, as David Remnick stated in his book a Bridge to Obama, that Obama read a book to learn how to be black, is criminal B. Hussein Obama, attending the play to learn how to be a good negro now that there are calls for the FBI to investigate him?"

Tar balls, maybe that should be Obama's new nickname. It fits him as he just kind of washed up on an American beach, is slimy, ruins wherever he goes, and America just can't get rid of him even when yellow police lines go up.

The good Negro with tar balls. Who said Memorial Day Weekend wasn't something to remember.
