Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Off the cliff Too

"....and the Lord said, shall I hide from My servant that I will destroy Sodom?

and Sean Hannity said, Oh no! Elton John is playing Rush's wedding tonight!"

The soiling of Lot at Soddom was a happening of mingling with the affluent compared to Abraham as the shepherd keeping watch over his flocks upon the hills.
As St. Paul said, one must always be aware of your actions so as to not offend those weak in faith.

I am picking at Sean Hannity as I reviewed his statements on attending Rush Limbaugh's wedding and exclaimed, "Yes but Elton John was playing it".

Elton John has made as reprehensible statements about Americans as Helen Thomas made about Jews. That is a fact including his remarks about Jesus being a super intelligent gay man.

This is the gay man
who Rush Limbaugh booked for his wedding. Sean Hannity was there, along with 400 of the top right wingers.

Rush Limbaugh has a responsibility in not advocating a persona that just because Elton John is a great entertainer, that Mr. John makes reprehensible and disgusting remarks, all to back his choice of being defined as as sex act.

I sincerely hope that Sir Elton gets his life together before he has to face Jesus the Christ in judgment, as all same sex, adultery and fornication is rebellion according to God's Laws. The reason is if you can not control your body, then you are not growing God's Spirit in your soul.
Now you are not going to see Rush Limbaugh featured on Newsbusters by Noel Sheppard who likes shepparding twice processed stories in plagiarism exposing Helen Thomas, but will not bust Rush Limbaugh and all of the attendees Mr. Obama just tar balled and Obama feathered.

The left was only interested in how Elton John could taint hisself by playing Rush's wedding. We know that Sir Elton will sell himself for a million dollars, and we know that Rush Limbaugh will not be offended by someone who said Jesus, thee Son of God was shoving a penis up gay men's rectums, masturbating their erections and sucking on them.

That sounds like Sarah Palin's little girls being raped and impregnated in disgusting and is, but somehow I miss the Letterman joke and I still wonder about the Limbaugh punchline worth $1 million.

I wonder about God's money in the accounting. Rush gets to explain how he enabled Elton John with that money honest Conservative Christians supported him with for a greater good. I wonder about how the line Sean Hannity will not cross is the Elton John excuse when it is Rush Limbaugh exposing the entire Conservative movement to debauchery.

A suitcase full of viagra, going deaf from doing so much dope and Elton John sodomy, all sound more like a Barack Obama first date night with Lawrence Sinclair. Yet this is Rush Limbaugh and all his giggling enablers.

Odd how none of them stood up and said this was wrong.

Read a real Bible, do that Word and separate yourself out.

Just because Rush Limbaugh jumps off the cliff, doesn't mean all you children jump off the cliff too.

agtG 306 +Y