Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ugly is a Ugly does

In case you missed it, this blog is most pleased to alert all readers to the poignant historical moments in Mrs. Ed's, aka, Muchelle Rob the Treasuryson Obama's, latest foray into fiction and sexualization of children.

Never to leave a too good thing alone, Mrs. Obama with pony cut hairdo mane, pranced her hippy self onto the stage, exposing those timber thighs to groups of children, once again wearing her trademark blood camouflage. Mind you, this was not an entire ensemble, but just a skirt as Mrs. Ed apparently braless was trying to make the role of Cougar pedophile as her kitty lustre has apparently lost it's shine on the Big O, the Zero, Mr. Halo Head, yes Hisself, the Noted One, the Epitome, the Bearick with his oil slick derrick, Mr. Monkey Pants, Birdie, Junior Obama.

This blog so desires that Mrs. Obama was black, for if she were she would have a beautiful skin tone at least, but instead she has this sickly, sooty, ashen grey color to her skin all the time. For those who do not know nor have never prowled around the jungles or plains of Africa, there is a fashion there among the Dinka, a warlike tribe of the northern Nile region to rub their skin with wood ash. It looks horrid, but some blacks apparently think it looks sexy.

Muchelle apparently saw a photo in National Geographic and thought it was new Paris makeup as she must build a cozy fire for her and Bobama the dog, and afterwards the White House maid is told, "Oh Pansey, please don't take out the ashes as them is my new makeup and I have to roll around in them for a spell", and in dives Michelle in Dinka sexiness, which somehow agains loses it's appeal on the creature side of Mrs. Ed.

It appears the Letterman cocktail crowd thinks saggy boobs and big ass thighs is just the pedophile thing to do to arouse White House staff children. Pour it all into Muchelle's blood camouflage and it is probably the reason Faisal Shahzad went terror happy as who wouldn't go Islamic nuts in wanting to get some of that Muchelle in showin' off your johnsonness in a New York bombin'.
Hey if Mike Bloomberg of New York can blame this on Tea Partiers, it is just as knee jerk to say that Faisal got all jiggy over Muchelle lookin' so terror cloth sexy.

Muchelle Obama the terrorist motivation and inspiration. Who needs 70 virgins in paradise when the real prize is waggin' the dog for Mrs. Ed in her camo pattern arousal.

Leaving braless Michelle alone for a bit as she entices children, the second feature in this is the Danbury Mint has issued it's place collection of First Lady of Elegance, aka Mrs. Ed.
In reviewing the photos they have embossed or Obamabossed onto that plate, I concluded looking at Muchelle is like 3D in you want to vomit at times.

This woman is constantly in ghetto vomit green. She looks like a 1960's Supreme ad for the Ed Sullivan Show. She has more bling on her than a water buffalo in Indonesia hooked to the plough, and the thought, whether a lesbian butch or soddenite, to a human male kissing that woman is enough to make one cringe.

There are 4 definitions of elegance:

Refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style

There is nothing refined, tasteful in Mrs. Ed's behavior or style. She reminds me of a monkey in a banana bin taking a bite out of every fruit and then puking it all up.

Suggesting taste, ease, and wealth

No suggestions at all that Muchelle has any taste, ease in being comfortable in her own skin and as for wealth, she reminds one of Minnie Pearl wearing her price tags on apparel she purchased.

Of seemingly effortless beauty in form or proportion

If effortless is squeezing a size 15 into size 8 dresses, I guess Darlin' Clementine is that form of boxes on her massive feet and a butt which one sees pulling the Budweiser beer wagon.

Refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court

Oh my, Danbury liberals are hinting Muchelle is a Queen. Well her gargantuan hulk is imposing in manner and appearance in blotting out the sun, but this blog deems Barack as the only Queen in the Obama court.

As this blog noted in 2009, Muchelle Obama was out in her garden with low cut tops, showing her cleavage off to children. That was questionably lewd for 8 year old Muchelle. Seeing in 2010 her on the cougar prowl for minors, one notes that Muchelle O is a closet pervert prancing out on occasion.
That blood camo outfit is something a neighborhood tramp wears to the tennis club to commit adultery. It is nothing that any moral person would ever wear around children, and certainly not as First Lady of these United States.
She can't even match her red orange satin top with with a pink rose muslin skirt.

Maybe Muchelle Obama is color blind, if she is that is the only color blind this racist woman is, as she plays the black race card as their poll numbers plunge and runs to white folks when the good times are rollin' with hauling in the Hispanics for entertainment.

If life is like a box of chocolates according to Forrest Gump, Michelle Obama is that box with nothing but those awful orange nougats, leaking covered cherries and one finds mouse droppings on the second layer after you have sampled the top with those little rodent bite marks that you passed off in politeness as postal wear and tear.
