Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chris Matthews Tingles Again

Chris Matthews has been stalking Sarah Palin, along with numbers of other Ladies on the right and the proof is a propaganda program which NBC will broadcast and which he was discussing on the Charlie Rose program.

In translating this, these patricians are really concerned about these American Ladies in their abilities. This group destroyed the Christian Right and the Reagan Conservatives, so this provides some idea in just how dangerous these Ladies are being led by Sarah Palin.

Matthews revealed these Americans are coordinating, doing workshops on activism and what he said about Sarah Palin should make Jeff Rense who bit on the Palin is not intelligent propaganda take notice.
What Matthews related is that he has profiled her along with the patrician establishment down to dissecting her speeches.

Chris Matthews literally in his way was stating that Sarah Palin is an equal communicator than Ronald Reagan and she surpasses B. Hussein Obama in ability to move an audience.

Matthews way of putting it was negative, but his synopsis profile was that Sarah Palin in her sarcasm, cadence and ability to interact with a crowd of Americans was capable of taking that crowd to a higher level of anger than they were before she started speaking.
Anger is what Ronald Reagan utilized, but it was instead known as Patriotism, Love of America, Defending these United States, as "Americans are the solution and Obama is the problem".

This is a remarkable admonition in how concerned these patricians are about right wing Ladies in they have now produced an entire program on them to "alert" the Obamites about these shrewd American's abilities.
Literally, Chris Matthews and his crew are sitting there looping reals of video of Sarah Palin, taking it apart in microsecond pauses to facial expressions and the wordcraft construction of sentences.

Matthews is ludicrous in his "anger", because if one has ever been in a Tea Party event, Palin appearance or a book signing, that there is no anger before, during or after Sarah Palin speaking. These people are smiling, full of glee and determined to take back America from this Marxist patrician left.

We knew by the Letterman cocktail crowd attacks on Sarah Palin, that these folks knew she was dangerous to their agenda. We now know from Chris Matthews that these folks were smearing her as "unintelligent", that they knew very well Sarah Palin is brilliant and have been trying to paint her otherwise to try and slow her down.
Matthews has now revealed what this blog has been stating since 2008 in how adept, gifted and brilliant this American Lady is. One does not invest this much time in Conservative Ladies to subtle smear them, unless the liberal knows the immense threat they are in talent and ability.

Why do you think Jon Stewart had Tim Pawlenty on that unfunny Daily Show? It is because the liberal misogynists are desperate to put any alternative to Sarah Palin on the ticket to try and slow her down by building up straw men.
I in not any way have anything against Tim Pawlenty as I know his service well, but the signs are all there and I fully expect Chris Matthews to manufacture not a Tim Pawlenty, but perhaps Charlie Crist as the face of the GOP to battle it out with that rogue Sarah Palin.

I could not be more secure in knowing these Conservative Ladies are out there sending out shockwaves which Chris Matthews is revealing you do not invest time in knocking down a non threat, but you knock Americans down who are the Citizens who will be the next Ronald Reagan.

This is Sarah Palin's vindication by Chris Matthews, that she is an American Lady who is brilliant, capable and these Ladies are scaring these woman haters on the left.

Sarah Palin is brilliant. Chris Matthews just proved it. The only person who has been targeted this much in America is Ronald Reagan. We all know by God's Grace what he accomplished in being "that stupid cowboy".

Sarah Palin is capable of all that and more.


Tingled Matthews

Tangled Matthews